Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 814: No speculation, supreme conquest

Ghost Axe is very confident. He believes that he will be able to suppress Long Yuefeng. After all, the strength of the two is not much different, and they both have peerless artifacts.

It is definitely not too difficult to suppress the other party.

Long Yuefeng's face was gloomy, and his heart was full of anger. He would never show mercy to these ignorant ants.

"Kid Axe, don't be too arrogant. If you offend the Holy Land of the Dragon Emperor, your end will be miserable."

Long Yuefeng was roaring, and the attack in his hand did not stop, manipulating the Chaos Bafang Ding, frantically attacking the ghost axe.

Every attack of his is very terrifying, and he wants to solve the ghost axe in an instant.

Ghost Axe is not to be outdone, he has the mother Qi Ding of all things, and naturally he will not be afraid of Long Yuefeng.

For this ignorant flea, he has only one idea, kill it and then hurry.

As long as Long Yuefeng is beheaded, then the Chaos Bafang Cauldron is his, and the stone coffin is also his.

At that time, he will definitely be famous for eternity, and no one will want to compete with him.

The expedition here is very terrifying. Neither Long Yuefeng nor Ghost Axe will show mercy. Both of them have tried their best to suppress and kill each other.

Yan Chengfeng and others had already retreated into the distance. They didn't want to participate in this expedition. They just wanted to wait until Long Yuefeng and Ghost Axe were both injured before taking action to clean up the mess.

As for whether there will be other changes in the middle, he has no way to calculate, the current situation can only be changed in a constant manner.

In his opinion, if you are cautious, there should be no mistakes.

Lian Ruolan in the distance was even calmer. She cast her eyes on the expedition center and watched the expedition quietly, with a smug smile on her lips from time to time.

Everything is under her control, no one can escape, she believes that she is the final winner.

What Long Yuefeng, what ghost axe, and what dog Yan Chengfeng are just her stepping stones, playthings in her hands.

She can destroy everyone without a single soldier, and no one wants to **** the supreme inheritance from her.


The sound of beating drums resounding through the Xinghai was chaotic, and the entire boundless sky was about to crack open in this territory. That kind of aura was very tyrannical.

No one dared to set foot here. The energy and rhythm fluctuations here are definitely not something that ordinary people can contend with. All beings are a little surprised.

Because they were separated by a long distance, they had already felt the violent ferocity. If they set foot here rashly, they would definitely be affected.

None of them wanted to participate in such a terrifying expedition. After all, it was too dangerous.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at the scene in the distance, and his heart was full of helplessness. This kind of conquest is indeed unusual, but unfortunately, there is no tyrannical artifact in his hands.

However, after both of them are injured, he should have some chances.

Therefore, he has never been worried.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were indifferent. He was already used to this kind of situation, and there was no need to worry at all.

Even if there is a real danger, there is no need to worry, everything is under control.

"Long Yuefeng, your strength is indeed quite good, but if you want to clamor with this seat, then you are still a little naive."

The ghost axe stood in the air, he manipulated the cauldron of the mother of all things, and the whole body was full of dazzling stars, such a peerless divine might that could be called invincible in the world.

If a monk with weak Taoism wants to compete with him, he is simply digging his own grave.

He is already invincible, and in the realm of the ten-star Martial Saint, he can be regarded as an invincible existence!

Such an invincible creature is simply not something that just one person can contend against.

Ghost Axe has the means to reach the sky, and also has arrogant capital. If an invincible person like this offends him, there is only one way to go.


Long Yuefeng's face was gloomy and his heart was full of anger. To be honest, he was really angry.

After all, his combat power is sky-high, and he is backed by the Dragon Emperor Holy Land, and he is also the younger brother of Long Mo, the number one qi refiner in the world.

His background can be called very terrifying, such an invincible person is simply not something that ordinary people can provoke.

Offending such a strong man is not a wise move.


The fierceness of the rhythm in the sky is also becoming more and more terrifying. The overbearing coercion surges, as if it can destroy everything.

"Ghost axe kid, your end today will definitely be miserable. If you dare to be your enemy, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

Long Yuefeng's eyes were piercing, he was completely irritated, this time, the Ghost Axe must pay a painful price.

These ignorant creatures are a group of self-righteous guys, he just wants to kill them and then hurry up.

"If you want to kill this seat, I'm afraid you don't have that ability."

Ghost Axe is no longer afraid at all, just a group of ignorant ants, and they also want to compete with him and clamor, that is simply asking for their own death.

For these ants who don't know how high the sky is, he will never let them go, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.

No matter who it is, don't even think about competing with him for that stone coffin, which is the treasure he fancy.

Anyone who wants to compete with him will have to pay a heavy price.


The two of them didn't talk for a while. They both manipulated one of the artifacts and began to slaughter recklessly in the sky.

Under the impact of the domineering fierceness, the entire star was about to collapse, and the mountains and rivers were forever silent.

The smoke of gunpowder is everywhere here, and there are terrifying scenes evolving everywhere. A group of creatures who have heard the news are all watching the battle from a distance.

The conquests of Ghost Axe and Long Yuefeng are both unparalleled in the world. Such combat power is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Moreover, in the hands of these two people, they both possess an artifact.

The Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things and the Chaos Bafang Cauldron are all very terrifying artifacts.

Sentient beings don’t dare to be careless. If you provoke such a being, it will definitely not be easy.


The terrifying killing was still going on, and the aftermath of the tyrannical waves spread, and the stars were about to collapse, and no one dared to approach this place.

Especially those monks with weak Taoism, they dare not be careless.

If it is affected, I am afraid that it will be destroyed in an instant.

After all, the conquest methods of these invincibles are terrifying, and no one dares to be careless.

To practice with one's own life is the most foolish way, and no one will want to do it.

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