Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 939: The invitation is sent, all beings are confused

All living beings know very well that the creatures of the Nangong family who rashly set foot on this territory will definitely not be full. Perhaps, this time, a big event really happened.

No one knows what exactly happened.

No matter what kind of changes there will be in the end, you must be cautious, otherwise, the ending will definitely be miserable.

In such a situation, everyone was quite helpless.


The sound of beating drums in the sky resounded in bursts, and there was a terrifying aura that was still surging frantically, and that coercion was too tyrannical.

If the monk with weak Taoism is affected, it will definitely be a dead end.

In such a situation, sentient beings do not dare to be careless, and can only deal with it slowly, otherwise, if there is any danger, there may only be a dead end.


Suddenly, some red invitations were thrown from the hands of those creatures, and some invincibles with all the means got the invitations.

Sentient beings are completely trapped, and they don't even know what the situation is.

Encountering such a thing, sentient beings are also quite a headache, and there are thousands of doubts in their hearts, and no one can explain them.

"This is……"

Yan Chengfeng naturally also received the invitation. His sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart was full of doubts.

No one knows what kind of magic the invitations sent by these creatures have, and in the current situation, all sentient beings are quite helpless.

No matter what happens next, now that this is the case, there is no choice.

Be sure to deal with everything as soon as possible, otherwise, the problem will only become more and more troublesome.

Such an ending is definitely not what they want to see.

"The eighth day of the next month will be the birthday of the old man of the Nangong family. If you have received invitations, you must rush over."

Those creatures looked indifferent and said, "If anyone doesn't go, don't blame the Nangong family for being cruel."

Hearing these words, everyone was stunned, and they didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd of the Nangong family. After all, even if this was a birthday invitation, it didn't force others to go there!

Everyone agrees that nothing good will happen on this birthday.

The souls of the Nangong family did not delay here. After they sent the invitation, they naturally had to leave.

Especially in this state, no matter what happens next, it has nothing to do with their Nangong family.

Seeing the souls of the Nangong family leave one after another, the creatures around were very headaches, they were completely unclear, what kind of drama this Nangong family was singing.

"Sister Ruolan, this Nangong family seems a little weird!"

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, and he said, "I ran over thousands of miles to send invitations, isn't this a big deal, is there any conspiracy behind this?"

I really don't blame Yan Chengfeng for being careless. After all, it's an eventful time, and there are many things that can't be explained in a few words.

So, you have to be as careful as possible.

If there is a real danger, it will suffer.

No matter what, you must deal with it carefully. After all, there is no loss at all with care, and you don't need to care too much.


Lian Ruolan also shook her head helplessly and said, "The matter of the Nangong family is also relatively complicated. It is not easy at all to clarify it thoroughly."

"Anyway, it's nothing to do. Since you have an invitation in hand, you can go there when the time comes. What the Nangong family wants to do will be clear at a glance."

Anyway, there is nothing else to do now, so she has the right to take a trip, and she doesn't need to think too much, she will come after all.


At this point, Yan Chengfeng had nothing to say, and there were still many problems that had to be dealt with cautiously.

Otherwise, if there is any danger, there must be only a dead end.


The fierceness of the rhythm between the heavens and the earth is extremely terrifying, and the pressure of that one after another seems to be able to destroy everything. Deep in the heart of the earth, the aura of the Heaven-Opening God Stone is getting stronger and stronger.

All living beings can see some colorful brilliance, and that ray of brilliance is very dazzling and colorful.

"The Kaitian Divine Stone is about to be unearthed."

All beings know very well that the Heaven-Opening Divine Stone is about to be unearthed. At this time, everyone is gearing up for it. They don't want to miss this opportunity. In any case, they must find a way as soon as possible to grab the Heaven-Opening Divine Stone.

This is a kind of supreme treasure. If you can get it, then the combat power of the whole person will skyrocket.

In the current situation, you still have to be careful, otherwise, there will only be more troubles.


The ground is collapsing, and the fissures are quickly spreading far away.

All sentient beings felt the surging fierceness, and they were all gearing up for it. Such a peerless fierceness can be called terrifying, especially that piece of the Heaven-Opening God Stone.

No matter what, you must find a way to get the Heaven-Opening God Stone into your hands.


In just a moment, some creatures couldn't hold back. They quickly shot and smashed fiercely into the depths of the earth. They wanted to **** the Kaitian Divine Stone.

In this case, if you don't take the first shot, then there will definitely not be any chance to make a shot next.

In such a situation, the only thing they can do is to go all out, even if there are invincibles blocking their way, they are not afraid.

Seeing those creatures have started, the invincibles who have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth did not delay. The relationship between the opening of the gods and the gods is very important, and this is also a supreme treasure.

They will definitely not miss this opportunity, they just want to take the shot as soon as possible and completely grab the Heaven-Opening God Stone into their hands.

No matter who gets in their way, they will never take a step back.

Those who stand in the way are killed without mercy.


For a time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and all kinds of terrifying killers were rampant. The fierce power covered them, which could destroy almost everything, and the entire boundless galaxy was about to collapse and collapse.

No one dares to be careless, especially in the current situation, if something goes wrong, they will definitely fall here...

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