Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 156: Mysterious Cave Mansion, Arhat Ghost Array


Gan Mei sneered and said, "Sister Haoyue is indeed quite annoying."

Tang Haoyue glared at Yan Chengfeng and said angrily, "Looking at how you dare to provoke others in the future, you dare to put Cui Mian to sleep even if I can't get enough to feed."

Yan Chengfeng frowned slightly, defending, "If it wasn't for me..."

"Forget it, tell you what to do."

Yan Chengfeng was too lazy to explain that there was a problem with his body and soul.

He didn't know which link had the problem, and he couldn't solve it at all.

When he spied the secrets of living out the second life, he would definitely be able to repair his body and soul.

It's just that he doesn't know if he can hold on to it.

He felt like he was about to die.

"If it can be recovered, this woman must be tidied up and docile."

Yan Chengfeng swears in his heart that being ridiculed by a woman, his ability in that area is not strong, and it is really insulting.

Yan Chengfeng calmed down and said, "Transmit the sound to Guan Aoxue, and ask her to come and take away the creation of this place. Let's find that thing."

Tang Haoyue did not delay, and directly passed the news to Guan Aoxue.

They did not stay here, and followed Yan Chengfeng to the depths of the chaotic forbidden land to explore the supreme secret.

The vast wilderness, the ancient domain is unparalleled.

Yan Chengfeng and Gan Mei, Tang Haoyue came to the depths of the Primal Chaos.

The mountains are towering, and they are integrated into the Xiaohan. There are flaming stars on the mountainside, white clouds fluttering, and the scenery is beautiful.

At the foot of the mountain, the waves are turbulent, and there are big rivers rushing to the east, dragons and tigers leaping.

In this piece of heaven and earth, there are a large number of strong people standing here, including the master of Qiankun Cave and the flame red carp of Wanhuo Cave.

These are the creatures of Zhanxian Cave and Wanhuo Cave, with extraordinary means and unparalleled combat power.

They are entrenched in the sky, and the blood surging in their bodies is unparalleled and unbearable.

The arrival of Yan Chengfeng caused a great commotion.

Recently, Yan Chengfeng has been in the limelight, and everyone knows that he has invincible means.

After all, the one who can compete with the undefeated Immortal King is definitely not the weak.

"Yanhong Li, I didn't expect you to arrive here so quickly. I thought it would take a long time for you to come here."

Yan Chengfeng was also a little surprised when he saw Yanhong Carp appearing here.

The flaming red carp is here, and there must be a plan.

The flame red carp said calmly, "Now our identities have to be changed. You have to restrain me a little in the future. After all, I am the strongest."

"You want to take away the supreme secret from here, without my help, you will be nothing."

The flaming red carp is very confident, she will never let Yan Chengfeng get his wish.

She wants to settle all the grievances in the past.

Yan Chengfeng looked as usual, calmly said: "Even if you have the means to reach the sky, you can't threaten me."

"If you really have the ability to take away the secrets of this place, then I will never stop you."

"Unfortunately, you don't have the ability."

"It's not that I look down on you. What skills do you have, just show it off! If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time."


The flame red carp's eyes were sharp, and he snorted coldly: "It seems that you don't shed tears when you see the coffin. If that's the case, then let's wait and see!"

The flaming red carp was completely angry, and since Yan Chengfeng didn't want to turn the fight into a jade silk, then she would not be merciful.

"Brother Chengfeng, what secrets are you helping here?"

Gan Mei frowned slightly and asked, "Could it be that the secret here is related to the secret of living out the second life?"

Yan Chengfeng shook his head and said, "The secrets here are far-reaching, you don't need to know."

"This time, the flaming red carp is obviously here to block me. However, if she is aware of current affairs, I can ignore it. If she is stubborn, don't blame me for killing her a second time."

He didn't take these people in his eyes, a group of bugs can be destroyed with a snap of his fingers.

"Yan Chengfeng, since you are here to explore the supreme secret, why are you still not moving!"

The flaming red carp stood in the air and sneered: "You shouldn't be afraid of me! Don't worry, when you fall into my hands, I will give you a happy one."

She wished that Yan Chengfeng's corpse would be smashed into tens of thousands of pieces, and her bones would be thrown into ashes, so that she could experience all the sufferings of the world.

She would never let Yan Chengfeng go easily.

"Yan Chengfeng, that woman is really arrogant."

Tang Haoyue was a little unhappy and said, "Did she forget the scene where she was beheaded by you before!"

Yan Chengfeng smiled indifferently and said, "It's just the roar of the ants before they die, don't worry too much, let's explore the fortune first!"

He doesn't take the flaming red carp to heart, and now the most important thing is to find out the secrets of this place.

Continuing to procrastinate will do him no good.

"Follow me."

Yan Chengfeng did not delay, he jumped and rushed under the cliff.

Beneath the ten thousand zhang cliffs are endless waves, and the great rivers are endless.

The violent aura vibrated, and the entire Star Dou trembled.

In the center of the cliff, there is an ancient cave.

The tunnel in the cave was bottomless and pitch-dark, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

However, Yan Chengfeng did not flinch.

After he came here, he immediately entered the cave.

Tang Haoyue and Gan Mei followed closely behind Yan Chengfeng, and they entered the cave together.


After entering the cave, Yan Chengfeng didn't delay, he pinched his fingers to create a pattern of a magic circle.

That array pattern is very terrifying, it directly seals the hole, and it is difficult for ordinary people to notice it.

After using the magic circle to seal the entrance of the cave, Yan Chengfeng did not delay, he immediately went to the cave.

The creatures outside jumped off the cliff, but they did not find any trace of Yan Chengfeng.

I don't know where Yan Chengfeng went.

This made the flame red carp furious and roared: "Search for me, even if you dig three feet in the ground, you have to find Yan Chengfeng for me."

She was completely angry and would never let Yan Chengfeng have a chance to live.

The creatures in Wanhuo Cave and Zhanxian Cave did not delay, and immediately searched for Yan Chengfeng's trace.

Mysterious cave house.

Gan Mei, Tang Haoyue followed Yan Chengfeng to the depths of the cave.

This is an ancient palace, the palace is not very big, only about 150 square meters.

In this palace, there are all kinds of Arhats and Buddhas with ferocious faces. They have strange shapes and postures, and they don't know what they are guarding here.

"Yan Chengfeng, why do I feel that this place is gloomy."

Tang Haoyue's eyebrows frowned slightly, she was a little worried, and the fear in her heart welled up.

In this palace, there seems to be a supreme existence hidden, and the slightest carelessness will destroy them.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Don't worry too much, this is just the outside of the Arhat Ghost Formation. Even if it is really dangerous, it will not spread here."

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