Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 903: It's too late to regret

In the current situation, if the creatures in the alien beast space really get the keys to the Heaven's Gate, then the entire Pure Land on Earth will fall into ruin.

Such a doomed situation is definitely not what they want to see.

The ancestor of the Shen family did not want such a thing to happen, so he would come forward to stop the creatures in the alien beast space.

It's not that he is very public and selfless, but he also wants to dominate the world and make the entire pure land of the world become an accessory of the Shen family in the Central Plains.

Now, the creatures of the alien space come out and **** the cake with him, of course he is unwilling?

These ignorant creatures, he will do everything possible to completely destroy them. Anyone who wants to be his enemy will have to pay a painful price.

These clowns who don't know how high the sky is, want to compete with the Shen family in the Central Plains, they are simply seeking their own death, and he will never show mercy.

The sentient beings don't have any feeling about the key to the gate of heaven. After all, they don't even know what the key to the gate of heaven is, and naturally they won't search for it.

As for other issues, there is no need to think too much at all.

Some problems must be cautious, otherwise, if you encounter troublesome things, it will be dangerous.

At that time, life will inevitably be paid as the price.

For many things, now there is no room for any choice, and can only be forced to deal with it.

"If you want the key to Heaven's Gate, that's absolutely impossible. If you insist on doing things in the pure land of the world, then the Shen family in the Central Plains will definitely be with you forever."

The ancestor of the Shen family stood in the air, with dazzling brilliance flowing around his body, and the momentum of the whole person became very tyrannical, and the tyrannical fierceness rushed out and swept the entire boundless mountains and rivers, tearing almost everything.

The combat power of the ancestor of the Shen family is still quite terrifying, and ordinary people would not dare to be the enemy of the ancestor of the Shen family.


The divine might surged in the sky, the black clouds were churning, and thick thunder and lightning were rampant everywhere. That kind of fierceness was too terrifying, and it was simply not something that ordinary people could contend with.

If a monk with weak Taoism sets foot here, it is estimated that he will perish in an instant, and no one can stop it.

"You Central Plains Shen family, you are digging your own grave."

The face of the ghost Buddhist monk was gloomy, and the anger in his heart could not be hidden for a long time. In any case, he would make these ignorant ants pay a painful price.

No one can stop him, the powerhouse in the alien space.

Any creature who wants to be the enemy of the alien space powerhouse must die.

He must skin and cramp all these people, and burn their bones to ashes.

"You will regret it."

The ghost, Buddhist and monk did not delay. After he gave the order, he directly took the creatures of the alien beast space and entered the depths of the undead mountain.

He wanted to find the key to open the gate of heaven, that thing was hidden in the mountain of undead.

After seeing the creatures in the alien beast space have left, all sentient beings also spit out a long sigh of relief. If these people never leave, they will really suffer.

Especially in the current situation, it must not be taken lightly.

"Then let's go too!"

At this time, Yan Chengfeng also felt that there was no need to continue to stay.

Anyway, most things are like this, and there is absolutely no need to think too much.

It is not so easy to do the whole thing well, so no matter what the broken mountains and rivers are, they need to be solved as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the ending will be tragic.

Encountered such a thing, all beings can only accept their fate.

Yan Chengfeng and Lian Ruolan had both left, so there was no need for them to stay here at all. He originally thought that there would be a good show to watch, but it turned out that he thought too much.

However, these are not important anymore, what should come will come after all.

half a month later.

Vast mountains and seas, ancient trees stand.

There are blazing radiance everywhere, and in this territory, there are all kinds of strange and strange scenes.

Yan Chengfeng and Lian Ruolan were walking in this ancient mountain forest, and they were quite surprised to see such a scene. They never thought that there is such a strange place in this undead mountain.

In this territory, the life essence contained in it is very surging, and the wisps of fierceness swept in in waves, and it felt like it was left over from ancient times.

The bursts of divine might seemed to be extremely terrifying, and ordinary creatures could not resist at all.

After Yan Chengfeng came to this place, he also felt a call from a long time ago, that kind of fierceness is indeed quite terrifying.

The violent divine power swept in, as if it could tear everything apart and swallow mountains and rivers.

"where is this place?"

Yan Chengfeng's heart was full of curiosity, and he couldn't help but ask.

The aura here is very oppressive, and the surging vitality of life is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear.

This place is very old, and I don't know when it was left.

Lian Ruolan looked calm, she was very calm, as if there was nothing in this world that could shock her.

After all, she has long been used to these things.

For some things, there really is no need to be surprised.

"This should be the legendary treasure land, the Heavenly Paradise. If you cultivate in such a place, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort."

Lian Ruolan said calmly: "Your cultivation has been elevated to the realm of the Martial God, and it has been consolidated recently."

"You can also take this opportunity to practice the method of breathing. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

In the current situation, we should not be too careless. Yan Chengfeng's situation is rather special, and he still needs to practice some life-saving means.

If something goes wrong, it may be too late to regret it.


Yan Chengfeng had been unable to hold back for a long time, so he also wanted to take this opportunity to successfully practice the method of breathing.

In that case, even if you are really in danger, you don't have to be afraid.

Yan Chengfeng did not delay, and found the most suitable and safe area to start practicing the method of breathing.

The surging life essence is rapidly pouring into his body, and the coercion is terrifying, and it is definitely not something that anyone can bear.

Lian Ruolan saw that Yan Chengfeng was cultivating, and she didn't stay here anymore. Now, she has more important things to deal with...

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