Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 242: Nine seclusions of yin, first taste of joy

As long as you can find the place where the world spar is sold, and then explore from here, you will definitely be able to find some clues.

"World spar."

Chu Qingcheng thought about it seriously and said, "I heard that Tianyong City has this thing for sale before. As for now, I don't know."

"Tianyong City."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep and he said with a smile, "Good woman, I will definitely feed you next time we meet."

After all, he immediately got up and left.

"That nasty guy."

A smile appeared between Chu Qingcheng's brows and eyes, and he was quite speechless to Yan Chengfeng.

This time, the world has undergone extreme changes, and the True Martial God Sect and the True Zen Immortal Sect have all been destroyed.

If it is God's will, then there is no danger.

However, she fears that this is eternal vengeance.

Eternity has always been the pursuit of all beings.

But what exactly is eternity, no one knows.

Heaven and earth are changing, and eternity has surfaced, and the heavens and the world will be in chaos.

Chu Qingcheng didn't have any extra thoughts to take care of these trivial matters. She only had one idea now, that is, to take care of the baby in her womb and give birth to it.

What kind of person Yan Chengfeng is, she doesn't care at all.

She already has flesh and blood, and she will have children who will be with each other in the future, so she doesn't want to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng.

She hated that careless and selfish guy the most.

Yan Chengfeng left the Frost Immortal Sect.

He went to Tianyong City to find out who the world spar was sold to.

Tianyong City is located in the center of the Great Thousand World. It is the largest town in the Great Thousand World and the town with the most practitioners.

There are many creatures gathered here, of all races.

The scorching sun was high, and the temperature in Tianyong City was very high, mercilessly scorching the earth.

Yan Chengfeng came to a shop, which was the largest shop in Tianyong City.

He stepped into the shop, if there is no world spar here, then there will be no world spar in other shops.

The owner of the shop is a woman with a plump figure and charming every move.

Yan Chengfeng could see at a glance that this woman was full of debauchery.

The woman is very revealing, and her figure is extremely plump.

However, don't look at this woman's amorous feelings, but she is a real girl.

Those who want to kiss Fang Ze can probably circle the Daqian World three or four times.

She is the proprietress of Tianyong City, and her name is Yin Jiuyou.

Yan Chengfeng walked in front of Yin Jiuyou and said indifferently, "Is there anyone who has come here to buy world crystals?"

Yan Chengfeng didn't beat around the bush, he directly explained his intentions.

Yin Jiuyou's eyes fell on Yan Chengfeng, and she said with a smile: "There are so many people who bought the world spar, I can't remember it for a while, why don't you go into the house with me, I will slowly tell you."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and did not have any worries, he was not afraid of Yin Jiuyou.

If this woman doesn't know how to praise, then he will not show mercy.

After Yin Jiuyou brought Yan Chengfeng into the house, the jade hand fell on Yan Chengfeng's shoulder, groping softly, and said, "You are investigating the world spar, presumably for the destruction of Zhenwu Shenzong and Zhenchan Xianzong. bring it on!"

Yan Chengfeng stretched out his hand to embrace Yin Jiuyou's slender waist, took advantage of the situation and embraced it in his arms, and said with a smile, "Why did I come here, this is not what you need to know."

"You just tell me the answer I want. If you don't obey, it may hurt you."

Yan Chengfeng held Yin Jiuyou's jade hand, and touched something that was majestic and arrogant.

Yin Jiuyou's delicate body trembled slightly, and her jade hands trembled a little. She stared at Yan Chengfeng and spat, "Have you used the same method to threaten women before? It's really shameless."

Although she is very rude, she is still a little virgin.

Usually, I just like to look at the pictures of love between men and women collected by the folks.

As for the ferocious guy of the man, she has never encountered it before.

Yan Chengfeng's scourge of women is very big, much bigger than those seen in the pictures of love.

"If I really do those shameful things with him, I'll be killed!"

Yin Jiuyou was a little scared, she felt that she would definitely not be able to withstand Yan Chengfeng's onslaught, this man was too strong.

"what are you thinking?"

Seeing Yin Jiuyou in a daze, Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, and he couldn't help reminding him.

Yin Jiuyou came back to her senses and said without shame: "What else can I think about, your guy is so big, can't I just imagine it?"

"Ha ha!"

Yan Chengfeng sneered and said, "As long as you are obedient, I will let you get in touch with it later."

"I don't want it."

Yin Jiuyou hurriedly refused, she didn't want to have any entanglement with Yan Chengfeng at all, this guy looked like a veteran of Fengyue.

If she really got together with Yan Chengfeng, then she would suffer a big loss.

"We don't have a world spar here, and, as far as I know, the world spar has not appeared for a long time."

Yin Jiuyou's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely: "If I guessed correctly, the world spar used by those who destroyed the Zhenwu Shenzong and the Zhenxian Xianzong must have been stored a long time ago."

"You investigate from the world spar, and there won't be any clues at all."

"Actually, whether this matter is the will of God or not, you don't need to worry about it."

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said, "I don't want to worry about it either, but my woman is missing. Of course I want to investigate it thoroughly."

"Flower radish."

Yin Jiuyou complained, and she knew that Yan Chengfeng was not a good thing.

Yan Chengfeng smiled and said, "Since you are so obedient, then I will honor my promise and let you have intimate contact with it."

After saying that, Yan Chengfeng undid the belt directly, revealing something majestic about him.

Yin Jiuyou finally saw the scary guy, swallowed and said, "It's scary! If I put this in, I'll be killed."

She felt that she couldn't bear Yan Chengfeng's strength, his guy was too scary.

Yan Chengfeng was not polite, and directly picked up Yin Jiuyou, walked over to the bed, and immediately put Yin Jiuyou on the bed.

Spring was hazy in the house, and Yan Chengfeng was also worried that Yin Jiuyou couldn't bear it, so he didn't go into battle directly, but chose the most gentle way of attacking.


With the sound of a shameful cry, Yin Jiuyou's sanctity was destroyed. She tactfully accepted her joy under Yan Chengfeng's body, and gradually got used to it and welcomed the pleasure.

Time passed minute by minute, and the next morning soon ushered in.

The spring night is short and the day is high, and since then the king will not go to court early.

Yin Jiuyou was paralyzed in Yan Chengfeng's arms. After she tasted Yan Chengfeng's taste, the feeling was really comfortable. It was engraved in her bones, and she would never forget it.

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