Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 902: The key to the gate of heaven, the wish of Buddhist monks

All sentient beings have high confidence in the ancestors of the Shen family in the Central Plains. These creatures from the alien beast space will definitely not get any benefits if they want to compete with the people of the Shen family in the Central Plains.

The ancestors of the Shen family in the Central Plains have already stood up, so everyone is relieved and no longer so worried.

When Yan Chengfeng saw the ancestors of the Shen family, there was not much change.

There are these monsters to watch, then all of these really don't need to be too concerned, the ones that should come will come after all, and they can't escape.

Anyway, with the current situation, it will definitely not affect him, and he is also happy to relax.

It seems like a good choice to just stay quietly on the other side and watch a good show.

There is absolutely no fear of encountering danger, and absolutely no worries.

The ghost, Buddhist monk, he is now a creature in the alien space, and he brought a large number of strong people from the alien space to the pure land of the world.

What is the purpose of his trip, no one knows.

The Central Plains Shen family came out at this time, and no one knew what the heart of the Central Plains Shen family was behind.

In such a situation, everyone is very helpless, and they don't know what to do next to ensure their own safety.

"Why do you bugs in the alien space come to the Pure Land on Earth."

The ancestor of the Shen family stood in the air and said indifferently, "If you all go back now, I can pretend that nothing happened."

"Of course, if you really think that you can take advantage of it here, then I can also give you a way out."

"For ignorant people like you, if you want to challenge the powerhouses in the Pure Land on Earth, you are simply asking for your own death."

"Therefore, I advise you that those who know the current affairs are Junjie, and don't bring yourself some unnecessary trouble."

The violent aura coercion swept the mountains and rivers, and there was a terrifying sound of drumming in the entire boundless sky.

Faced with such a situation, everyone is quite helpless. If you want to figure out the current situation, you can only wait and see how it changes.

The end of the rash shot will definitely be very miserable, and that kind of ending is definitely not what everyone wants to see.

At this point, they have no choice but to deal with it quietly.


The ghost Buddha monk's eyes were piercing, and he said indifferently: "No matter how terrifying your methods are, in the end, you will still die."

"This time, this seat will only give you one chance. Within three days, if you can't hand over the keys to the Heaven's Gate, then there must be endless torture waiting for you."

"Don't think that this seat is joking. When the real disaster or danger comes, you will know that what I said is true."

"You can also choose not to believe me, but I will definitely make you regret it."

Ghosts, Buddhists, and monks are not good things. Since they have already come this far, they have no need for any choice.

Those who stand in the way are killed without mercy.

Those monks who are unwilling to obey must die, and he will never let anyone who wants to go against his will.

For these people, the only thing he can do is to kill them without mercy.

No matter who it is, don't try to block him. He will definitely make all sentient beings pay a painful price.

"The key to Heaven's Gate."

"What is that, I've never heard of it!"

"Does anyone know what the so-called key to the gate of heaven in the mouths of ghosts, Buddhists and monks is."

"Is that kind of thing important?"

"It should be very important! After all, there are many situations now that we cannot control or understand."

"I really didn't expect that the world has already begun to be in chaos, but we still haven't found anything..."

There are many monks watching, and they are quite helpless about the current situation.

Many invincibles have appeared one after another, and they are not quite sure what those invincibles want to do.

At this moment, the only thing they can do is to go all out and do everything they can.

"The key to Heaven's Gate."

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart was full of doubts. He didn't quite understand why the creatures in the alien space also wanted the key to that day's door.

Not many people know what the key to the door of this day is used for.

However, someone always knew.

He couldn't understand that these people were trying so hard just to **** a key.

Even if that key can really open the gate of heaven, this is not the reason why all beings are fighting!

For such a phenomenon, he is completely incomprehensible.

However, there are many things that are no longer important.

Especially in the situation at this moment, no matter what the final outcome is, since we have already come here, the only thing we can do is to handle everything as best we can.

He didn't want to break his wings in a place like this.

"The key to Heaven's Gate, this is a good thing."

Lian Ruolan looked calm and said calmly: "If there is a chance, you can **** it. However, I think the probability is very small."

"Anyway, there is no need to think about it so much now. What should come will come after all. Let's go!"

There is nothing she can do about such a thing, but since certain things have become a foregone conclusion, she has nothing to say.

What should come will come eventually, no matter what time, you have to deal with it calmly and calmly.


The sound of the beating drums in the sky resounded in bursts, and the tyrannical breath swept in. The towering mountains were also trembling slightly, and the grass and trees instantly turned to powder.

The scene here is really terrifying.

All sentient beings dare not approach this place. They all know very well that if they approach this place rashly, the ending will be miserable.

After Yan Chengfeng heard Lian Ruolan's words, he moved his gaze to the upper part of the sky. Many things now seem to have exceeded the limit.

He can't do anything either, the only thing he can do is to retreat as much as possible, and absolutely can't make any mistakes.

"You want the key to Heaven's Gate."

The ancestors of the Shen family's eyes sank, and he did not expect that the creatures in the alien beast space actually became interested in Tianmen.

This is something they have never considered, and this time, there must be no mistakes.

All problems must be brought under control as soon as possible.

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