Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 189: The war begins, the shadow is wounded

The rank of monks is divided into awakening spirit, psychic, secret treasure, bitter sea, Shenqiao, other shore, Daoguo, prince, sage, true immortal, immortal king, quasi immortal emperor, immortal emperor...

Starting from the princes, each level of cultivation has a strict division, and the gap between each level is huge.

Take Immortal Emperor as an example, it is divided into early stage, middle stage, late stage, and consummation.

Each of the four sub-levels includes three sub-sections.

Although Chu Tianyou has been an Immortal Emperor for countless years, he only has the strength of the second rank of Immortal Emperor. Compared with Yan Chengfeng, there is still a big gap.

"Yan Chengfeng, I don't know how you became the ancestor of the clan, but I know your goal must not be simple."

Chu Tianyou's eyes were deep, and he said leisurely: "No matter what your goal is, our goal must be the same."

"There are only eternal interests, no permanent enemies. In the face of absolute interests, our joint effort is the most correct choice."

Yan Chengfeng looked indifferent, smiled and said: "I am the ancestor of the clan, and naturally I want to protect the clan's genealogy. You are all starting to slap me in the face, and you want me to bend over and cooperate with you."

"Do you think I would care, an ant of the second rank of the Immortal Emperor?"

"You can't stop it, and you can't take the clan's genealogy. I advise you to wait, don't seek death."

"I don't want to kill people, don't come up and send people's heads."

"Yan Xiaoer, you are too arrogant."

Chu Tianyou was angry. He was also an Immortal Emperor after all, but he was sprayed with nothing, which was not something he could bear.

No matter what, this group of people will be destroyed.

Chu Tianyou stood in the sky and said indifferently: "I don't believe it, you can really stop all the creatures in the Kyushu and the Nine Regions."

As Chu Tianyou's voice fell, a group of invincibles arrived.

The combat power of these invincibles is extraordinary, and they all possess earth-shattering strength.

Reincarnation, Shu Dao Xianmen, Immortal Kingdom of Immortality, Yuan Palace, Wild Fire Sect...

Most of the creatures in the Nine Regions and Nine Regions have arrived. There are many sects here, and they have old feuds with Yan Chengfeng.

As for some of Yan Chengfeng's old friends, he did not see it.

People like Ye Senyi gave Yan Chengfeng a lot of face, so they didn't run over to block it.

Yan Chengfeng glanced at these people and said indifferently, "No matter how much bean curd **** is, it won't be able to get on the table."

This group of people looked very intimidating, but Yan Chengfeng didn't take them seriously, and didn't take them seriously at all.

"Yan Chengfeng, your life has come to an end."

At this time, a dark shadow fell from the sky.

Seeing this dark shadow, Yan Chengfeng's sword brows were slightly wrinkled, the opponent's strength was very strong, and he was definitely not weak.

However, no matter how many invincibles came, he would not take it to heart.

"Keep the hat on your head firmly, don't let it fall off." Yan Chengfeng sneered with a smile.

"Straight is arrogant."

Hei Ying's heart was full of anger, and he wished to smash Yan Chengfeng's body into ten thousand pieces, smashing his bones into ashes.

He swore that after Yan Chengfeng beheaded, even the flaming red carp would be destroyed.

These two dog men and women dared to put a cuckold on him, and he couldn't swallow the breath.

In any case, Yan Chengfeng had to pay a painful price.

"Yan Chengfeng, even if you have the means to reach the sky, today, you can't escape death."

Hei Ying was furious, he took the lead and killed Xiang Yan Chengfeng fiercely.

"Returning Market Clock!"

The Guixu Bell was sacrificed by the shadow, this is an imperial artifact.

It is like a big roulette in the sky, and the sun, moon, and stars are under its control. This world is isolated in an instant, and time seems to be suspended.

The Guixu Clock can control the time and control the years. Control everyone.

It's a loophole that can do anything interesting with it.

The appearance of the Guixu Bell surprised countless creatures, this treasure is too fierce.


Yan Chengfeng sat cross-legged, and his whole body had the chapter of creation circulating, and the fierceness he exuded was terrifying, just like the **** of creation, sitting cross-legged between heaven and earth, his whole person revealed divine brilliance.

That energy is flowing, the endless aura will be destroyed, and the star bucket will be destroyed.

Yan Chengfeng stretched out the palm of his hand, and in his palm there was a rhythm of the dazzling galaxy, which was an endless winding river, from ancient to modern.

Under the influence of the long river, the role of returning to the ruins was completely wiped out.

"That is……"

"Yan Chengfeng's comprehension of the law of time has reached the realm of transformation."

"He is like the years, and the years are like him."

"Is he really a mortal body? How do I feel, he is an immortal body."

"In addition to the longevity body, there is no other physique that can mobilize such a domineering law of time..."

Yan Chengfeng's method was too terrifying, causing everyone to be surprised.

Such a powerful creature is definitely not something that ordinary people can compete with.

"Yan Xiaoer, even if your means are sky-high, today, you can't escape death."

The black shadow roared angrily. He manipulated the Returning Market Clock and savagely killed it out. The attack was terrifying, and the stars fell.

The constellation of stars fell down and smashed fiercely at Yan Chengfeng, trying to drown Yan Chengfeng.


Those attacks fell on Yan Chengfeng's body, touching the chapter of creation, and the chapters of creation kept flowing, forming a huge barrier.

Those barriers were terrifying, protecting Yan Chengfeng.

The shadow manipulated the Guixu Clock, and the fierce attack was resisted by that barrier.

There was no way for the black shadow to break through Yan Chengfeng's defense, and he was almost unable to hold it.

The long river of time is in the sky, and the terrifying law of the years is rhythmic. It seems that it can drown everything, and no one can stay in the long river of time.

If you stay for too long, it will definitely be destroyed. No one's life essence can be supported, such a terrifying consumption.


The shadow was vomiting blood, and he looked very embarrassed with his disheveled hair.


Seeing this scene, Chu Tianyou couldn't sit still. He ordered the ghosts and immortals, as well as the creatures of other ethnic groups, to take action immediately, completely destroying Yan Chengfeng and Frost Bing Xianzong.

This group of creatures must be eradicated, and the clan's genealogy must be seized.

The powerhouses of the major religions did not delay, they sacrificed their terrifying treasures one after another, and slaughtered the creatures of the Frost Immortal Sect fiercely.

Frost Immortal Sect is facing a life-and-death battle. Ancestor Chaos led the strong men of Frost Immortal Sect to go on an expedition, and the creatures of the Nine Provinces and Nine Regions launched a desperate struggle.

In the face of the catastrophe of life and death, they will not take a half step back.

On the other side, Chu Tianyou also started.

He joined forces with that shadow to attack Yan Chengfeng, and wanted to take this opportunity to completely suppress Yan Chengfeng.

Faced with the attack of the two, Yan Chengfeng didn't care.

He is like the supreme **** of creation, and the surging breath in his body is enough to destroy everything.

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