Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 188: Ghosts and gods, the genealogy of the clan

Yan Chengfeng couldn't see through the pair of sisters, so he reluctantly let go of the two of them, walked to the side and meditated cross-legged, meditating.

Chu Linlang and Chu Qingcheng didn't care either, and continued to build blocks to kill time.

Outside the Frost Immortal Sect, the powerhouses of the heavens gathered here.

The major sects and families of the nine regions and nine regions have arrived, and even a group of old monsters could not sit still and ran out to participate in this expedition.

The flaming red carp stood in the air and said solemnly: "Clan Xuan, hand over the clan's genealogy! The clan has been destroyed for countless years, and it is meaningless for you to guard the clan's genealogy."


Shi Xuan's eyes were deep, and he snorted coldly: "The ancestor of my clan has already come into the world, and it is only a matter of time before the clan returns to its former prosperity."

"If you retreat now, I can pretend that nothing has happened. When the clan rises in the future, I will give you some protection."

"Old man, you're talking too much nonsense." Some of the strongest roared, they couldn't hold it any longer, and they must destroy the Frost Immortal Sect.

The clan's genealogy is very closely related, and they must **** the clan's genealogy.

"That's right, since the creatures of the clan are unwilling to hand over the clan's genealogy, let's grab it directly."

The cultivators of the major religions couldn't hold it in any longer. They were very hot and could not wait to kill all the creatures of the Frost Immortal Sect and seize the clan's genealogy.

"Shi Xuan, if you are obsessed with it, the Frost Immortal Sect will definitely be doomed."

The flame red carp's eyes darkened slightly and said: "Have you seen the group of people behind me? They are all demons who kill people without spitting bones."

"If you keep sticking to the rules, then there must be only death waiting for you."

Shi Xuan didn't care and said, "If we die here today, then we have no regrets."

"The clan's genealogy must never fall into the hands of outsiders. You are murderous demons, and we will never be villains who are greedy for life and fear of death."

"What ability do you have, you can show it all! We will never take a half step back, and even if we die in the next second, we have to hold our heads high."



The flaming red carp was a little annoyed. Like Yan Chengfeng, this group of people were all stubborn.

"Since you want to die as a martyr, then I will fulfill you."

The Yanhong carp looked indifferent and said, "Go all out to kill this group of ants who don't know how to live or die, push the Frost Immortal Sect horizontally, and **** the clan's genealogy."


Following the order of the flaming red carp, the monks of the major religions slaughtered fiercely as if they had been beaten with blood.

That piece of heavy treasure was in the sky, and there were blazing killings falling down, overwhelming the sky.


The female disciples of the Immortal Frost Sect did not flinch either. Under the leadership of those elders, they savagely killed them out. They were like believers guarding their beliefs.

If someone violates their beliefs, they will definitely smash the corpse of the violated person into ashes.

In this territory, there have been earth-shattering conquests by ghosts and gods, and the conquests of those invincibles are terrifying, and no one can match them.


This place has been collapsed, and the cracks are thick and terrifying, quickly spreading to all directions, the territory collapses, and the sky is full of smoke.

The monks with weak Taoism were affected, and they couldn't stop them at all, and they didn't even have a chance to mourn. They were directly shattered and their flesh was blurred.

Seeing such a scene, countless monks retreated in horror. The conquest here is too dangerous, and it is not something they can contend with.

The expedition that took place outside caused huge fluctuations, even when Yan Chengfeng stayed in the room, he could feel it.

However, he didn't care.

Frost Immortal Sect's heritage is unparalleled, and this group of people can't compete.

"Why don't you two go out and help?"

Yan Chengfeng shifted his gaze to Chu Linlang and Chu Qingcheng. These sisters were calmer than him, which made him quite puzzled.

Chu Linlang put down the building blocks in her hand and said, "We also want to help, but we also have to have that ability."

"I have more than my heart but I am not enough! It's you, your strength is extraordinary, why don't I see you to help."

Yan Chengfeng smiled indifferently and said, "Immortal Frost Sect has an extraordinary background, I don't need to take action."

"This time, the creatures of the Nine Regions and Nine Regions will definitely suffer a big loss if they ask for the clan's genealogy."

"Have you suffered a big loss?"

Chu Linlang continued to build the building blocks, and said leisurely, "I don't think so. After all, the flame red carp is a true immortal."

"Since she dares to come forward to **** the clan's genealogy, it must be indicated by Chu Tianyou. After all, the other party is also an Immortal Emperor."

"Chu Tianyou, as the Immortal Emperor of the Ghost Immortal Clan, if he can obtain the clan's genealogy, it will be of great help to him."

"This time, the creatures of the major religions are only working for the flaming red carp."

"The Guixian clan plots the clan's genealogy. They have great ambitions, but they all missed one thing."


Yan Chengfeng smiled and said, "Then what did they miss?"

Chu Linlang looked calm and said calmly: "The clan's genealogy is not in the Frost Immortal Sect. Even if they destroy the Frost Immortal Sect, they will not get the clan's genealogy."

"Instead, it will make everyone think that the clan's genealogy has fallen into their hands, causing a fishy smell, and stealing chickens can't lose rice."

Yan Chengfeng felt that Chu Linlang was very smart. As for Chu Qingcheng, he looked a little silly and couldn't say a word.

"It seems that Chu Tianyou has arrived."

At this time, another terrible breath came out.

Feeling that domineering aura, everyone was frightened and fearful.

After all, he is the Immortal Emperor of the vertical and horizontal side, and his combat power should not be underestimated.

"The Immortal Emperor of the Ghost Immortal Clan has extraordinary means, don't you go out and preside over the overall situation?"

Chu Linlang glanced at Yan Chengfeng, Chu Tianyou's combat power was monstrous, and it was definitely not something that ordinary people could compete with.

Looking at the entire Frost Immortal Sect, no one can stop Chu Tianyou.

Yan Chengfeng stood up, moved his muscles and bones, and said, "I didn't expect that when I first came to Frost Frost Immortal Sect, I would be forced to open the business, which is really troublesome."

He walked out of the Frost Immortal Sect.

With the Immortal Emperor coming, he will definitely go there.

Although there have been terrible expeditions before, neither side has lost too many lives.

It is the weak that fall.

Chu Tianyou arrived with the powerhouses of the Ghost Immortal Clan. This time, the Heaven and Earth Essence of the Nine Regions and Nine Regions has recovered, and the Ghost Immortal Clan has also greatly improved.

If they want to steal the clan's genealogy, they must not miss this heaven-sent opportunity.

Chu Tianyou stood in the air, he was wearing a black robe, and a flaming golden light circulated throughout his body. His breath was terrifying, and he had obviously been promoted.

However, it is only the early stage of the Immortal Emperor.

In the early days of Immortal Emperor, Yan Chengfeng didn't take it seriously at all.

The level gap between Immortal Emperors is even greater than everyone knows.

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