Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 676: Under the sky, the Tibetan mirror family

Under that side of the sky, the monk with weak Taoism was directly destroyed. Everyone has a very headache. In this space, there is definitely an ancient invincible existence, and the mountains and rivers are forever silent.

Everyone broke into this territory, and they didn't see any terrifying creatures, but they just felt that there was something strange behind this place.

For such a scene, they are all a little headache.

"Brother Chengfeng, is there something strange here? Why do I feel my scalp is numb!"

Tang Yu clung to Yan Chengfeng's palm tightly, and his heart was full of worry. This place is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you may not know how to die in the end.

Encountered such a thing, they have no choice, no matter what the outcome is, they are about to collapse completely.

Yan Chengfeng also had a headache. He carefully observed the surroundings, trying to detect strange changes.

However, in the current situation, it is obviously not feasible to spy on the strange changes.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he opened his mouth to comfort him. The current situation is definitely not something that can be solved in a few words.

But they have already come this far, and there is nothing to say. We must go all out to deal with all troubles, and there must be no mistakes.


Suddenly, someone else was beheaded.

Yan Chengfeng has been observing the surrounding scene, this place is indeed quite dangerous. If you are not careful, it will be destroyed directly.

"It's really a headache!"

Yan Chengfeng helplessly raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly. The situation here was too terrifying, and he had never encountered such a troublesome thing before.

At this time, Mo Lianjun walked to Yan Chengfeng's side and said in a low voice, "It is rumored that in the ancient country, there was a clan of people who were transformed from the transparent water and moon, so they were called the Tibetan Mirror Clan."

"The creatures of the Tibetan mirror family were originally very kind, but later they encountered the civilization of the old gods and were finally completely destroyed."

"Those souls of the Tibetan mirror clan eventually became the souls of the dead. These people have invincible means, and they are full of resentment."

"This place is the territory of the Zangjing family. We broke into the territory of the Zangjing family. These creatures will definitely be angry, so we must be careful."

She knew a little about these ancient secrets.

This place is the secret of the Tibetan mirror family, and if you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of doom.

Everyone has nothing to do with such a scene. No matter what the final outcome is, since they have come this far, what should come will come eventually.

Be cautious, no matter what kind of trouble there might be?

"Little girl, come with me! Don't disturb him."

At this time, Mo Lianjun called out Tang Yu.

As soon as she called out, she was stunned, and Tang Yu was also stunned.

She looked at Mo Lianjun in amazement, her heart was full of doubts, she had not heard it wrong just now, this little girl called her mother.

The two of them are about the same age, and she is really a headache to be called mother by this little girl.

Yan Chengfeng didn't notice this. He still has more important things to do, so he must not be careless. After all, the resentment of the people of the Tibetan mirror clan must be very careful, otherwise, the problem will be very serious.


All of a sudden, the sound of beating drums was resounding in the sky, there were black clouds surging, and the light in the entire space was very dim.

It is a kind of vision of heaven and earth. Generally, in the current situation, those strange creatures will greatly increase their power.

For a time, the creatures of the Zangjing clan immediately launched an attack. They did not show mercy, and those who stood in the way were killed without mercy.

The invincibles from all sects and sects did not delay. They directly sacrificed each big killing weapon and killed them fiercely.

The creatures of the Tibetan Mirror Clan were very aggressive, and the terrifying killing broke out in this world, the mountains and rivers fell, and the sun and the moon were dull.


The screams of killing burst out, and the world was about to collapse.

There are many dead beings, and the evil spirits of the Tibetan mirror clan are all very powerful, especially when the Tengu eats the sun, their power increases greatly, and ordinary people really can't stop it.

However, it is also fortunate that the tengu eating sun is fleeting, otherwise, it is not known how many creatures will die.

After the Tengu Eclipse disappeared, the sky and the earth regained light again. Such a scene looked very scary. There were corpses everywhere, piles of bones, and mountains of blood.

Tang Yu was also a little frightened. If Mo Lianjun hadn't followed her, she would have been destroyed long ago.

This place is too dangerous, if you are not careful, it will be completely destroyed.


The terrifying fierceness is still spreading, bursting out, and all beings are very clear that those evil spirits have not retreated, and they must be extra cautious and be alert.

"Mo Lian-Jun, you..."

After the light was restored, Tang Yu looked at Mo Lianjun in surprise. This little girl really left her speechless.

No wonder the little girl wears a mask all day.

This is not to say how ugly she is, on the contrary, she is very beautiful, but she is too recognizable.

She could see at a glance that the little girl in front of her was similar to Yan Chengfeng.

Especially the pair of eyes, the reincarnation light wave in the bottom of the eyes rhythmically, the strong law of the years, the original breath, seems to be very domineering and hurricane.

"No wonder..."

At this time, she also reacted, no wonder this little girl called her little girl just now.

This girl is Yan Chengfeng's daughter.

Tang Yu blushed a little thinking about it, she didn't want to have anything to do with Yan Chengfeng, she had half a daughter inexplicably, and she also had a headache!

She knew that this Mo Lianjun belonged to the Tianyi clan, and Baili Dongjun of the Tianyi clan was also Mo Lianjun's mother.

The reason why Mo Lianjun appeared here should be related to the Armillary Sphere.

After all, the Tianyi clan does have a peerless treasure that can travel through the past, present and future.

Mo Lianjun is a descendant of the future, and there must be no accident, otherwise, the whole world will change.

Yan Chengfeng also looked back at this time. He wanted to make sure that Tang Yu and Mo Lianjun were safe.

These two people, he is still not very relieved, no matter what the final outcome is, he must protect them.

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