Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 940: Provoking Long Mo and robbing treasures


The terrifying aura rushed out, and the Xingdou on this side was about to collapse. Facing such a scene, the fear in the hearts of all beings was already difficult to add.

Some monks with weak Taoism, before they rushed to the center of the storm, were directly shaken into blood mist by the violent coercion.

The violent energy rhyme came in waves, and this side of the galaxy was about to be destroyed. All sentient beings felt that kind of power, and energy rhyme was very domineering.

It is really not an easy thing for them to fight against it. If they are not careful, they will be destroyed directly.

Under such circumstances, all living beings would not dare to be too careless.

They all want to live, especially in this situation, if there is really any danger, it is estimated that there is only a dead end.

"The Thirteen Arrows of Yuan Fu."

Yan Chengfeng also wanted to take that piece of the Heaven-Opening God Stone as his own, so he didn't show mercy, and directly used the 13th Yuanfu Arrow.

With the cooperation of the Heaven-shattering Sun-shooting Divine Bow, the power of Yuan Fu's thirteen arrows has reached a higher level. When such a peerless fierceness falls, it can destroy almost everything, and the entire boundless world is about to collapse.

No one dared to be careless, especially in this situation, if they rashly set foot in the center of the storm, they would surely die.


For a time, in this territory, there were strong breaths bursting everywhere, those creatures fell one after another, and the scene of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood looked very scary.

That kind of coercion is coming, and it can tear apart almost everything. All sentient beings face this kind of situation. a fallen.

After all, even if they really have the means to penetrate the sky, under such peerless pressure, there is only one dead end.

There are too many invincibles here. The means of those invincibles are sky-high, and they can destroy everything with a snap of their fingers. If they want to survive, the only thing they can do is to retreat to a safe area as much as possible.

If you want to compete with these invincibles to open the Heavenly God Stone, it is simply a matter of hanging Shouxing Gong, which is too long.

That piece of Heaven-Opening God Stone is not something that everyone can control.

Yan Chengfeng's attack was very terrifying. The wisps of fierceness rushed out frantically, and the entire endless star was about to be shattered. Facing such a scene, all sentient beings had a headache.

They didn't dare to provoke Yan Chengfeng at all, those creatures who wanted to compete with Yan Chengfeng eventually became a corpse.

They are not Yan Chengfeng's opponents at all, Yan Chengfeng's combat power is monstrous, these people want to compete with him, it is simply wishful thinking.

He also never took these people to heart, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.

"Get out of here!"

Suddenly, one after another terrifying fierceness descended from the sky, and such a peerless killing seemed too terrifying, as if it could tear everything apart in an instant.

The boundless sky on this side, the mountains and rivers are in ruins, and hideous cracks can be seen everywhere. Seeing such a scene, countless monks are shocked.

At this moment, they only have one idea, that is to escape from this place as soon as possible.

It's just that the other party obviously won't give them this chance.

For a time, a large number of creatures were beheaded, and those creatures were completely unstoppable, and they were instantly destroyed and turned into powder.

It was the powerhouse of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land who shot, and the person who shot it was Long Mo of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land. He was known as the world's No. 1 Qi cultivator. His overall strength was quite terrifying, and he was simply not something that ordinary people could match.

Those delusional existences that competed with him have finally become his dead souls. For a time, there are many fallen creatures in this territory.

Such peerless ferocity is simply not something that ordinary people can contend with.

In such a situation, the only thing that sentient beings can do is to retreat. Only when they retreat to a safe area can they have a chance to survive.

If you rush to deal with it, you will really suffer.

In many situations these days, it is impossible to be careless.

"Yan Chengfeng, your strength is quite good, but if you want to **** this piece of Heaven-Opening God Stone with this seat, then you are too immature."

Long Mo stood in the air, his expression was indifferent, and his heart was full of confidence. He was determined to win this piece of Heaven-Opening God Stone, and no one could stop him.

Those creatures who delusionally compete with him will eventually die. Anyone who wants to be his enemy will have to die.

The majesty of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land does not allow anyone to provoke, and similarly, his majesty is not something that anyone can provoke.

If these young ants want to compete with him, there is only one way to go, and he will never show mercy.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm, he was very calm, and he didn't take Long Mo's threat to heart at all. Such a threat would have no effect on him at all.

These people all want to defeat the enemy without fighting, so how is that possible.

"You are known as the No. 1 Qi Refiner in the world. I really want to see how terrifying your methods can be."

When he met a master, he naturally didn't want to miss it. Yan Chengfeng also wanted to try it. How terrifying the strength of this Long Mo was.

If it is just a paper tiger, then he will definitely not show mercy.

Those who stand in the way are killed without mercy.

Anyone who wants to be his enemy must die, and he will never show mercy.

"Ignorant ants, since you want to die, then this seat will fulfill you today, so that you can know how miserable it is for offending this seat."

Long Mo was already angry, even if Yan Chengfeng was the leader of the younger generation, he couldn't be so disrespectful.

If he dared to provoke him, he would definitely not show mercy, and he would definitely go all out to kill Yan Chengfeng.

So that all the creatures in the world know how miserable it will be if he offends him.

Not anyone can provoke him. If you want to become an enemy of him, you must be prepared to fall.

"Yi, you have successfully angered this seat. Today, you are bound to die, and no one can save you."

Long Mo's expression is indifferent, and his heart is full of anger. At this moment, he just wants to kill Yan Chengfeng completely, but he is just a clown who jumps on the beam, and he even wants to be his enemy, which is really ridiculous!


Long Mo was already angry, he quickly shot and killed Yan Chengfeng fiercely, he wanted to destroy Yan Chengfeng directly.

Like this kind of ants that don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, they can be destroyed at the click of a finger, and they don't need to use all their strength...

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