Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 925: Witch Jiuyou, a heartless person

All sentient beings are self-aware in such a situation.

There are countless powerhouses here. If you want to grab the inheritance of the earth from the hands of those invincibles, it is obviously a daydream, which is unrealistic.

As for the final outcome, these are not important anymore. You don't need to think too much about everything. After all, what should come will come, just go with the situation.

They have been like this all their lives, and they don't need to fight for anything anymore. Anyway, there is no way to get them.


The terrifying aura coercion swept the mountains and rivers, and in this territory, there was a blazing brilliance, and between the surging energy rhythm, everything seemed to be destroyed.

All kinds of domineering and terrifying forces swept in, and the majestic mountains were about to collapse.

No one dared to approach this place, especially in the current situation, if they rashly set foot in the center of the storm, they would definitely be hit hard.

They just want to join in the fun, they don't need to think too much, and they don't want to throw their lives here.

"Is there really a treasure here?"

At this time, an untimely voice sounded, Yan Chengfeng had already arrived here, and he didn't know much about what had happened recently.

After all, he just came back from the door of the illusory ancestor. Although only three months have passed outside, the time inside the door of the illusory ancestor is passing faster, and he has already spanned many years.

His strength has also been greatly improved, and taking advantage of this time period, he has completely controlled Ruolan's breathing method.

It can be said that even if he is facing the old ancestors of the Shen family, he will not be at a disadvantage.

If that old man still wants to be uncomfortable, then he will never show mercy, and kill those who stand in the way.

No one can stop him. He has obtained the inheritance of Xutian Fazu, the stunt of Lian Ruolan, and the thirteen arrows of Yuanfu from Granny Chu.

With such strength, he is considered a leader among the entire younger generation.

Lian Ruolan looked calm and said calmly: "The momentum here is strong, and the terrifying ominous power also contains an extremely surging vitality of life. It is not surprising that there is inheritance here."

"However, it is not so easy to get the inheritance and good fortune from here, and then retreat."

Lian Ruolan's words also made Yan Chengfeng a little surprised. After all, there are not many things and creatures that can make her care about Lian Ruolan's realm.

Lian Ruolan said so heavily, maybe there really is some invincible existence.

"Then you think I can't do it."

Yan Chengfeng is still quite confident at the moment, he is confident that there is basically no one in this world who can keep him.

His strength is terrible, this is the confidence of the invincible, no one can stop him.

All creatures do not have this ability, and naturally he will not put anyone in his eyes.

"I'm hehe."

Lian Ruolan glared at Yan Chengfeng, for this guy, she really had a headache and a little helpless, this guy is still a little crazy.

After all, this world is very big, and it is not an easy thing to get some good fortune from here.

The invincibles between this world are like countless crucian carp crossing the river. Yan Chengfeng's current combat power is indeed quite good.

However, if he really encountered those invincible existences, he would still be a little too immature.

The invincibles on the list of the heavens and the list of gods are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Now, the younger generation that Yan Chengfeng meets, there are still not many strong people.

However, this does not mean that those people will not join the WTO.

Lian Ruolan said earnestly: "You should try to keep a low profile! If you really encounter trouble, then I won't care about you."

"On this list of gods, you have only met one Chu Huang. How is Chu Huang's strength, then I don't need to tell me!"

"Existence like Chu Huang has not become a strong man on the list of the heavens. If you really meet those invincible overlords, then you will definitely die miserably."

"Have you seen the woman in white sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain over there? Do you think she is very beautiful, and it will be very good to marry her back home as a wife."

Yan Chengfeng looked in the direction Lian Ruolan pointed, and there was indeed a woman in white sitting on the top of the mountain.

Her expression was deserted, like a lotus flower on a snow-capped mountain.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at the other party and couldn't help but be moved, this woman is really beautiful.

In that kind of beauty, there is no evil spirit.

If such a woman really married her home, it would not be impossible.

However, since Lian Ruolan deliberately pointed out the other party, then this person will definitely not be a fuel-efficient lamp.

He didn't know exactly what the other party's origins were.

I can only ask Lian Ruolan. After all, Lian Ruolan has a lot of knowledge, so maybe she can really get some useful clues from her!

"Then who is this woman, you said it on purpose, she should have something special!"

Yan Chengfeng is also very curious, anyway, come to this world, take a look, there is nothing wrong with seeing it.

Lian Ruolan didn't hide it either, she said in a deep voice, "She is the witch Jiuyou, the most vicious existence in the younger generation, none of them."

"Many of the powerhouses on the list of the heavens shy away from her when they see her. This is the reason! It's just because she likes to collect human skins."

"Every time she kills a person, she will peel off the other person's skin and make a side of it."

"Of course, this is not the reason why she made everyone afraid. The thing that made her famous in the first battle was about 30 years ago. She killed 1,300 people in the Nantang Sword Tomb overnight."

"Those 1,300 people were not only skinned, but even their souls were imprisoned, and they would never be born again."

"Since then, no one has dared to provoke her, and it's not that they can't beat her. It's just that many young people, or the powerhouses of the older generation, don't want to offend such a lunatic."

"In this world, the most terrifying thing is not those invincibles, but a desperate lunatic."

"Anyway, you'd better not provoke her. She is quite beautiful, but she has no heart and doesn't understand the warmth of this world at all."

"Okay, we are still waiting quietly, this good fortune is unearthed! Those trivial matters, there is no need to pay attention..."

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