Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 477: The flying head reappears, all beings are afraid

Guan Aoxue knew very well the horrors of the Immortal Demon Purgatory.

Whatever happened next, she felt she could take it.

It's nothing more than a death, I really don't need to care about too many problems.

Yan Chengfeng also felt that the Immortal Demon Purgatory was somewhat unusual, but in the current situation, even if he retreated, it would be a little difficult.

We can only wait a little longer to determine the reason for the abnormality in the immortal and demon purgatory.

If he was allowed to retreat like this, he would still be quite unwilling. Now we can only take one step at a time. No matter what difficulties we may encounter, we must face them.

In any case, you have to go all out to deal with it, some things are still quite troublesome. It's definitely not that easy and simple to deal with it well.

"Wait a minute!"

Yan Chengfeng calmed down and continued to wait here.


The ferocity that poured out of the Immortal Demon Purgatory became more and more terrifying. That mighty might that shook the heavens and the earth, crying ghosts and gods, was definitely not something that ordinary people could contend with.

Everyone is backing away, and they don't dare to be too careless. They had a creepy feeling, and they only felt that the hairs on their bodies stood on end, which made people feel a little frightened.

"In this immortal and demon purgatory, it seems that some invincible murderous thing has awakened, why don't we leave this place directly!"

"In the immortal and demon purgatory, there must be some supreme murderous thing awakening. If we continue to stay here, we will definitely encounter danger."

"Yeah! I think it's better to leave first. When it is finally determined that there is no danger, it will be the same when we come back."

"With so many invincibles staying here, even if we go in with them, we still have no chance of winning."

"Yeah! Retreat now is the best choice..."

It is simply delusional to want to **** the opportunity of creation with these invincibles.

These monks with weak Taoism, they think very clearly, and they are very realistic. They want to compete with those invincibles for good fortune, and it is obvious that they are seeking their own death.

Especially in the current situation, there will not be any good development. Judging from the current situation, it is quite helpless to want to do all this well.

They can only choose to retreat, and after this territory calms down, it will not be too late for them to take action.

Anyway, it's just some good fortune, they can't **** these invincibles at all, there is no need to stay, and they throw their lives here for no reason.

In this situation, the safest way is to leave this place.

If it stays here forever, it will definitely become a corpse in the end.

They are also very helpless in this situation.

Anyway, no matter what troubles come next, they won't be involved.

After all, it's really too dangerous.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, he was still a little uncertain about the current situation.

Because in this case, if you are not careful, you are likely to lose your life.

The monks of all sects are retreating, and the cultivation of those creatures is not very strong.

They don't want to stay and throw their lives away for no reason.

Especially in the current situation, it is simply not something they can contend with.

If you continue to stay, nine out of ten you will die.

They would never do such a stupid thing.

"Yan Chengfeng, now you are talking!"

Guan Aoxue frowned slightly, staring at Yan Chengfeng with some unpleasantness. She has long been impatient with this guy.

But in the end, she chose to follow this annoying guy, for nothing else, just because this guy was her fiancé.

If it were another relationship, she would have turned around and left long ago, and she would not have paid attention to Yan Chengfeng at all.

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and lightly rubbed his eyebrows, and then said, "Wait a second, anyway, the ones who left now are just some insignificant bugs, don't worry too much."

"Wait a minute, if those invincible beings want to leave, then let's leave. I also think this place is quite dangerous."

"However, it's all still within control."

He is not very worried now, all the current situations are still within the controllable range, so he doesn't need to be too concerned at all.

When there is really no way, of course he will choose to leave this place. After all, he is not a fool, how could he stay here all the time.


In that territory, the cracks became bigger and bigger, more and more hideous.

Through the layers of cracks, the scene inside can be vaguely seen, and everyone is quite frightened by the situation in front of them.

Because, through the cracks, they really saw the scene in the immortal devil purgatory.


"Sure enough, there is a supreme murderous thing that has awakened. If you don't leave now, you may never have the chance to leave in this life."

"It's better to quit! If you continue to stay, there is only one dead end. It's better to wait for this territory to quiet down before making other plans..."

For a time, cultivators from all sects were talking about it. The current situation is very dangerous.

In such a situation, they did not dare to be careless, and they had to deal with it with caution. Whatever happens next, be careful.

"Yan Chengfeng is that flying head."

Guan Aoxue's eyes sank, and she did not expect that the flying head would come here.

Yan Chengfeng was not blind, so naturally he saw the flying head.

The breath of that flying head is very terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

Moreover, this is still the purgatory of the fairy and the devil, and the strength of the flying head can be said to have increased significantly.

Without any delay, he said directly: "Leave here immediately."

Guan Aoxue and the others did not delay, and immediately left this place, not staying here at all.

They followed Yan Chengfeng, did not delay here, and quickly exited the dangerous area.

The other monks saw Yan Chengfeng and the others leave, and they did not delay any longer.

Even the invincibles like Yan Chengfeng chose to retreat. If they continue to stay, it doesn't make any sense. It is better to leave first.

After this territory is calm, come back to explore the supreme fortune opportunity.

The monks from all sects and sects did not delay. They all chose to retreat. If they continued to stay here, they would definitely encounter danger. They did not dare to be careless, and they did not dare to joke about their lives.

Everyone was retreating, hiding in the jungle in the distance, silently watching the scene of the immortal devil purgatory, not daring to make a single sound.

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