Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 924: Good night in the rivers and lakes, and good fortune

Yan Chengfeng knew very well that the Shen family in the Central Plains would definitely not give up the keys to the Heavenly Gate, but in the current situation, the only thing he could do was to do everything carefully.

If a strong man from the Shen family in the Central Plains came to you, then he would have nothing to do.

"The demon guarding the gate of the Xutian Fazu is a bit weird. Its appearance and disappearance seem to be regular."

Lian Ruolan's eyes sank, and she said, "This time, in the stagnant water of the Undead Mountain, I didn't get what I wanted."

"Next, we might as well go after the trace of that demon, maybe there is a chance to find the door of the illusory ancestor."

"Legend, the inheritance and creation left by the Xutian Fazu are in which portable world."

"If you can find it, it will be a good thing for you, and your strength will also increase greatly."

Lian Ruolan is thinking about Yan Chengfeng everywhere. At present, if she wants to improve her cultivation and strength as soon as possible, there is only one way, and that is to find another way.

During this time, it is absolutely not to be careless.

Many times, you have to be extra cautious and careful.

Otherwise, if there was a real danger, she would not be able to protect Yan Chengfeng for the rest of her life.

Besides, she also wanted Yan Chengfeng to help her do some things.

Therefore, the stronger Yan Chengfeng's strength is, the happier she is.

No matter what, you must find the door of the virtual ancestors and get the inheritance and creation inside.

The demon guarding the gate of the virtual ancestors has always appeared nearby, and there must be a chance to find the gate of the virtual ancestors.

Some things are like this, and you must not be careless, otherwise, if you really encounter trouble, you will suffer.

"If that's the case, then listen to you!"

Yan Chengfeng didn't have any opinion on such a thing. Anyway, he felt that since he had come this far, there was nothing to say.

Many problems are like this. Only after you have dealt with them seriously can you know how high your ability is.

But no matter what, since things have come to this point, they can only do their best to obey the destiny.

Anyway, he didn't bother to think too much. All things are like this.

"Since you have already discussed it, then we should also say goodbye. If we have a predestined relationship, we will meet again in the future. After all, the world is so big."

Grandma Chu was also about to leave. This time, she also had plans, and naturally it was impossible to stay with Yan Chengfeng.

Whether the inheritance of the immortal Taoism can continue forever, then we can only try our best to do everything well.

After all, she has no way to explain everything in the future.

No one can predict what will happen in the next second.

Many problems are like this, what should come will come after all, everything is just as it is.

"Then let's stop it!"

Yan Chengfeng also had nothing to say. Many times, since the retention had no effect, he was too lazy to retain it.

All the gains and losses in this world can only be left to chance.

He is too lazy to say anything, what should come will come after all, even if he tries his best, he will be disappointed in the end.

This is probably life!

There are thousands of things in the world, but there are only a few things that are really satisfying.


Grandma Chu and Chu Huang still left. They also have their own things to do, so naturally they will not delay here. No matter what the final outcome is, since some things have no choice.

The only thing they can do now is to go all out to deal with everything, otherwise, if there is any danger, it will be troublesome.

All kinds of things in the world are probably like this!

Yan Chengfeng and Lian Ruolan didn't delay, they also started their journey and set off.

They want to explore the traces of the door of the Xutian Fazu, and get the inheritance and creation of the Xutian Fazu.

As for the affairs of this world, they don't want to care about it at the moment.

For many problems, you still have to be as careful as possible, otherwise, if you really encounter trouble, you can only bear it if you lose your life in the end.

Yan Chengfeng desperately wanted to improve his cultivation, so this time, he would never take a half step back.

No matter what the price is, you must find the door of the illusory ancestors and get the inheritance and creation inside.

Only then can we be invincible.

Time flies by, spring and autumn come, sunset and moon rise.

In an instant, three months have passed.

In the Undead Mountain, there are many uninhabited areas, and there are also creatures.

In those uninhabited areas, no one dared to step half a step before. However, a lot has happened during this time.

Some strange sights in these uninhabited areas also disappeared silently.

Cultivators of all sects seized this opportunity to enter the no-man's land and explore the ancient creation.

For a time, the harvest of all sentient beings is very optimistic.

One after another, the towering mountains are towering and undulating, looking very majestic and spectacular. Those sturdy ancient trees are also swaying in the wind, and the scene is natural.

There are many creatures entering this place, and those invincibles stand between heaven and earth, all waiting for the next good fortune to be unearthed.

There are already many good things unearthed in this place, such as Soul Locking Bell, Ancient Scrolls, Wannian Peach, etc., which are all very precious.

The average person is very lucky to get the same thing.

There are many living beings who come to this place to meditate cross-legged, and they all heard that there is a supreme good fortune unearthed here, so they came early and waited.

No one wants to miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and everyone wants to get some useful creations from this place. As for what will happen in the end, no one knows.

However, since they have already come here, they have nothing to say.

All kinds of things in this world need to be handled with caution and must not be careless.

"I heard that there is a supreme inheritance here that is about to be unearthed, and I don't know if this news is reliable."

"This should be reliable! If the news is unreliable, there would not be so many invincibles sitting here."

"Yeah! I don't know if we can be so lucky this time and get one or two supreme treasures."

"Forget it! Don't do this kind of daydream anymore. With so many invincibles staying here, we can only stand in the distance and join in the fun..."

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