Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 243: Imprisoning the young, settling the wind

"Little man, I may never be able to live without you."

Yin Jiuyou's winking eyes are like silk, and after she has eaten the marrow, she will never want to leave Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng pinched Yin Jiuyou's big white rabbit and said with a smile, "Little man, are you sure you're young?"


Yin Jiuyou looked at the ferocious guy, and her heart was full of shyness. It was that hideous, scary-looking guy that made her want to die again and again, and she fainted several times.

"You're the little man, it's not."

Yin Jiuyou's jade hand held the ferocious guy, and said charmingly: "He is my man, and you are an accessory."

Say it. Yin Jiuyou bowed her head and began to swallow.

"You woman..."

Yan Chengfeng couldn't help but **** in the cold air, it was really comfortable.

The two tossed for a while, and it was noon.

Yan Chengfeng got up helplessly, if he stayed with Yin Jiuyou again, he would have to be drained.

"Where are you going next?"

Yin Jiuyou looked at Yan Chengfeng and asked suspiciously.

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said, "I have to find Yu Xiaowei, I don't have time to stay with you."

"When I'm free, I'll come to you again. Remember to restrain yourself. If you dare to dress revealingly and seduce men everywhere, be careful that I will kill you."

Yin Jiuyou smiled and said, "I don't care anyway. If you don't come to me for more than three days, I won't listen to you."

"You can kill me if you have one, and see who will admit defeat first."

She walked in front of Yan Chengfeng, reached out to hold the hideous bad guy, and said charmingly, "You can't starve my man, he has to taste me every day."

"I will feed it with honey water and serve it every day."


Yan Chengfeng shoved Yin Jiuyou and said, "Don't be mad, I really have important things to do. I will come to accompany you at night."

Yan Chengfeng did not delay here, he left Tianyong City.

The clues of the world spar are broken, and they can only find another way.

Yin Jiuyou looked at Yan Chengfeng's back, and her eyes gradually deepened.

She doesn't have any feelings for Yan Chengfeng, but she misses the hideous guy who harmed women very much.

"Come with me at night, you are so confident!"

Yin Jiuyou's eyes were deep, and she said leisurely: "I'm afraid you won't be able to come to me in a short time."

In fact, she also really wanted to stay with Yan Chengfeng and do shameful things all day.

However, she was in no hurry.

She took out a stone and a door appeared in the room, through which she exited.

Behind that door is a palace.

There was a raging flame burning in the palace. In the center of the palace, there was a black iron cage, and a woman was locked in the iron cage.

That woman was none other than the Yu Xiaowei that Yan Chengfeng had been looking for.

"Xiaowei, you are Xiaowei."

Yin Jiuyou walked in front of Yu Xiaowei, looked at Yu Xiaowei carefully, and said, "You are still a virgin, so that flower-hearted radish can endure it!"

She thought that Yan Chengfeng had eaten Yu Xiaowei long ago, but she did not expect that this woman was still a virgin.

Yu Xiaowei's expression darkened slightly and said, "You know Yan Chengfeng."

No matter how stupid she was, she knew the meaning of Yin Jiuyou's words.

Yin Jiuyou smiled and said, "Of course I know him. He came to Tianyong City to explore the world's spar, and wanted to find the creatures who destroyed Zhenwu Shenzong and Zhenchan Xianzong, and found you by the way."

"However, I didn't tell him that you were caught by me."

Yu Xiaowei's pupils shrank slightly, and she said solemnly, "What do you want to do? Are you trying to threaten him with me?"

Yin Jiuyou shook his head and said, "Just before a stick of incense, he was still riding on me. Do you think I will threaten him with you?"

"He's my man, how could I hurt him."

Yu Xiaowei was not surprised. Yan Chengfeng and Yin Jiuyou got together, it didn't seem to be surprising.

Yu Youwei calmed down and asked, "Then what exactly do you want to do? We are all women of Yan Chengfeng, why are you embarrassing me?"

Yin Jiuyou showed a smile and said, "I captured you, in fact, to protect you."

"If I hadn't promised others to protect you, do you think I would have taken a lot of trouble to take you away?"

"I promised someone else to save your life, but I thought it wasn't worth it."

"I didn't expect you to have a relationship with Yan Chengfeng, so for my little man, I will definitely not put you in danger."

"Just stay here quietly during this time! I'll release you when the situation outside settles down."

"I want to see Yan Chengfeng."

Yu Xiaowei made a condition that she wanted to meet Yan Chengfeng now.

Yin Jiuyou shook his head and said, "I'm sorry! I can't agree to this condition of yours."

"You're dead now, don't think about being a living person. When the situation stabilizes, you'll be fine with whomever you want."

"As for now, you'd better be quiet!"


Yu Xiaowei frowned slightly, gritted her teeth and said, "After I go out, I will definitely file a complaint with him, saying that you bullied me."

Yin Jiuyou didn't care, and didn't take Yu Xiaowei's words to heart at all.

She didn't stay here and left quickly.


Yu Xiaowei's heart was full of anger, and now she has nothing to say, so she can only endure it first.

The Zhenwu Shenzong and the Zhen Zen Shenzong were destroyed, and people panicked for a while.

No one knows who the opponent's next target is.

Yan Chengfeng searched aimlessly without a clue.


He originally wanted to find Yin Jiuyou, but in the end he chose to give up.

That woman is too tossed, and in the past, he didn't have any extra thoughts to meditate.

Everything that happened during this time requires meditation to determine some answers.

Yan Chengfeng set off and came to the place where Guan Aoxue retreated. Guan Aoxue was still breaking through the retreat, and Yan Chengfeng did not disturb her.

Recently, too many things have happened in this world, and there are not many people who can calm down and practice.

Guan Aoxue was close to breaking through and could not be disturbed.

Yan Chengfeng meditated cross-legged, meditating, and no longer concerned about worldly affairs. He wanted to calm down and spy on ancient secrets.

Time is like flowing water, fleeting.

Three months is enough to wipe out everything.

Everyone seems to have forgotten the demise of Zhenwu Shenzong and Zhenchan Xianzong.

Only Yan Chengfeng has never forgotten this matter.

On this day, he opened his eyes.

He raised his eyes and looked into the distance, and a constellation fell.

He knew very well that something big was about to happen in this world.

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