Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 552: Evenly divided, accustomed to

Yan Chengfeng didn't have the slightest timidity to face the Blood Demon King's Heart Demon King. Although this Heart Demon Saint King's combat power was very powerful, his combat power was definitely not that strong.

So, he still has the determination to win.

No matter what the final outcome is, since he has come this far, there is nothing to say. No matter what happens in the end, he will do his best to control it.

"Old thing, don't talk too much nonsense, because the villains all die of talking too much."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "If you have any ability, then you can use it! I want to see how much ability you have."

He doesn't have much timidity towards this demon king, even if the opponent's combat power is overwhelming, he won't be half afraid.

Those who stand in the way are killed without mercy. In this world, there is absolutely no one who can stop him.

"The ants who don't know whether to live or die, since you want to die, then this seat will fulfill you."

The eyes of the Holy King of Heart Demon were clear, and his heart was full of anger. He was completely angry. No matter what the final outcome would be, he didn't bother to care.

At this moment, he just wanted to deal with Yan Chengfeng thoroughly, but he was just a clown jumping on the beam. He even dared to shout at him. He couldn't swallow this breath. In any case, he had to deal with this ignorant ant.

No matter what the ending will be, these are not important anymore, as long as Yan Chengfeng can be killed, that is the best ending.


The Demon King's eyes were sharp. If his eyes could kill people, Yan Chengfeng would have already died many times, and no one could stop him.

The terrifying aura pressure rushed out, the entire starry sky, the mountains and rivers were in ruins, and the sun and the moon alternated.

The boundless eternal starry sky was transformed in the hands of the Heart Demon Saint King. His palms were stretched out, and the terrifying attacks ran rampant.

The beacon fire and wolf smoke can be seen everywhere here. For such a scene, these conquest creatures are no strangers to it.

When everyone saw such a domineering scene, they didn't dare to be careless.

The combat power of those invincibles is very domineering. In such a situation, everyone is retreating. If they don't stay away, their fate will be very miserable.

Such a sight is really terrifying.

"Little beast, today, this seat will let you not survive, nor die."

The eyes of the Holy King of Heart Demon were piercing, and he shot in anger, madly killing Yan Chengfeng, and the terrifying attacks fell, like a boundless mountain and river that was about to be ruined, the scene was extremely terrifying.

No one dares to approach this place, so they can only choose to retreat. They are very clear that the conquest of the Holy King of Heart Demon and Yan Chengfeng is definitely the most domineering and terrifying.

If it is affected, then their end may be very unsatisfactory.

Especially in the current situation, you must not be careless. Once you encounter danger, the final end will definitely be very miserable.


Yan Chengfeng didn't flinch, his whole body was full of fiery, dazzling brilliance, the violent coercion scurried, the sun and the moon were in ruins.

His breath is very tyrannical, with the rhythm of the creation chapter, the original breath, and the endless laws of time.

His methods are really terrifying, and they are definitely not comparable to ordinary creatures. The terrifying fierceness rushed out, the boundless mountains and rivers were collapsing, and the dust was rolled up.


The conquest of Yan Chengfeng and the Holy King of Heart Demon was very terrifying. Every attack fell, it could collapse a territory, and terrifying scenes could be seen everywhere.

For the scene in front of them, everyone was full of helplessness, but this was also helpless. The conquest of these invincibles was not something they could participate in.


For a time, there were many dead creatures, and most of the creatures were affected.

The viciousness that came out of the chaos is really terrifying. Countless creatures are retreating, and the fear in their hearts is difficult to add. If they continue to stay in the center of the storm, they will definitely die.

The only thing I can do now is to stay away from here as much as possible.

They don't want to die, they want to live forever.


There were waves of ferocity, and the entire boundless mountains and rivers were in ruins. No one dared to approach this place. The waves were too powerful, and the impact was endless.

Some cultivators who didn't believe in evil stepped on it rashly, but as you can imagine, they were immediately smashed and crushed, and they didn't even have the chance to mourn.

All sentient beings are almost dead, and if you offend such an invincible person, there is only one way to go.

No matter what kind of invincible short hand they have, the ending is the same. They simply can't go all out to make a shot. There are many things that have been doomed from the beginning.

No one can be an exception, everything is just a change.


The expedition in the sky is not over yet, but the ground is already covered with bones and corpses. These creatures were all destroyed by the aftermath, and there were countless casualties.


The attacks of Yan Chengfeng and the Holy King of Heart Demon were extremely domineering, and every attack fell, they could open up the world, and the sun and the moon would rotate.

As the last attack of the two fell, both of them were forced to take dozens of steps back, with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths, and the aura in their bodies was somewhat disordered.

It has to be said that the combat power of this Heart Demon Saint King is really not ordinary.

This person is definitely an invincible person, who has the means to penetrate the sky and the earth. If he offends such an existence, then there must be only one fate for them, and it must be death.

It's really surprising that the Holy King of Heart Demon can compete with Yan Chengfeng. No one thought it would end like this.

"I didn't expect that the Holy King of Heart Demon could be evenly matched with Yan Chengfeng. It seems that there is no way to end this campaign in a short period of time."

Mu Liangfeng's heart was full of helplessness. When faced with such a situation, she had nothing to do. The only thing she could do now was to handle some things as well as possible.

She must not cause trouble to Yan Chengfeng, otherwise, the situation will only get worse, which is not what she wants to see.

Everyone is watching the expedition in the sky, and they don't want to miss the slightest bit. They have become accustomed to such scenes and are commonplace.

The two were evenly divided, and they were not very surprised.

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