Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 813: The mother gas of all things, the conquest of ghosts and axes

Ghost Axe and Long Yuefeng's cultivation realm is not very different, both of them have extraordinary means, it is really too easy for these two to lose both.

Yan Chengfeng is also very clear that in the current situation, it is not suitable to show up. If he is discovered, he will suffer.

He has been hiding in the dark, quietly watching this expedition.


The viciousness of the rhythm here is a bit terrifying, that kind of aura rushes out, as if it can destroy everything, and no one dares to be careless.

Ghost Axe looked indifferent, and said coldly: "Others are afraid of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land, but I am not afraid. Since you people in the Dragon Emperor Holy Land want to be my enemy, then I will be welcome today."

"Old man, if you knelt down and was killed by your neck, you might be able to die a little more happily. If you wait for me to take action in person, then your fate may not be very good."

He is no longer ready to show mercy. For these ignorant bugs, the only thing he can do is to kill without mercy.

Whoever wants to stop him, then he will go all out to kill the opponent.


Long Yuefeng's face was gloomy, and the killing light in his eyes was fierce, but he was just an ignorant clown who also wanted to compete with him.

Any ants who want to be enemies of the Dragon Emperor Holy Land will eventually die, and no one will be an exception.

Especially an ant like Ghost Axe who doesn't know how high the sky is. Since this group of people is bent on dying, he will definitely not be merciful.

"Ignorant reptile, you have overestimated yourself, underestimated the Holy Land of the Dragon Emperor, and underestimated the strength of this seat."

Long Yuefeng's expression was indifferent, and he said solemnly: "Since you are tired of living, and even the Dragon Emperor Holy Land is easy to provoke, then today I will let you know how miserable your end will be."

For these ignorant ants, he must not be merciful, and he must behead all these ants, and those who stand in the way will surely die.

"I'm so scared, if you have something, come over and kill me!"

The master of ghost axe is bold, he doesn't know what it is to be afraid, and he also has no good feelings for these ants in the Holy Land of the Dragon Emperor.

It would be naive to want to shout in front of him.

"You are looking for death, this is your own death, no one can blame it."

Long Yuefeng was completely angry, he was really big head for these ignorant bugs.

Everyone is so self-righteous, since these people want to die, he will never show mercy.


Long Yuefeng's face was gloomy, he didn't want to delay time, this battle was a decisive battle for him, he just wanted to solve this ignorant ghost axe as soon as possible.

Therefore, as soon as he came up, he directly used the Chaos Bafang Cauldron.

The terrifying chaotic artifact is absolutely terrifying, and ordinary people can't stop it at all.


The surging chaotic aura surged down fiercely, covering the heavens and the stars in an instant. Such a fierceness is truly terrifying.

This space is crackling and crackling, and it seems that there is a possibility of breaking at any time.

Long Yuefeng's attack is really terrifying, no one can stop such a peerless means.

The idea that he wants to directly suppress the ghost axe is absolutely perfect.

However, he somewhat underestimated the ghost axe.

Ghost Axe can be mixed up to today, his strength is definitely not to be underestimated.

Even if Long Yuefeng manipulated the Chaos Bafang Cauldron, he had never been afraid and backed away. Facing the surging chaotic atmosphere, he directly used the Mother Qi Cauldron of Everything.

His mother Qi Ding Ding, also has a lot of origin.

This cauldron, the mother of all things, does not belong to the chaotic artifact, but it has existed since before the creation of the world.

There are rumors that this is the mother of all things! It was used by the great prehistoric figures, and it was a peerless divine weapon that had gone through the dark period.

The power of the Mother Qi Cauldron of Everything is beyond doubt, and it is difficult for ordinary people to control this Mother Qi Cauldron.

The Mother Qi Cauldron of Everything is the same as the Chaos Bafang Cauldron, but it is not as huge as the Chaos Bafang Cauldron. Its whole body is rusted and looks uncomfortable.

However, the fierceness surging inside it is even more terrifying.

The mother Qi of all things is also unparalleled in the world, even in the face of the terrifying chaotic atmosphere, it has not fallen behind.

In this way, the two invincibles holding the peerless gods went on a crusade, and the territory was razed to the ground in an instant, and the spring water was also destroyed in an instant, and not a drop was left.

After this territory was razed to the ground, there was a gray patch everywhere, and the hideous cracks looked very terrifying. The center of the expedition was filled with smoke, and only the coffin survived.

It stands quietly between heaven and earth, passing through the eternity of time.

At this moment, it seems that even the years are a little immersed.

Yan Chengfeng's brows were slightly wrinkled, their hiding place had been exposed, and there was no other way but to show up now.

However, he was never afraid.

After all, his injuries had almost recovered. With him and Tang Haoyue joining forces, most people wouldn't even think about suppressing them.


The high-altitude conquest is very terrifying, that kind of fierceness is coming out in waves, the star bucket on this side is about to collapse, the mountains and rivers are forever silent, the sun and the moon are dull.

No one dared to be careless, especially Ghost Axe and Long Yuefeng who were fighting.

After all, the cultivation realm of the two of them is not much different, and they both have peerless weapons in their hands.

The Mother Qi Cauldron of Everything and the Chaos Bafang Cauldron are also peerless artifacts that can compete with each other. With such a peerless artifact in hand, it should be difficult to tell the difference for a while.


The terrifying aftermath was still spreading in waves, and the towering mountains collapsed, and huge stones rolled down from above, setting off a cloud of dust.

The sturdy ancient tree has not escaped the disaster, and it has been turned into powder in an instant.

The smoke of gunpowder is everywhere here, and the tyrannical aftermath is like a bulldozer, and it is so powerful that no one can resist it.

"Long Yuefeng, you have the Chaos Bafang Cauldron in your hand, and I also have the Mother Qi Cauldron of all things. If you want to suppress me, it is simply a fantasy."

Ghost Axe's expression was indifferent, and he said, "If you kneel down and lead your neck to be slaughtered, then I can think about it and give you a treat."

"If you are suppressed by me in a moment, then what awaits you must be the torture of life rather than death."

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