Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 864: The ark disappeared, helpless

Shen Bijun didn't want to give up, because it was really hard for her to come this way. She wanted to enter the Land of Nine Suns and explore the supreme inheritance and creation.

She didn't want to leave like this. If she left at this time, then she would be useless for the rest of her life.

She knew that if this bronze stone door was opened, it must be a life-and-death situation, but now she has no other choice at all.

In any case, we must find a way as soon as possible to take away this invincible creation, and there must be no mistakes.

Yan Chengfeng is also very aware of Shen Bijun's insistence that in this chaotic world, everyone wants to be invincible.

However, there are some things that require a heavy price, and may even cost your life.

Behind this bronze stone gate, he felt a terrifying crisis. If there was an invincible presence to accompany him, then he would not be so worried.

It's just that now there are only him and Shen Bijun. If they set foot here rashly, they may die.

"Anyway, I'm too lazy to care about you. If you want to live or die, it has nothing to do with me. I'll go first."

At this time, Yan Chengfeng had no choice. He had to leave this place as soon as possible. This place was too dangerous, and a single mistake would lead to eternal hatred.

As for Shen Bijun, he was too lazy to take care of it.

All of this was chosen by Shen Bijun himself, and had nothing to do with him. Besides, he had already persuaded Shen Bijun.

Shen Bijun couldn't listen to any good or bad words, and he had no choice.

Whether Shen Bijun can survive or not, then all this can only be done with human resources and fate.

As for other issues, you don't need to think too much about it, what should come will come after all, and you don't need to worry about it at all.

It doesn't matter what the final outcome is, what should come will come eventually, and it is very difficult to escape.

Yan Chengfeng was about to leave. He didn't want to accompany Shen Bijun to die. He knew that there was a dead end ahead, and he kept rushing forward. That was the most stupid way.

He must leave. There is a saying that it is good to stay with the green hills and not be afraid of running out of firewood.

If you die at this time, you can no longer continue to appreciate the beauty of the world.

In any case, he will not lose his life here. He wants to leave. Some things are really not clear in a few words.

I also don't want to stay and wait to die with Shen Bijun.

After all, since he and Shen Bijun had no relationship or reason, there was no need to stop and wait for death.

Now, leaving is the best option.

As for what he regretted the most, he didn't quite know.


Knowing that Yan Chengfeng wanted to leave, Shen Bijun's eyes sank. To be honest, she didn't want Yan Chengfeng to leave. After all, if one more person was with her, then she would have more courage.

Moreover, the two sides also have to take care of.

She didn't expect that Yan Chengfeng was so untrustworthy that she would choose to leave directly. She really misunderstood Yan Chengfeng.

Unexpectedly, this guy has no gentlemanly demeanor at all.

She was also very helpless when she met such a guy.

"You said you liked me before. Is your liking so plain? You really answered that sentence. The husband and wife are birds of the same forest, and they will fly separately when disaster strikes."

Shen Bijun glanced at Yan Chengfeng indifferently, and said solemnly: "Since you want to leave, then leave quickly! Anyway, without you, I can enter the Land of Nine Suns."

"Without you alone, I can also get some good opportunities."

Yan Chengfeng left as soon as she wanted, she would never open her mouth to pray for Yan Chengfeng to stay, because she felt that there was no need at all.

She's just a jumping clown, she doesn't care if she wants to leave.

"I'm leaving."

Yan Chengfeng didn't bother to care, what would this Shen Bijun think about him, anyway, those are not important anymore, being able to survive is the best outcome, the rest are minor issues, and there is absolutely no need to care about them.

As for other things, he didn't bother to care.

He intends to go to other places to explore the supreme opportunity and fortune.

This place is too dangerous, and if something goes wrong, it will definitely cost lives. Besides, Shen Bijun had a bad heart.

Following Shen Bijun's words, it's definitely not the best choice. As for the rest, you don't need to care too much, everything is just a small problem.

Yan Chengfeng didn't delay in this place either, he just wanted to leave as soon as possible, how could he stay here.

There is no point in continuing to stay here, it is better to leave first.


Shen Bijun looked at Yan Chengfeng and left immediately. She was very annoyed. It was such a guy, who was greedy for life and feared death, and kept talking about her watermelon.

As a result, once you encounter a dangerous thing, turn around and leave. Such a love is too cheap!

She really doesn't want to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng anymore. Next time, if she encounters this annoying guy like Yan Chengfeng again, she will definitely not be merciful.

He must go all out to smash Yan Chengfeng's body into ten thousand pieces, and smash his bones into ashes.

"This guy……"

This time, Shen Bijun was also quite helpless, but it was also a pain that couldn't be helped.

Since they have already come here, there is no other choice. Whether it is life or death, it is not important anymore.

She began to seriously study the bronze stone gate. She had already tried it just now, and there was absolutely no way to push it open with the strongest means.

This also made her understand one thing. The only thing she can do now is to find a way to crack this bronze stone gate.

Only by opening this bronze stone gate can one enter it and explore the ancient creation.

the other side.

Yan Chengfeng swam up from the depths of the ancient sea, but the scene above surprised him.

Because, that strange ark has no idea where it has drifted to. Looking around, the entire boundless sea is silent and there is nothing.


"That strange ark has disappeared. What is the situation?"

Yan Chengfeng's pupils shrank slightly, his heart was full of doubts, and this strange ark disappeared.

If he wanted to leave this place, it would be very difficult. At this time, he seemed to have no other choice.

All of this seems to be God's will, it is destined in the dark, and it is difficult for ordinary people to solve it.


Yan Chengfeng was really helpless. He never thought that all decisions would be in vain. In the face of fate, everything was very insignificant.

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