Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 496: Get carried away, there are trump cards

"Old man, you are tired of living."

Yan Chengfeng was not polite. He turned his target to Qingyun Patriarch. Since this Qingyun Patriarch was tired of living, he would never be merciful.

In any case, he must pay a painful price, and he must let this ant know how miserable it is for offending him.

For these ignorant reptiles, he will not be soft-hearted.

"Ignorance child, don't be too arrogant. Today next year is your sacrificial day. This time, you will surely die, and no one can save you."

Old Ancestor Qingyun's eyes were piercing, and his heart was full of anger. This time, he must do his best to kill Yan Chengfeng.

Defending his majesty is nothing but an ignorant young descendant who also delusionally wants to be his enemy, which is simply a joke.

No one would want to clamor with him, he would never show mercy to these ignorant bugs.


Since Qingyun Patriarch's attack on Wushuang has already been decided, he will definitely not let Yan Chengfeng go.

No matter how difficult this road is, he will not take a half step back. He must let this group of people know how miserable it will be for him to be his enemy.


In the face of Qingyun ancestor's killing, Yan Chengfeng never took a step back, even if these creatures really have invincible means.

However, what do you want, Yan Chengfeng, isn't this an obvious joke?

If he was so easy to kill, he would have woken up a long time ago, so how could he be alive until now.

"The scriptures of the years!"

Yan Chengfeng didn't flinch, there was a dazzling radiance flowing all over his body, and the surging fierceness was so terrifying, like an invincible god, it could tear the entire mountain and river apart.


His attack is very domineering, and ordinary creatures can't resist it at all. That is a supreme attack, even if Qingyun ancestors have gone all out, it is just a joke.


Yan Chengfeng stood on the air, his palms were pushed out horizontally, there were layers of terrifying fierce rhythm, the entire boundless mountains and rivers were in ruins, and no one dared to approach this place.

In this space, the ferocity of the rhythm is enough to destroy everything, and no one can compete.

"I didn't expect it! Yan Chengfeng's combat power is so terrifying. I think he still has his hands and didn't go all out."

"Indeed, judging from the current situation, he really doesn't give the impression that he did not go all out. It's just that he is hiding it for what."

"I really don't understand! This Yan Chengfeng's combat power is so terrifying, and he hasn't shot with all his strength, how terrifying he will be if he goes all out..."

The cultivators of all sects and sects have deep eyes, and their minds are different. But still very concerned about this.


Yan Chengfeng's attack fell, and Qingyun's ancestor couldn't resist it at all, and was directly sent flying out, spewing a mouthful of blood in the air, his face pale as paper.

He slammed into the ground hard, and he smashed a deep hole on the ground. Such a scene was quite scary.

Seeing this scene, everyone was very surprised, and they didn't expect it to end like this.

They all knew that Yan Chengfeng's combat power was terrifying, but they did not expect that Yan Chengfeng was already so terrifying. Such combat power can only be described in four words, that is, it is so terrifying.

If you want to shout in front of Yan Chengfeng, you are undoubtedly asking for your own death.

Such an invincible creature is definitely not something that ordinary people can match.

Even if the invincibles with all the means to reach the sky come, in front of Yan Chengfeng, I am afraid they are nothing more than rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

If you want to clamor with Yan Chengfeng, it is daydreaming.

For such an invincible existence, everyone is very troubled, because they don't dare to offend at all.

If you really offend such an existence, then I'm afraid you don't even know how he died in the end!

"Cough cough!"

Old Ancestor Qingyun's face was as pale as paper. He was lying in a pool of blood, coughing up blood for a while, and his disheveled appearance looked very embarrassed.

Yan Chengfeng's combat power is piercing through the sky, and he is simply not able to compete with him.

Yan Chengfeng's strength has long surpassed Qingyun's ancestor, and he is only a Qingyun ancestor, and Yan Chengfeng has not paid attention to it at all.

Such ants, wanting to live in his hands, are simply delusions and daydreams.

"You ignorant little beast, you are digging your own grave."

Old Ancestor Qingyun's eyes were piercing, and he angrily roared: "The old man advises you, now you'd better kneel down and be slaughtered immediately. In that case, you may be able to die a little more happily."

"If you really anger the old man, then there must be only endless torture waiting for you. At that time, the old man will definitely make you unable to survive or die."

The ancestor of Qingyun was roaring in anger, his heart was full of anger, at this moment, he just wanted to smash Yan Chengfeng's body into ten thousand pieces and smash his bones into ashes.

For these ignorant reptiles, he will definitely not show mercy.


The fierceness of the rhythm in the high sky is very terrifying, the ancestors of Qingyun stood slowly in the sky, the pressure is really terrible, the whole world is collapsing, and no one can underestimate the current scene.

If it were someone else, it would have been smashed to pieces.


The body of the ancestor of Qingyun slowly rose, and the whole body had a dazzling brilliance. The ferocious power that burst out is really terrible, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Feeling the infinite fierceness surging in the center of the storm, everyone's eyes widened. They didn't expect that the Qingyun ancestor even had the means.

Originally, they all thought that the ancestor of Qingyun would surely die.

Now, it looks like everything is turning around.

Yan Chengfeng's expression is indifferent, his breath is very terrifying, even if Qingyun ancestor still has invincible means, he will not take a half step back.

"I didn't expect that this Qingyun ancestor has so many cards!"

"It seems that this time, Yan Chengfeng is dead. He wants to compete with Qingyun ancestors, I am afraid it is not an easy task!"

"Yeah! I can clearly feel that the infinite divine power surging in Qingyun's body is definitely not something that ordinary people can match. I didn't expect that Qingyun's ancestor was really hidden."

"This time there is another good show. I can't get used to Yan Chengfeng's complacent appearance. Do you really think he is a character? It's ridiculous..."

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