Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 551: The beginning of killing, no mercy

Everyone has some fear in their hearts. They are very clear that if the creatures of the Gorefiend go all out, they will definitely not be able to stop them.

However, that's it.

No matter whether they can stop it or not, they must go all out to contend, even if they die in the next second, they will not take a half step back, and those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy.

Even if you die, you will never have any regrets.

"That person seems to be the Heart Demon Saint King of the Gorefiends. He is still alive. The strength of this person is not comparable to ordinary creatures."

"Yeah! This time, the Holy King of Heart Demon personally took action. I'm afraid no one can stop him."

"I don't know, this time, where the souls of Cangnan Star are going..."

The monks around were discussing, and the Holy King of Heart Demon personally brought the invincible powerhouse of the Gorefiends to this place to slaughter the souls of Cangnan Star.

They all believed that this time, the creatures of Cangnan Star couldn't resist at all. These invincible creatures all possessed the means to penetrate the sky.

Offending such an invincible person will only lead to death.

Competing with such a world overlord, they are also quite a headache.

"Yan Chengfeng, you have to be careful."

Mu Liangfeng reminded that this guy always had the look of being the best in the world, and she was quite helpless.

She was most worried about Yan Chengfeng's safety.

If this guy is really in danger, he's in trouble.

In any case, it is necessary to deal with it cautiously, and there must be no mistakes in the slightest. If Yan Chengfeng is buried here, the whole thing may become more troublesome.

However, she always believed that Yan Chengfeng was definitely not that easy to kill, this guy was a cockroach that couldn't be killed. It's not that easy to kill him.

Feeling the tyrannical breath, everyone is retreating, and the fear in their hearts is difficult to add, especially in the current situation, it is absolutely impossible to be careless.

Cangnanxing's creatures quickly retreated back. Under such circumstances, they couldn't help at all. If they rushed forward, they would definitely die.

You can't make sacrifices in vain, you can only stop at a distance first.

"The creatures of the blood demons, I don't think you have any ability to raze this place to the ground. If you have any means, just use it?"

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "However, I can tell you the truth, if you want to find your own way, don't blame me for being cruel."

"The only thing you can do now is to kneel down and be slaughtered, or just leave this place. For people who are aware of current affairs, I generally don't kill them all."

What Yan Chengfeng said was not a lie. As long as these Gorefiends were self-aware, he wouldn't bother to kill them all, it would be meaningless at all.

However, the creatures of the Gorefiends, this time they are aggressive, they will definitely not let it go. In such a situation, everyone is quite helpless.

At this moment, the only thing you can do is to do your best to deal with everything, and you must not be careless.

Feeling that tyrannical aura, everyone was retreating, and they didn't dare to stay in the center of the storm. This place is extremely dangerous.

"The ignorant ants, you should be the one who killed the Great Elder of the Gorefiends. Today is your day of death. Do you have any last words that you can explain."

The eyes of the Holy King of Heart Demons are clear, and his heart is full of anger, but he is just a clown of the human race. He even dares to shout in front of him. For these ignorant ants, he only has one idea, that is to kill Wupari.

As long as these ignorant creatures can be destroyed as soon as possible, then no one can stop him.

"The creatures of the Gorefiends obeyed the order and immediately took action to wash the entire Cangnan Star with blood."

The Holy King of Heart Demon is not a soft-hearted person. For these ants who don't know how to live or die, they have only one idea, kill without mercy.


The creatures of the Gorefiends did not show mercy. They manipulated the big killer and killed them fiercely. Those attacks were very terrifying, and the monstrous might was surging. The scene is very terrifying, the sun and the moon rotate.

Everyone was surprised and helpless about the scene in front of them, but they were helpless in this situation.

No matter what kind of crisis changes there will be in the end, you must deal with it carefully, and there must be no mistakes in the slightest, otherwise, they will definitely die.


For a time, in this territory, there broke out the earth-shattering, weeping ghosts and gods team battles, and the terrifying attacks fell one after another, overwhelming the sky and the earth. The scene here in Xiamen is very terrifying.

Everyone's hearts are full of fear, but they have no way. When they encounter such a situation, the only thing they can do is to go all out to deal with it. Even if they die in the end, they will not regret it.

This is the catastrophe of Cangnan County. It is not an easy task to solve this catastrophe, and now it can only be dealt with slowly.


One after another terrifying attack fell, the majestic mountain collapsed directly, and the flames of flames could be seen everywhere. Such a scene was really scary, and all beings were a little surprised when they saw this terrifying scene.

For the current situation, they have no other choice. Death may be their final destination, right?

Mu Liangfeng and others were also affected. This time, the worst part of the expedition was probably Mu Liangfeng, right?

From the beginning to the end, Mu Liangfeng never thought that she would live and die with Cang Nanxing, she just came to watch the fun.

Her original plan was to leave with Yan Chengfeng after Yan Chengfeng had completely resolved the crisis in this place.

As for the fact that Mu Liangfeng never thought about helping Cangnan's life in the past, Yan Chengfeng never took it to heart, and he just wanted to deal with all the problems as soon as possible.

Then, leave this place with Mu Liangfeng.

He doesn't know what the final outcome will be, but since he has come this far, no matter how dangerous the future is, he must try his best to do it well, and there must be no mistakes.

"Ant, this time, you have nowhere to go."

The aura of the Holy King of Heart Demon was very terrifying. He turned his attention to Yan Chengfeng. He just wanted to get rid of Yan Chengfeng completely, and no one could stop him.

For these ignorant ants, he will never show mercy.

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