Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 132: A raccoon dog on a hill, everyone is defeated

Tang Haoyue knew very well that this news was by no means suggested by Yan Chengfeng, but a reminder given to her by Yan Chengfeng's subordinates.

She hated Yan Chengfeng thoroughly, and swore in her heart that once Yan Chengfeng showed up, she would not be able to survive or die.

Tang Haoyue calmed down and said sternly, "Old Ancestor, I'm going to have an epiphany to understand the Tang family's wordless scriptures. Success or failure depends on this."

Tang Qingyu waved his hand and motioned for Tang Haoyue to go to the epiphany.

The wordless scripture of the Tang family was brought back from the far end by the invincible of the Tang family, and no one knew the secret of the wordless scripture.

After so many years, no one in the Tang family could have an epiphany.

This time, the Tang family in Tianya is facing the catastrophe of life and death, and they can only pin their hopes on Tang Haoyue, hoping that Tang Haoyue can have an epiphany.

Tang Haoyue went to the forbidden area of ​​the Tang family to have an epiphany, and the rest of the people did not sit still. They began to work hard to prepare for the attack of Wanhuo Cave.

The night was silent.

Most of the inheritance sects in the Sanctuary have become the dead souls of the flame red carp, and those creatures can't stop the Wanhuo Cave at all.

After all, the flame red carp is a true immortal figure. Looking at the entire sanctuary, there are really few forces that can match it.

The rest of the great sects chose to huddle together to keep warm. They now have only one way to go. Only by repelling the flaming red carp can they have a chance to survive.

Tang Haoyue has been staying in the forbidden area of ​​the Tang family and has an epiphany.

Those single forces never escaped in the end, they were all destroyed by the flaming red carp.

The tide ebbs and flows, the sunset and the moon rise.

Time passed by like a white horse, and half a month passed in an instant.

early morning.

Thousands of mountains are hazy on the coast, misty rain is hazy, there are many monks gathered outside the Tang family in Tianya, all of them are the creatures of Wanhuo Cave.

The flaming red carp and the monks of the Ten Thousand Fire Cave have already surrounded this place.

In just half a month, the flame red carp controlled most of the sanctuary, and she also became the overlord of the sanctuary.

"Flaming red carp, why did you do this?"

Tang Qingyu walked out with a cane, full of doubts in her heart. She wanted to know why the flaming red carp suddenly started killing.

The flaming red carp stood in the air, her breath was strong, after all, she was a real fairy, and there were very few people who could compete with it.

"What I want to do, you ants, will be difficult to understand for a lifetime."

The flame red carp looked calm and said: "However, since you are all about to fall, then I will tell you the purpose of this time."

"Actually, I am the princess of the Guixian clan. What I did today was just to unseal the Guixian clan."

"You should be proud that you can become a stumbling block on the road to unblocking the Guixian clan."

"Give up the struggle! You should know very well that in my hands, you cannot escape."

"Ghost clan?"

Tang Qingyu and others were at a loss. They didn't even know what inheritance the so-called ghost fairy clan was.

However, what the flaming red carp has done has long gone against the law of heaven.

Tang Qingyu's eyes were fierce and he said solemnly: "What you have done is already against the law of heaven. If you want to continue, you will definitely be punished by heaven."

"Flaming red carp, I advise you, the sea of ​​bitterness is boundless, and the back is the shore."

"Don't keep making mistakes. If you go your own way, the ending will be ugly."


The flaming red carp laughed wildly and said: "There is no so-called divine punishment in this world, and you don't want to be kidnapped by morality."

"Never think that you are on the side of justice, and it is wrong for me to unblock the Ghost Immortals."

"This world is dominated by the weak and the strong, and the winner is king. Only the winner is qualified to write history."

"When I win, I'll write you guys as a stumbling block on my path to growth."

"You are the big villains, you all deserve to die."


At this time, Yao Shengchen came out and snorted coldly: "Don't talk nonsense with this old witch, if you want to fight, fight, and twenty years later, you will be a hero again."

The flaming red carp has gone crazy, they don't need to spend more time.


The flame red carp was also angry, she directly instructed the creatures in the Wanhuo Cave to do it, and the strong ones did not delay and immediately killed them.

In this territory, the screams of killing shook the sky and the earth, all kinds of big killers were rampant, and a piece of fierce light descended, overwhelming the sky.

However, in the blink of an eye, this place has become a blood dojo, and corpses can be seen everywhere.

"Guan Aoxue, you are a smart person. If you are willing to surrender and serve me, I can give you a way out."

The flaming red carp stood in the air, and she looked at Guan Aoxue indifferently.


Guan Aoxue's eyes were fierce and he said, "Even if I die, I will not surrender. Old witch, do you know why Yan Chengfeng doesn't like you?"

"Because you're so ugly, I'm sick of looking at you."

"court death."

Yan Hongli's eyes were piercing, she was completely angry, and vowed to smash Guan Aoxue into ten thousand pieces.

"Wan Huo Yin!"

Yanhong Li's palm changed, she quickly pinched out a seal, and slayed Guan Aoxue fiercely.

Guan Aoxue was not to be outdone, she wanted to resist, but in front of the real immortals, she had no strength to resist.


Guan Aoxue was sent flying straight out, spouting blood from his mouth, his face a little ugly.

She was hit so hard that she no longer had the strength to fight.

The flaming red carp joined the expedition. This time the expedition was one-sided, and no one could compete.

But in the time of a stick of incense, Guan Aoxue, Yao Sheng, and Tang Qingyu were all caught.

They can't stop the flaming red carp, and the fighting power of the flaming red carp is terrifying. Even if they give their best, they will only lose.

"Xiao Tao, go to the forbidden area of ​​the Tang family and arrest Tang Haoyue."

Yan Hongli indifferently ordered, Yan Xiaotao left immediately and went to the forbidden area of ​​the Tang family.

Tang Haoyue was in the process of comprehending the Wordless Book of Heaven, but unfortunately, there has been no progress.

This wordless book is too mysterious, she has no way to get any good from it.

"Miss Tang, come with us!"

When Yan Xiaotao came to the forbidden area, her heart was full of helplessness.

Sometimes, everyone can't help themselves.

Tang Haoyue stood up and walked out of the forbidden area of ​​the Tang family.

along the way.

She saw a lot of corpses, and suddenly, she realized that without Yan Chengfeng, they seemed fragile and vulnerable.

They are all too dependent on Yan Chengfeng, without Yan Chengfeng by their side, they are useless.

"Tang Haoyue."

Yan Hongli's eyes fell on Tang Haoyue, and said indifferently: "I heard that you and Yan Chengfeng have a good relationship, then you have an accident, will he appear?"

Tang Haoyue was silent, not wanting to talk about Yanhong Carp. She understood that these people were all raccoon dogs.

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