Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 203: Play Wanqing with different minds

Mu Wanqing frowned slightly, and she didn't know when the Empress of Bitter Prison would leave.

Her eyes moved down, and she caught a glimpse of what Yan Chengfeng had done to women, and she spat, "Damn it."

It's okay not to see it. When she saw it, she only felt a little restless in the mysterious area.

Yan Chengfeng looked at Mu Wanqing, his eyes were deep and he said, "How about we go out for a tryst?"


Mu Wanqing's face darkened slightly, and she glared at Yan Chengfeng angrily.

She didn't want to stay here any longer, and hurriedly got up and dressed.

Even if Yan Chengfeng sees it all, she will leave here.

After Mu Wanqing left, Yan Chengfeng also left quietly.

After returning to the courtyard, Yan Chengfeng still felt that all this was a dream.

He didn't think much about it, and went back to the guest room to meditate cross-legged and meditate.

A night story.

The next morning.

The morning light poured in through the casement, and Yan Chengfeng ended the night of practice.

He did not delay here. After washing up, he was ready to leave the Zuwa Temple.

With last night's experience, he now just wants to escape from this place of right and wrong.

He walked out of the door and bumped into Lian Xiulan.

"Chengfeng, I want to get out of here and go for a walk outside alone to relax."

Cultivation Xiulan thought about it all night, she just wanted to leave here and go to the mountains and rivers to practice.


Yan Chengfeng knew that Xiulan was in a bad mood, and he did not force her to stay.

Go out and travel, at least you can forget the pain.

Cultivation Xiulan left, she left Zuwa Temple, and went to the mountains and rivers to travel and relax.

Yan Chengfeng went to Longyuan Hall.

He didn't see anyone else in Longyuan Palace, only one Mu Wanqing.

"What about the rest?"

Yan Chengfeng kept his mouth shut and didn't mention what happened last night, and asked the whereabouts of other people.

It's only been one night of work, and there seems to be a lot less people in the Zuwa Temple.

Seeing Yan Chengfeng, Mu Wanqing couldn't help but think of the experience last night, her pretty face was full of red glow.

"I heard that something big happened, and they went to the Hell of Hell in advance."

Mu Wanqing's voice was sweet, she walked to Yan Chengfeng's side and said, "It's time for us to set off."

If it wasn't for Yan Chengfeng, she would have left long ago.

"Something big is going to happen."

Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly, not knowing what was going to happen.

"Let's go!"

However, he didn't think much about it, and went to the palace of the Kingdom of Bitter Prison with Mu Wanqing.

The rivers are vast, the mountains and rivers are ancient.

Above the boundless star bucket, there is a star ship driving fast.

Yan Chengfeng and Mu Wanqing stood on the deck, Mu Wanqing was close to Yan Chengfeng, and the jade hand touched Yan Chengfeng's hand intentionally or unintentionally.

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, he was no longer the little brother he used to be.

He knew that Mu Wanqing was seducing him.

However, he didn't take it to heart and pretended not to have noticed anything.

Mu Wanqing frowned slightly, seeing that Yan Chengfeng was unmoved, she couldn't help being bold, and started to untie Yan Chengfeng's belt, then knelt down in front of Yan Chengfeng, doing a shameful gesture.

The route here is very remote, and it was deliberately chosen by Mu Wanqing.

She stayed up all night last night.

She really couldn't forget Yan Chengfeng.

At this moment, she finally got her wish.

The spring light on the deck was strong, and the humiliating moans came one after another.

Mu Wanqing was tossed under Yan Chengfeng's body, her eyes rolled, and she couldn't help it.

This tossing continued until nightfall.

Mu Wanqing was lying in Yan Chengfeng's arms, and she felt like her body was about to crack.

"You are amazing."

Mu Wanqing winked like silk, and said, "It's the first time I've been knocked out, can we still have a negative distance contact in the future!"

She fell in love with Yan Chengfeng and wanted to be Yan Chengfeng's lover.

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, and said, "Forget it! I don't dare to offend the Zuwa Temple, the tortured country."

Yan Chengfeng is not afraid of these two forces at all, he just doesn't want to entangle with Mu Wanqing any more.

Mu Wanqing frowned slightly and said solemnly: "You don't have to worry about this, Qin Huang won't find out. Besides, I haven't dealt with Qin Huang for a long time."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "I heard that there is an ancestral scripture in the Zuwa Temple, but I don't know where it is placed?"

"Ancestral Emperor Sutra."

Mu Wanqing stared at Yan Chengfeng for a while, and then said, "The Ancestral Emperor Sutra is in the hands of the Bitter Prison."

"The Empress of Hell."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes were deep, and he was very interested in the Ancestral Emperor Sutra.

Seeing that Yan Chengfeng's eyes were bright, Mu Wanqing instantly became vigilant and said, "Yan Chengfeng, you can't hit her, you and I have a skin-to-skin relationship."

"If you dare to do anything with her, I will definitely make you pay the price."

She doesn't know what kind of person Yan Chengfeng is.

However, if Yan Chengfeng really dared to have a relationship with the Bitter Prison, she would definitely make Yan Chengfeng pay the price.

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent and said, "You are not qualified to take care of my affairs."

After saying that, he bullied himself up and started to fight on Mu Wanqing's body again.

Mu Wanqing was forced to cater, and this battle continued until the next morning.

She was full of mess.

The two have already come to the kingdom of hell.

Mu Wanqing didn't have time to wash her body at all, so she had to change into her clothes and walked into the palace of the Kingdom of Hell.

The Empress of Bitter Prison has been waiting here, seeing Yan Chengfeng and Mu Wanqing's arrival, her eyes are a little strange.

"Mother, my father is waiting for you in the backyard, go see him first!"

The Prison Empress quickly stepped forward and informed Emperor Qin of his movements.

Mu Wanqing didn't say much and left the place quickly.

She was afraid that the Prison Empress would smell her body.

However, what kind of person is the Queen of Hell.

She had already discovered everything.

After waiting for no one, she said indifferently: "What is your purpose?"

Yan Chengfeng didn't talk to him, but just looked at the Empress of Torment in silence.

The Empress of Bitter Prison lowered her gaze slightly and said, "You deliberately entered the Zuwa Temple, approached Mu Wanqing, and messed with Mu Wanqing again. Are you trying to destroy the relationship between Emperor Qin and Mu Wanqing, or is it for the sake of the Ancestral Emperor Sutra?"

Yan Chengfeng smiled indifferently, and instantly approached the Empress of the Bitter Prison, reached out to wrap her arms around her slender waist, and whispered, "You are very smart, but your calculations are wrong."

"I didn't enter the Zuwa Temple to destroy the relationship between Mu Wanqing and the Qin Emperor, nor was it for the Ancestral Emperor Sutra."

"I just want to sleep with Mu Wanqing, don't you think she's very slutty?"

The Prison Empress had deep eyes and stared at Yan Chengfeng indifferently.

Mu Wanqing was indeed very slutty, but after just one night of work, she was willing to be played by Yan Chengfeng under her body.

This woman is really disgusting.

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "Since I have already told you my intentions. Then should you also tell me what is your purpose for entering the Zuwa Temple?"

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