Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 397: Second uncle's death, need a scapegoat

In the pavilion, the breeze is breezy.

Yan Chengfeng stayed alone in the pavilion to enjoy the cool, the moon was like frost, and the scenery at night was extremely beautiful.

He was bored alone, and instead of hanging out, he stayed in the gazebo, reviewing recent events.

He wants to find some commonalities and explore the mysteries from these incidents. Only by finding clues can he find out the mastermind behind them and save Bai Jianshuang.

It was about Bai Jianshuang's safety, so he didn't dare to be careless, and always went all out to search for clues.

Unfortunately, until now, nothing has been achieved.

However, he was not anxious. He always believed that one day the truth would emerge.

At that time, he will definitely be able to rescue Bai Jianshuang, sweep away those conspiracy theorists, and make all those who are his enemies pay a painful price.

No one can survive, and those who stand in the way are killed without mercy.


A sea of ​​stars.

The Yang family in Guanjiangkou is very quiet. This kind of quietness gives people a very strange feeling and makes people very uncomfortable.

Yan Chengfeng stayed in the pavilion. He was thinking about what happened recently. He didn't care much about the current state of the Yang family in Guanjiangkou.

This place is just a little quieter than other places, no insects can be heard, and no pedestrians can be heard.

Time passed minute by minute, and it wasn't until the middle of the night that Yan Chengfeng felt a little drowsy, and his drowsiness came.

He didn't think much about it, and was ready to go to sleep.


At this time, an accident happened to the Yang family in Guanjiangkou.

Suddenly, the entire Yang family's attic was slowly lighting a light, and that light was lit one after the other.

It was very rhythmic, which made Yan Chengfeng a little puzzled, not understanding what happened.

He always felt that the state in front of him was a bit strange, and it seemed that this was not a good thing.

At this moment, Yu Qingmeng hurried over, her expression was not very good, and she seemed to have just woken up.

"Yan Chengfeng, there is a big incident outside."

As soon as Yu Qingmeng came over, she anxiously told Yan Chengfeng about this.

Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and his heart was full of doubts. Now everything is peaceful outside, and he doesn't know what happened.

It's just that tonight's Guanjiangkou Yang family does give people a very strange feeling.

"What big event happened, is it in such a hurry?"

Yan Chengfeng's heart was full of doubts, and he didn't understand what the situation was.

What big event can happen in the Yang family in Guanjiangkou, there are many experts here, and it is a fool's dream to want to make trouble in the Yang family.

Moreover, he stayed in the pavilion all the time, and did not find any strange state.

He also didn't think that something big would happen here.

Yu Qing dreamed that Yan Chengfeng was still a little unclear, so she immediately said: "I have heard just now that the strong man of the Yang family in Guanjiangkou has fallen, that is, Yang Dieyi's second uncle."

"Don't you think that this is very strange? When will the second uncle of the Yang family fall, but it will not fall until we come to the Yang family in Guanjiangkou."

"Yan Chengfeng, I think this is a conspiracy, let's get out of this place quickly! Don't make a mess at that time."

Yu Qingmeng was very cautious. Staying in the Yang family in Guanjiangkou at this time was definitely not a good thing, and it might even cause a mess. This was not what she wanted to see.

The most important thing now is to leave this place quickly and stop worrying about the troubles of the Yang family.

"The second uncle of the Yang family has fallen."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes sank, and his heart was full of doubts, and he was also a little unclear.

I didn't expect that the second uncle of the Yang family in Guanjiangkou would suddenly fall without any signs, which made people feel very strange.

"The second uncle of the Yang family has fallen. If we leave now, it is estimated that the whole thing will become more and more complicated."

Yan Chengfeng's pupils shrank slightly, and he said solemnly, "Let's hurry up and take a look at the situation!"

He was a little sleepy at first, but when such a thing happened, he couldn't sleep a little.

Especially in the current situation, if some secrets are really involved, the problem will only get worse.

At this moment, he has nothing to say.

Anyway, what should come will come after all, and there is no point in escaping.

Yan Chengfeng thought very clearly, as soon as he came, he was at peace, there was no need to escape, and he didn't do anything that was outrageous.

If you leave now secretly, it would seem that there is no silver 300 taels here.

This will only make people more suspicious of their relationship with this matter.

So, no matter what happens, you can't leave now.

As for these small problems, he never took it to heart from the beginning to the end. Everything can be turned into good fortune, and there is no need to worry too much if the death is auspicious.

Yu Qingmeng raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows lightly, her heart was full of helplessness. She didn't want to provoke this kind of trivial matter in front of her.

However, looking at Yan Chengfeng's posture, he obviously didn't want to take a step back. Up to now, she has no choice but to let Yan Chengfeng come here.

Otherwise, it is best to be careful and cautious in this situation.

Some things are really troublesome. If you are inadvertently, you will encounter danger. She does not dare to be careless, and can only deal with it carefully.

If he is in danger, he has nothing to say. Many things are like this. It is not an easy task to find out the truth.

Yan Chengfeng and Yu Qingmeng did not delay, and immediately came to the Yang family's hall. The Yang family hall was already crowded with people, all of whom were the most powerful members of the Yang family.

The sudden fall of the second uncle of the Yang family made everyone feel that this matter is probably not as simple as it seems on the surface.

They are also quite speechless about such a question. There is nothing to say now, in any case, we must deal with these complex issues as soon as possible.

"Dieyi, what's the situation now?"

When he came to this place, Yan Chengfeng found Yang Dieyi and asked about the current situation.

The problem now seems to be a little more complicated.

Especially in the current situation, the second uncle of the Yang family has fallen. Whether this is a conspiracy or the normal state of life, old age, sickness and death, no one knows at all.

If it's a conspiracy, then this thing is really weird.

Yang Dieyi saw Yan Chengfeng, and Liu Mei frowned slightly, stepped forward and said, "Why are you still here, don't you know to leave early?"

"Now that something like this has happened to the Yang family, you are an outsider, and someone will definitely target you. After all, what is most needed in this matter is a scapegoat."

"And you are the most suitable one."

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