Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 396: Full of wine and food, quiet at night

The person in charge did not delay, and immediately ordered to go down and let the people in the kitchen make some delicious delicacies and serve them up.

Yan Chengfeng did not stay in the main hall, he stood on the west side of the main hall, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, he could clearly feel an unusual aura.

That breath is very strange, sometimes tyrannical, sometimes weak.

His heart was full of doubts, and he didn't understand what was going on.

This breath is extremely strange, he has never felt it before.

"Do you still have such a special powerhouse in your Yang family? This aura fluctuates from strength to strength."

Yan Chengfeng asked, full of curiosity, and wanted to know the secrets of the Yang family.

That breath was really weird, and it made people feel a little frightened.

Being curious about the unknown is human and no one can avoid it.

Especially in the current situation, if you want to understand it, it is actually very simple, it depends on whether Yang Dieyi is willing to say it.

With a cup of tea in Yang Dieyi's hand, she raised her head and glanced at Yan Chengfeng, her eyes were a little surprised, but her expression soon returned to normal.

After putting down the teacup, he said indifferently, "That's one of the strongest members of the Yang family, my second uncle."

"He practiced in a secret realm many years ago, and his body was severely injured, so his breath would be strong and weak."

"You don't have to worry too much, it's all small things."

"Besides, can you stop inquiring! You will make me think that you came to my Yang family to inquire about news."

"Why don't you tell me directly what information you want to inquire about when you come to the Yang family. If I am happy, I will tell you."

"After all, my Yang family doesn't have any secrets."

Yang Dieyi is not afraid of the shadow, but he is also worried that Yan Chengfeng has other plans.

This guy knew that it wasn't a good thing at first glance, and she didn't have any good feelings for such a nasty guy.

Yan Chengfeng calmed down and said, "I'm here just to see you, I don't have any special thoughts."

"When will the wine and food be delivered, I'm already hungry and my chest is on my back."

Yan Chengfeng changed the topic. He really came to the Yang family to see Yang Dieyi, and he had no other ideas.

No matter what secrets the Yang family has, it has nothing to do with him.

Yang Dieyi raised her hand and rubbed her eyebrows lightly, and said helplessly, "It's only been a while, you can't wait."

"Wait a minute! It should be soon."

"Hurry up and drink tea. Although this tea is not a very good treasure, it was obtained by me through hard work. I usually don't want to drink it."

Yan Chengfeng reluctantly took a cup of tea and said, "Dieyi, why haven't you married yet."


Yang Dieyi's movements paused, and she looked at Yan Chengfeng blankly. She couldn't understand why Yan Chengfeng asked such a question. She always felt that Yan Chengfeng was kicked in the head by a donkey.

This guy is really hateful. Which pot can't be opened and lifted.

Moreover, saying this suddenly made her very embarrassed.

"You don't care if I marry or not."

Yang Dieyi glared at Yan Chengfeng and complained, "You suddenly asked me this question, don't you like me!"

"Yan Chengfeng, I'm the one who said the ugly! We can be friends, the kind that can talk about everything."

"But if you want to take advantage, then you really think too much, and I won't let you get your wish."

Yang Dieyi was really speechless, Yan Chengfeng suddenly asked her such a question, why didn't she let her think about it.

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "You are still quite narcissistic, I'm sorry! I'm not interested in ugly girls."

"Look at you, you're not pretty, and your figure is stretched. How could I like you."

"Forget it, looking at you one more time makes me feel hot."

"whispering sound!"

Yang Dieyi let out a low snort, not taking Yan Chengfeng's words to heart at all. This guy is just a cheap mouth, and a dog can't spit out ivory.

If she was really angry because of this, wouldn't it be right in Yan Chengfeng's arms.

When she was angry, Yan Chengfeng would come to coax her, and when coaxing her, she would also take advantage of it.

She would not give Yan Chengfeng any chance, but just gave Yan Chengfeng an indifferent glance.

"My piercing eyes have long seen through those dirty thoughts in your heart. Don't worry, I won't let you succeed."

Yang Dieyi looked calm and said calmly: "Besides, even if I look ugly, I'm still a woman you can't get."

"I have so many amorous feelings in bed that you can never understand."


Yan Chengfeng's mouth twitched, and his heart was full of helplessness.

To be honest, he really didn't mean to have a romantic relationship with Yang Dieyi.

As for asking Yang Dieyi just now why Yang Dieyi is not married yet, he just asked casually and pulled the topic.

He never thought that Yang Dieyi would suddenly make up so many things, and he was quite helpless.

"You are so shameless, I don't even bother to talk to you."

Yan Chengfeng said something casually and decided not to pay attention to Yang Dieyi.

Yu Qingmeng, who was on the side, was a little speechless, and her heart was full of surprise. She didn't even know how Yan Chengfeng said this sentence without blushing and heartbeat.

The person who doesn't know how to be ashamed the most is Yan Chengfeng. No one can compare to Yan Chengfeng.

Yang Dieyi didn't say any more, this is just a small episode, there is no need to take it too seriously.

At this time, the dishes were served one by one.

"Come over to eat quickly."

Yang Dieyi shouted and said, "Just now you were so hungry that your chest was on your back, and the wine and vegetables have already been served. Where are you still pretending to be deep by yourself?"

She is quite speechless to Yan Chengfeng, this guy is like a child, and will never grow up.

Yan Chengfeng didn't delay, and immediately came over and sat down, and started to move his chopsticks.

"I have to say, your family's wine and food are really good."

Yan Chengfeng began to take a big mouthful of food. He was still very passionate about food, and he didn't have to care about his image at all.

Yang Dieyi smiled helplessly, but this kind of Yan Chengfeng is not very annoying.

At least, she felt that the current Yan Chengfeng was quite real.

After eating a good meal, Yang Dieyi instructed the steward to arrange two residences for Yan Chengfeng and Yu Qingmeng, both in the east wing, and I don't know if it was intentional or intentional.

The night has gradually deepened, and Yan Chengfeng has been staying in the pavilion to enjoy the shade after being full of food and drink, and does not want to lie on the bed too quickly to rest.

He has been thinking about what happened recently, trying to connect all the clues.

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