Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 478: From the heart, Dieyi persuades

That flying head is unusual, and if he provokes the other party, he may get into trouble. The monks from all sects and sects dared not make a sound, and could only choose to stay silent.

Waiting for the flying-headed beast to leave the Immortal Demon Purgatory, and after everything calms down, they will set off to explore the chance for good fortune.

Yan Chengfeng also brought Guan Aoxue and the others to a remote place. After setting up the formation to hide, he began to sit cross-legged and no longer care about the outside world.

He knew very well that it would be very difficult for that flying-headed monster to leave for a while.

Guan Aoxue and the others saw Yan Chengfeng meditating cross-legged and closed his eyes, but didn't say much.

They waited quietly, waiting for the flying-headed beast to leave, and then went to the immortal and demon purgatory to explore the supreme creation.

The boundless rivers and mountains are the boundless expanses that will never end. The monk's life is dedicated to the endless cultivation realm.

Everyone wants to climb to the top, and they all want to be invincible. However, what can they do, with their meager conduct, they still never want to retreat from their demonic hearts.

If you want to become an invincible powerhouse, there may really be only one way, and that is to accept it slowly and go for it.

The right time, place and people, these are the most important.

Nothing can change, and no one can change.

Night falls.

Yan Chengfeng opened his eyes, he looked up into the distance, the desolation in his heart was indescribable.

There are some things that he has been searching for all his life and has not found.

He also doesn't know when will he be able to obtain infinite good fortune and explore the so-called longevity.

Perhaps, there is no immortality in this world, only the endless greed.

Everyone, things, and things will disappear between heaven and earth, but those who can really survive forever are probably only those who are greedy.

Where there are people, there will be selfishness, and where there is selfishness, there will be killing.

Where there is killing, there will be hatred,

Where there is hatred, there will be people who want to become stronger. This is an endless cycle and a rule that no one can break.

At the beginning of ancient times, who preached it?

Questions like this are really thought-provoking.

But how many people can figure it out.

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said, "In this vast world, there are always a few people who want to go upstream. But even if they do reach the peak in the end, it's just a joke. "

"Maybe, there are still some things that are worth thinking about!"

Guan Aoxue and the others didn't speak, and they didn't know either, what was wrong with Yan Chengfeng, and he was babbling over there.

In fact, they didn't think much about it at all.

Just as they would never expect Yan Chengfeng to change, there are many things like this, and they can be settled when they come.

The more you ask, the more likely you will end up losing more than you will gain.

No matter what kind of trouble comes next, they will choose to go all out to deal with it.

As for whether it will succeed in the end, they have never considered this issue.

Look at success or failure, life is heroic.

"You sometimes feel emotional, it is better to take this opportunity to improve your cultivation base. Immortal Demon Purgatory is your perfect opportunity."

At this time, a voice came from a distance.

Yan Chengfeng followed the prestige and saw Yang Dieyi stepping forward.

Seeing Yang Dieyi's figure, Yan Chengfeng was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Yang Dieyi would come over.

He also believed that Yang Dieyi would stay in the Yang family all the time and would not show up.

I never thought that Yang Dieyi actually came out, which is really surprising.

"It's quite surprising that you even came out and walked around."

Yan Chengfeng looked at Yang Dieyi, he didn't have any special feelings for this Yang Dieyi, he just felt that the two were like friends.

Even if you haven't seen each other for a long time, when you meet again, you won't feel any strangeness.

Yang Dieyi looked calm and said calmly: "You think that I will stay in the Yang family and not come out and walk around, that's because you don't know me very well."

"One day in the future, you really understand me, then you will not think that I am a good person."

"This time, you offended Mu Liangfeng in Beiyue City. She will definitely find a way to kill you completely. I don't believe that you are not afraid of her."

Beiyue City's Mu Liangfeng, with his means reaching the sky and the earth, has already crossed over to the Immortal Emperor, and has become an invincible person in this world, a real terrestrial immortal.

Such an invincible existence is definitely not something that ordinary creatures can contend against.

Even if Yan Chengfeng's means reached the sky, in front of Mu Liangfeng, it was useless.

It is an invincible existence, and ordinary people will definitely end up miserably against it.

No one dared to clamor with her, and as an enemy of such an existence, there was only one dead end.

Yan Chengfeng naturally knew very well that Mu Liangfeng's methods were sky-high, and ordinary people would have no resistance at all in front of Mu Liangfeng.

Competing with such an existence is only a dead end.

Still, he was curious.

Yang Dieyi seems to be very aware of Mu Liangfeng's affairs, and the two of them don't seem to have anything to do with each other.

"The matter of Mu Liangfeng can be put aside for a while. I am very curious. What is your relationship with that Mu Liangfeng? You seem to know her well."

Yan Chengfeng's heart was full of curiosity, and she really wanted to get the answer from Yang Dieyi.

Intuition told him that the relationship between Yang Dieyi and Mu Liangfeng was definitely not simple. It's just that he can't figure out why Yang Dieyi and Mu Liangfeng have a relationship, which is too strange.

Yan Chengfeng's question, Yang Dieyi just smiled indifferently and did not intend to answer. Some things are like this, and it is really not an easy thing to understand.

But even if you figure out how to do everything, what should come will come after all, it's nothing more than something earlier or later, you don't need to pay too much attention to those trivial matters.

"There are some things that you will know later, and at that time, you will definitely be surprised."

Yang Dieyi smiled and said, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. You have to remember to work hard to improve your cultivation. This is the most important thing."

"Don't always fiddle with your meaningless things, there are many problems, you will naturally understand later."

"It's not the right time to know something in advance, it won't do you any good."

"And, I also heard. This time, the ancestor of the earth immortal seems to be coming. You slaughtered the true devil king, and you may have angered the other party."

"Anyway, no matter what, you must work hard to improve your cultivation base, and you must not be careless."

Yang Dieyi did her best to Yan Chengfeng, everything she did came from the heart.

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