Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 202: Hot spring encounter, almost suffocated

Yan Chengfeng's temperament is the easiest to confuse people. If he really gets to know him, he will know that he has never been an ascetic person.

"I heard that you buried my father. I don't know where he was buried?"

Lian Xiulan didn't beat around the bush, and directly asked Lian Fuyun's burial place.

Qin Huang didn't hide it, and told him: "He was buried in Yongxia Mountain, I'll take you there!"

Emperor Qin got up and walked out of the hall, followed by everyone.


Everyone came to Yongxia Mountain.

There is not only one tomb here, but many monks of the ancient Qi Sect were also buried here.

Lian Xiulan found Lian Fuyun's cemetery, and her heart was heavy.

The brilliance of a long time ago appeared in her mind, and she really regretted it.

Knowing this, she should not have fled in the first place.

"Yan Chengfeng, is there any way to resurrect my father?"

Lian Xiulan's heart was full of grief, she really didn't want Lian Fuyun to die.

Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly, looking at Lian Xiulan's appearance, he couldn't bear it.

"There is a way, but it will take a long time."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "Perhaps one hundred thousand years, ten million years. As for how long it will take, I dare not guarantee you."

"However, don't worry, one day, I will reunite you."

Lian Xiulan never doubted what Yan Chengfeng said.

But this moment.

Cultivation Xiulan didn't quite believe what Yan Chengfeng said. She felt that Yan Chengfeng was deliberately deceiving her to make her feel at ease.

However, no matter what Yan Chengfeng's state of mind was, she accepted it.

Perhaps, she can really see her father who loves her again.

"time to go."

After a long while, Yan Chengfeng said something.

He was going to leave.

Cultivation Xiulan nodded, and she felt that it was time to leave.

"Are you in such a hurry to leave? Why don't you stay and rest for a while."

At this time, Emperor Qin opened an invitation.

Hearing this, Yan Chengfeng did not refuse, and said, "It is better to be respectful than to obey."


The corners of Qin Huang's mouth twitched. He was just polite and never thought about letting Yan Chengfeng and Lian Xiulan stay.

I didn't expect Yan Chengfeng's face to be so thick, it's better to obey God so respectful.

It was also the first time that Mu Wanqing saw Yan Chengfeng.

She had only heard of Yan Chengfeng's deeds before, but had never really negotiated.

Today, after seeing Yan Chengfeng, she feels that he is quite nice.

Qin Huang was depressed and did not stay here, he left directly.

"You young people, let's play together! I'll go first."

Mu Wanqing didn't delay here either, got up and walked out of Yongxia Mountain.

Everyone played together, but the mood was not very good.

Especially Cultivation Xiulan, she has been silent all the time.

After a while.

Everyone left one after another, and Yan Chengfeng and Lian Xiulan both returned to their guest rooms to rest.


Yan Chengfeng stayed in the courtyard, looking at the stars like the sea, his eyes gradually deepened.

The background of Zuwa Temple is far more terrifying than he imagined.

The Queen of Bitter Prison is the ruler of the Dao Kingdom of Bitter Prison. It can be said that the whole Dao State of Bitter Prison belongs to Zuwa Temple.

When he was bored in the courtyard, he got up and left here, wanting to go somewhere else.

In Zuwa Temple, as long as he wants to go, no one can really find him.

Yan Chengfeng came to a garden. There was a hot spring in the garden. There were some strange rockeries around the hot spring and in the hot spring.

The mist in the hot spring is hazy and the scene is very beautiful.

Yan Chengfeng came to the side of the hot spring and saw a graceful figure.

"Mu Wanqing."

Yan Chengfeng's eyes are deep, and Mu Wanqing's figure is beautiful, and in the hazy water mist, it is even more fascinating.

Worried about being discovered, he turned to leave the place.

Although Mu Wanqing has a good figure, she is also very beautiful.

But Mu Wanqing is a married woman after all, he is not a pervert, and he doesn't have such a strong taste.

If it is found, it will be miserable.

Before Yan Chengfeng could leave, the Empress of Torment appeared.

"Mother, why do you come to the hot spring at night!"

The Empress of Bitter Prison came here, and there was only one road ahead, and Yan Chengfeng had no way to leave.

Forced to do so, Yan Chengfeng could only step back.

His retreat also alarmed Mu Wanqing.

Seeing Yan Chengfeng, Mu Wanqing's expression changed suddenly.

If Yan Chengfeng were driven away at this moment, she would definitely be discovered by her daughter.

Yan Chengfeng saw that the Empress of Bitter Prison was getting closer and closer, so she didn't dare to think any more, and entered the hot spring in an instant.

This hot spring was not that big, but when Yan Chengfeng came in, it seemed a little crowded.

"Daughter, go to the side!"

Seeing the Empress of the Prison approaching, Mu Wanqing hurriedly pressed Yan Chengfeng with her feet to prevent him from coming out of the water.

The empress of the Bitter Prison frowned slightly and said, "We usually go to the hot spring together, why can't we do it this time."


Mu Wanqing smiled and said, "It would be a bit crowded if the two of them soak together."

"All right!"

The Queen of Prisons didn't say much, and went to the other side. There is a huge stone blocking it, which can perfectly cover the scene on both sides.

Yan Chengfeng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the Empress of Torture had gone to the other side.

He was about to leave the hot spring, but Mu Wanqing pressed his head with his hand.

"You're not allowed to get up."

Mu Wanqing was so anxious that if Yan Chengfeng got up, she would be seen all over.

However, she overlooked one thing.

That was Yan Chengfeng's head, which was sandwiched between her legs. Yan Chengfeng's eyes stared straight at her mysterious area.

Yan Chengfeng was about to burst.

It was definitely the darkest experience of his life.

Yan Chengfeng couldn't hold it any longer, and in desperation, he could only reach out and touch Mu Wanqing's mysterious area.


Mu Wanqing gasped, her body trembled slightly, and she reacted instantly.

She hurriedly let go of Yan Chengfeng, her pretty face was flushed, and her eyes were like silk.


Yan Chengfeng finally surfaced, and he let out a deep breath.

"I was almost tossed to death by you."

Yan Chengfeng wanted to leave, but this time the experience was a little dark.

"Mother, what's your voice over there?"

At this time, the Empress of Prison suddenly asked.

Mu Wanqing's face changed suddenly, and she replied, "No sound! You may have heard it wrong."

Hearing this, the Empress of Bitter Prison didn't think too much, and quietly soaked in the hot spring.

Mu Wanqing grabbed Yan Chengfeng's hand and whispered, "Don't leave yet, if we get caught, we'll all have to finish the game."

Yan Chengfeng didn't dare to be careless, he was more worried than Mu Wanqing.

If found, he would not be able to wash himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

"When did she leave?"

Yan Chengfeng didn't want to stay with Mu Wanqing, he just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

As long as the Empress of Torment is gone, he can leave this place and no longer need to suffer this kind of torment.

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