Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 865: Bijun's enmity is difficult


This is a very dangling, wonderful thing.

Many people attribute the things they cannot control to fate.

But what is destiny, no one knows at all.

Everyone can only do their best and obey the destiny, because no one can predict what will happen in the next second.

If you act rashly, in the end, there will only be endless demise, and that kind of ending is not within everyone's control.

"In the current situation, it seems that we can only go back."

At this time, Yan Chengfeng felt a little pain in his face, it was hot. That feeling is somewhat uncomfortable.

However, there is no other option now.

He did not delay here, and returned directly to the bottom of the sea.


Shen Bijun is still thinking hard, because, no matter what method she uses, it is difficult to completely open that bronze stone door.

She didn't know exactly how to open this bronze stone door.

Especially in the current situation, no one knows when the danger will come. If it is not figured out as soon as possible, it will be troublesome.

Some things really can't be explained in a few words.

However, she can't sit still, she must find a way as soon as possible to deal with the trouble in front of her.

Otherwise, if there is any danger, it will be too much of a headache.

"Why are you back, haven't you already left?"

While Shen Bijun was thinking hard, he suddenly saw Yan Chengfeng's figure. To be honest, now she doesn't have any good feelings for Yan Chengfeng at all.

This guy is not a good thing, no matter what he does, he just wants to take advantage of her.

She didn't want to pay at all, she was quite helpless for such a guy.

"I was serious just now, and I thought about it carefully. I think so! If I leave my wife here to take risks alone, then I'm really not a thing."

Yan Chengfeng came to Shen Bijun and said with a smile: "So! I'm back, I want to protect you, and naturally I won't let you take risks here alone."

"From now on, we will live and die together."

These words are of course false, anyway, from Yan Chengfeng's mouth, it is difficult to hear the truth, this guy is not a good person at all.


Shen Bijun glared at Yan Chengfeng fiercely, and complained: "I'm afraid that that strange ark has disappeared! You have no way to leave this place, and you only chose to come back under the circumstances of rags and so on. "

"To be honest, you are really fake, full of nonsense, aren't you afraid of a rotten mouth?"

"There is one more point, I must mention it to you. You dare to joke with me in the future, take advantage of nonsense, and be careful I will take care of you."

"Don't think, I don't dare to kill you, I just think it's boring to be alone, and I want to keep you alive for a while, don't challenge my patience."

"Otherwise, your end will be miserable."

She really didn't want to talk nonsense with Yan Chengfeng. This guy really gave her some headaches, but some things were inevitable.

Since fate had brought her and Yan Chengfeng together, she had no other idea. No matter what difficulties lay ahead, she would go on fearlessly.

Difficulties and dangers are just a snap of a finger.

Everything she wanted was unspoken.

Yan Chengfeng shrugged and said with a smile, "Forget it if you don't like joking, I'm not a person who likes joking anyway."

Shen Bijun really didn't want to talk to Yan Chengfeng, this guy is always so changeable, and he doesn't know which one is the real Yan Chengfeng.

Now, in many situations, there is no way out. The only way is to end these troublesome things as soon as possible, and then she can part ways with Yan Chengfeng.

If, after she and Yan Chengfeng parted ways, it is estimated that it will be difficult to see each other again for a while!

"Yan Chengfeng, I don't want to talk nonsense with you, and I don't want to listen to what you have to say. Let's get down to business!"

Many things now seem to be beyond her control, so she wants to take away the inheritance of the Land of Nine Suns.

Yan Chengfeng walked to the side and sat down, and said in a deep voice, "I really don't understand. You are the daughter-in-law of the Shen family in the Central Plains. The family business of the Shen family in the Central Plains will be yours from now on."

"There are countless inheritances of the entire Shen family in the Central Plains. Why do you have to focus on the inheritance of this land of nine suns?"

"Also, I think you're still a young child, so it shouldn't be Shen Yuanhou!"

Shen Bijun glared at Yan Chengfeng and said indifferently, "Even if the Shen family in the Central Plains has a big family business, it is still the family of the Shen family in the Central Plains. What does it have to do with me, Shen Bijun."

"Moreover, you are the daughter-in-law of the Shen family in the Central Plains. Your whole family is. The matter between me and the Shen family in the Central Plains cannot be explained clearly in a few words."

"Perhaps, in this world, no one really cares about me!"

For the Central Plains Shen family, she does not have any feelings, only the endless, never-ending hatred, she must destroy the Central Plains Shen family.

There can only be one of the Central Plains Shen family and her.

"The Shen family in the Central Plains."

Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly. He stared at Shen Bijun a few times. The hatred between Shen Bijun and the Central Plains Shen family was definitely not that simple.

Perhaps, there are still some things in the middle that cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

"You have a grudge against the Shen family in the Central Plains, then why did you become Shen Yuanhou's fiancée in a daze? Is there any transaction between the two of you?"

Yan Chengfeng has a feeling of breaking the casserole and asking to the end, after all, this matter is too complicated.


Shen Bijun's heart was full of helplessness, and she said solemnly, "I don't need you to take care of my affairs. Don't think that I don't know your thoughts."

"Don't you just want to chase me? You are so naive, it is impossible for me to like you."

"If, I find out! One day I really like you, then I will definitely kill you."

She has sworn that she will never like anyone, even if this person is very nice.

Yan Chengfeng smiled indifferently and said, "If, when you find out, you already like me, then you will probably be reluctant to kill me!"

"However, you don't have to worry too much, even if you like me, I won't like you."

Yan Chengfeng just wanted to know the grievances between Shen Bijun and the Shen family in the Central Plains. As for the woman Shen Bijun, he had no interest at all.

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