Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 675: Enter the world, the rivers and mountains smash

In that territory, there is a dazzling rhythm of brilliance and a surging breath, which is pounding out in waves, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers are about to collapse.

It was the army of the demon world, the army of the demon world led by the Seven Immortals and Demon Gods. All sentient beings were frightened when they saw such a scene, and some couldn't believe it.

"It turned out to be an army of demons led by the Seven Immortals. This is too exaggerated! Is he trying to raze Pangu's world to the ground?"

"Who knows this, but I have heard that there are ancient taboos hidden in Pangu's world. This time, when we enter Pangu's world, is it life and death uncertain?"

"The Seven Immortals and Demon Gods led an army of tens of thousands of demons to enter the world of Pangu. His purpose is definitely not simple. As for what he wants to do, it is not very clear."

"No matter what purpose he has, it has nothing to do with us anyway. Even if he really has any ideas, it is estimated that he is going for those invincibles."

"Yeah! How can we small fish and shrimp get into their eyes?"

"This time, Pangu's world may be in chaos..."

There were many creatures watching, and when they saw the army of demons led by the Seven Immortals, they all began to talk about it. These recent situations are definitely not something that can be dealt with.

The Seven Immortals and Demon Gods, leading an army of tens of thousands of demons, this time, they definitely want to flatten the world of Pangu.

As for whether it is true or false, it is everyone's guess, and no one knows the specific reason.

However, since they have come this far, there is nothing to say.

"The Seven Immortals, what do you think is his purpose this time?"

Tang Yu's eyes were deep, and he still had a headache for these invincibles, and he didn't know what this group of people wanted to do.


Yan Chengfeng's heart was full of helplessness, he shook his head and sighed, there were many things that he could not decide. However, since they have come this far, there is nothing to say.

What should come will come eventually, and there is no way to escape.


The mountains and rivers are forever silent, and China is safe. There are all kinds of terrifying scenes evolving in the sky, and thick rays of light descend from the sky, illuminating the entire dilapidated mountains and rivers.

Seeing those peerless scenes, all sentient beings were very frightened.

They all knew that this was Pangu's world about to open up.

The cultivators of all sects are gearing up for it. They must seize this opportunity and must not be careless. If they can get some invincible creations from the world of Pangu, it will be even better.

"Pangu's world is about to open. It seems that this time, the world will really change."

"That's right. Since we've come this far, we must go all out to deal with it no matter what, and we must not make any mistakes."

"These are small problems. After all, there are more things that really need to be dealt with..."

Everyone is very excited, especially at the moment, they must not be careless, otherwise, when a dangerous problem occurs, it is definitely not something they can contend with.

So, be careful, this is still necessary.


Suddenly, a vortex appeared in the sky, and that vortex was the time-space tunnel leading to the Pangu world.

All sentient beings were very excited when they saw that time-space tunnel. Some creatures couldn't wait. They didn't delay.

They must enter the world of Pangu, and there must be no mistakes.

Seeing those creatures, one after another, enter the time-space tunnel, other creatures are not far behind and set off one after another.

"Yan Chengfeng, I'm suddenly a little scared."

Tang Yu is next to Yan Chengfeng, this place is really too dangerous, after all, Yan Chengfeng is right, as far as her three-legged cat kung fu is concerned, if she enters it now, she is going to kill herself.

It's too late to step back now.

If he entered the world of Pangu, it would be too dangerous.

He must be extra cautious, there are many problems, and he must not be careless.

Especially in the current situation, you must be extra cautious, and a single mistake will lead to eternal hatred.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "These are all minor issues, don't worry too much, just follow me quietly when you enter Pangu's world."

As long as he entered the world of Pangu, Yan Chengfeng would naturally be able to keep Tang Yu.

Those people entering this territory, as long as they know his relationship with Tang Yu, there is no one who can compete with him. No one dared to offend Tang Yu.

Tang Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Yan Chengfeng's words. Many recent things could not be explained clearly in a few words, so he had to be extra cautious.


Yan Chengfeng did not delay, and immediately took Tang Yu to the time-space tunnel.

As for Mo Lianjun, she has her own ideas, and there will be no mistakes at all.


With that terrifying rhythm, the entire mountains and rivers were about to collapse. In this territory, there were strange scenes manifested, and all kinds of changes in the world could be seen everywhere.

In the time-space tunnel, there are all kinds of terrifying sights appearing. All beings are very frightened by these sights, but since they have come this far, there is nothing to say.

No matter what dangers you face, you must go all out to deal with them.


This time-space tunnel is not far away, but in a blink of an eye, they entered the world of Pangu, and the creatures walking in the front were destroyed before they could react.

Clouds of blood-colored mist exploded high in the sky, countless dead creatures, and even all kinds of horrifying sights emerged, and the breath engulfed the sky.

"Hurry back, it's too dangerous here."

All sentient beings were frightened when they saw such a scene. They did not dare to be careless at all. This place is so dangerous, if you are not careful, you will fall into a situation of doom.

They have not dared to go forward, it is very dangerous here.

In such a situation, they are simply not able to contend.


The screams of killing are earth-shattering, and the invincibles behind them all have the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. They are not some cowardly and incompetent creatures, no matter what the final outcome is, they must go all out.

Those invincibles in the back don't care, what is in front of them.

Their speed is very fast, and they keep rushing forward, and the mountains and rivers are collapsing and shattering...

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