Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 157: Forbidden old ghost, ancient secrets

The Arhat Ghost Array is composed of eighteen evil Arhats. It focuses on overcoming yin, absorbing all the yin spirits between heaven and earth, enhancing the power of its own array, and suppressing the creatures in the array.

This is a kind of supreme magic circle, standing outside the magic circle will not be affected in the slightest.

However, there are dangers in the circle, and the slightest carelessness will be destroyed.

Hearing Yan Chengfeng's explanation, Tang Haoyue did not feel much relieved, but became more and more worried.

This place is very dangerous. She is worried that Yan Chengfeng's current state will make it difficult to deal with the creatures in the ghost formation.

However, since Yan Chengfeng has decided to enter the circle, she can only choose to compromise.

As the saying goes, if you don't enter a tiger's den, you can't get a tiger's son.

Yan Chengfeng did not delay, he seemed to be very familiar with this place, and brought Tang Haoyue and Gan Mei directly into the magic circle.

In the array is a water world, there are no blue sky and white clouds, there are mirrors of water everywhere.

The mirror is full of flowers and the moon is like a dream.

"Yan Chengfeng, there seems to be nothing here."

Tang Haoyue was a little frightened. This place seemed peaceful, but behind the peaceful mirror, there were unimaginable dangers hidden.

It is very strange here, and it will be damaged if you are not careful.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "This is the realm of the true self, it's just an illusion created by it."

"All the scenes you see here are scenes from your subconscious mind. I didn't expect you to be so pure!"

"It's really interesting that the world has no color at all."

Yan Chengfeng and Gan Mei had already evaded their divine sense and did not give each other a chance to take advantage. What the two of them saw now was also Tang Haoyue's illusion.

Tang Haoyue pouted, she was too lazy to pay attention to Yan Chengfeng.

"Old ghost, I haven't seen you for so many years, and your methods seem to be getting more and more powerful."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "This time you come here, you should know what I want, you don't need me to repeat it!"


Suddenly, there was a gloomy laughter between heaven and earth. That voice was very terrifying, as if it could affect the mind of the monk.

"Yan Chengfeng, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect that you are still pursuing the perfect Taoism."

The old ghost laughed loudly and said, "In this world, no one can have a perfect Dao heart, even those gods who are all over the world, can't achieve perfection."

"In this world, no matter immortals, demons, demons, or gods, they can't be perfect. As long as they are such creatures, they are all flawed."

Yan Chengfeng smiled lightly and said, "Perfect Taoism is just a pursuit, not necessarily to be achieved."

"Old ghost, I brought you an excellent taste this time, you shouldn't trip me up!"

“Excellent delicacy.”

Tang Haoyue and Gan Mei were completely stunned, why didn't they know when Yan Chengfeng came with delicious food.


The old ghost's laughter became even more wanton, he laughed wildly: "This little girl's yellow spring body is very good, and there are signs of returning to the ancestors, awakening the **** of devouring."

"She is indeed an excellent delicacy. Since you are so sincere, I won't trip you up, old ghost."

"Little girl, being able to become the old ghost's Chinese meal, you are very lucky to cultivate in your previous life!"

At this moment, Tang Haoyue suddenly realized.

It turned out that Yan Chengfeng was talking about the delicious food.

It turned out that the old ghost wanted to eat her.

It turned out that she was just a tool person from beginning to end.

She suddenly felt that there was no love in this world, it was all hell.

"Yan Chengfeng, so you have to sacrifice me in exchange for your lofty ambitions."

Tang Haoyue had always known that Yan Chengfeng was not a good person, and approached her with a purpose.

But when she really put this matter on the table, she still couldn't accept it.

The usual love is just an illusion.

Yan Chengfeng reached out and caressed Tang Haoyue's cheek, and said leisurely, "It's your blessing to be an old ghost's lunch."

"Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people want to be the Chinese food of the old ghost, but they can't do it."

"This time, our fate is also exhausted."

Tang Haoyue frowned slightly, she didn't know what to say, as if a thousand words couldn't describe the depression in her heart.

Gan Mei, who was next to him, looked slightly dark, and said, "Yan Chengfeng, are you serious?"

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "I never joke."


Gan Mei's face was a little ugly, and she said, "If you dare to ask Haoyue to sacrifice today, I will accompany her to see if you choose us, or what you call a secret."

Yan Chengfeng was too lazy to talk nonsense with Gan Mei, and said solemnly, "Old ghost, tell me what you know, Tang Haoyue, you can take it away anytime."

"Okay, very good!"

The old ghost laughed loudly and said, "The secrets of living out the second world are controlled by demons, and all the creatures who lived out the second world have sold their souls."

"Yan Chengfeng, although your spirit is very domineering, it can't stand the erosion of the Demon Slayer Platform. Those demons want to kill you, but you can't stand it."

"As for the thing in the Primal Chaos Forbidden Land, it has been taken away by that person. The old ghost is not in the Primal Chaos Forbidden Land, so there is no way to stop it."

"These are the news you want. I have already told you. Your physical condition is very bad. If you want to live, you can only grab a chance by taking away the spirit of the four seas and sealing the soul."

"If you don't fix this soon, you're going to die."

"The essence of the four seas."

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, his heart was full of helplessness, taking away the essence of the four seas would definitely cause chaos in the four seas.

The world will no longer be peaceful.

"Haoyue, I will not force you."

Yan Chengfeng shifted his gaze to Tang Haoyue and said, "But, you shouldn't want to watch me die!"

Tang Haoyue didn't speak, she felt very tired.


After a long while, she sighed and said solemnly: "I chose everything, and I will accept it today."

"Yan Chengfeng, have you ever liked me, or did you deliberately approach me just to make my sacrifices willingly."

Yan Chengfeng didn't talk to him, some things didn't need to be said.

"I understand."

Tang Haoyue walked to Yan Chengfeng's side and kicked Yan Chengfeng fiercely.

She just wanted to abolish Yan Chengfeng, not to be played for nothing, but also to be sacrificed, she was not reconciled!

Yan Chengfeng quickly grabbed Tang Haoyue's ankle and said with a smile, "Before dying, do you want my brother to satisfy you once?"



Tang Haoyue broke free from Yan Chengfeng's shackles and said indifferently, "I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Yan Chengfeng didn't care. He didn't know how many words he had heard of this curse, and it didn't make any sense at all.

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