Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 495: The ancestors shot, the power of the immortals

Yang Dieyi is a busy person. She has no time to harm others. After all, if you want to harm someone, how much time must be wasted!

This is not what she wants to do. If she really wants to harm someone, then she would rather hide in the bed and sleep with her head down, which makes sense.

As for now, she's probably at a loss for words.

However, she never cares about these things. The ones who should come will come eventually. One day, this Li Youqing will discover the potential of Yan Chengfeng.

This guy is not as simple as it seems on the surface, Yang Dieyi has always been so firm and confident.

She believed that Yan Chengfeng did not use all his strength, and no one knew where Yan Chengfeng's peak was.

"In the current fairy world, the building is already falling! I don't know if there is any chance of recovery."

Li Youqing had some headaches, and the immortal world was already in danger, so her task was heavy and arduous, and there must be no mistakes in the middle of it.

Otherwise, you will end up in trouble.

She was also a little troubled by this question. However, since she is the person in charge this time, she has no choice.

In any case, this matter must be dealt with as soon as possible, after all, the fairy world is about to be unable to hold on.

Perhaps, it can last for a thousand years.

A thousand years.

For mortals, that is a distant history. However, for cultivators, a thousand years is just a snap of a finger.

Such a fleeting time, no one knows who will end up spending it.

Perhaps, the fairy world may also be destroyed!

At that time, the thousands of cultivators will be destroyed together with the Immortal Realm.

"I've already said that you have to treat everything with a normal heart. If you care too much, then you will lose more than your gains."

Yang Dieyi looked calm and said calmly: "If you want to restore the situation that has turned your back, it can't be done overnight, and it may require the efforts of countless people."

"This matter is not the hegemony of one person, and it needs countless practitioners to jointly maintain it."

"If one person can solve this situation where the building is about to collapse, then the whole thing will become easier."

"Unfortunately, none of this is possible."

Yang Dieyi lives very well, and she also knows this very well. It is not a simple and easy thing to live in this troubled world.

What's more, what they have to do is to save the fairyland.

Today's Immortal Realm is already a building that is about to collapse. If you want to save it with one person's strength, is it that it is not obvious that it is funny?

It's not that easy to do this!

Even if you really have the means to penetrate the sky, I am afraid you can't do it.

This is something that everyone has to work hard to do. If it is only supported by one person, then one day, the crisis will come.

No one can change all this. When the crisis comes, it is estimated that everyone has only one idea!

That must be to escape directly, but, what is the use of this.

No one can change everything, but someone can rule the world.

Perhaps, it is very false to want to do infinite things in a limited life, and no one wants to do such a meaningless thing like a fool, because it is not necessary at all.

Many things today are like this, and it is a bit unrealistic to want to live forever.

However, no one would care that these endless disasters, who can lift them forever.


Li Youqing sighed helplessly, her heart was full of grief, some things were indeed beyond her control.

However, since she has already come here, her idea is to try to do it well.

No matter what kind of trouble she will encounter in the end, she will never take a half step back. She must face it and deal with all the dangers.

"Things in the immortal world, we still have to think about it in the long run! It really doesn't make any sense to think about those things."

Li Youqing raised her hand and lightly rubbed her eyebrows, and said, "Now, let's observe this expedition first! I don't know how this expedition will develop in the end."

She felt that this expedition would be very bizarre. After all, all the creatures who came to this place to expedition had the means to shake the world and cry ghosts and gods.

These invincible existences are not something that ordinary people can contend with. If you want to clamor with such invincible creatures, you are digging your own grave.


The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and there were thick lightning bolts that shuttled back and forth. The fierceness that burst out was very terrifying.

In this space, the fierceness that burst out is very terrifying. Those who are standing in the distance do not dare to approach this place. This place is too dangerous.

If you are not careful, you are likely to fall into a doomed situation.

For such a scene, they seem to have long been accustomed to it.

The monks from all sects and sects did not delay, and retreated into the distance.

The aftermath of the rhythm of the expedition center is a bit terrifying. If they are greedy for success, the situation will become very dangerous, and they must not be careless.


At this time, the ancestor of Qingyun also started, and his goal is naturally Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng had an intractable conflict with him, so he had to take advantage of this opportunity to go all out to kill Yan Chengfeng.

It's just a clown jumping on the beam, and he also wants to be the king and hegemon in the world. This is simply a big joke in the world.

The attack of the ancestors of Qingyun was very terrifying. Every time the attack fell, the entire boundless mountains and rivers were cracking open, and there were thick cracks appearing.

In those cracks, there is a surging spiritual energy, and the monstrous general situation is recovering frantically. The fierceness that erupts is really terrible, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

"Ignorant bedbugs, next year's day will be your sacrificial day. This time, the old man must make you unable to survive or die."

The ancestor of Qingyun stood in the air, his eyes were clear, and his heart was full of anger. At this moment, he just wanted to smash Yan Chengfeng into ten thousand pieces and smash his bones into ashes.

Seeing that Qingyun's ancestor made a move, Yan Chengfeng was very calm, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

Last time, he let this old man escape, this time, he will never show mercy.

For these ignorant bugs, he has only one idea, that is, kill them quickly, and never let them have a chance to live.

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