Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 131: Crisis comes, nothing can be done

Tianya Tang family.

Cui Mian came here.

When she saw Guan Aoxue, she immediately threw herself into Guan Aoxue's arms, sobbing loudly.

Guan Aoxue frowned slightly. She was hugging Cui Mian and smelled a strange smell, which was a little annoying.

"Don't cry, what happened?"

Guan Aoxue was really convinced, this girl is usually so carefree, how could she keep crying?

Tang Haoyue also came over. With such a big thing happening in the Sanctuary, of course she wanted to come over.

There must be no accident in the Tianya Tang family. She has grown up and must protect everyone in the Tianya Tang family.

"This taste..."

Tang Haoyue came to the side, the smell on Cui Mian's body was too high, she was a woman after all, of course she knew what kind of strange smell it was.

"Who did it, stop crying, say it quickly, and we'll smash him to pieces."

Tang Haoyue was a little annoyed. She had a good relationship with Cui Mian, and both of them had some problems in their orientation. It was reasonable to be good friends.

Cui Mian stopped crying and said, "It's Yan Chengfeng. She not only ruined my innocence, but also threatened me that if I didn't listen to him, he would kill me."

"Miss, Yan Chengfeng is a bad person. He knows that all the forces in the Sanctuary were destroyed by the flaming red carp, but he didn't do anything."

"Yan Chengfeng."

Guan Aoxue's face was a little ugly, Yan Chengfeng put Cui Mian to sleep, and she was inexplicably upset.

If Yan Chengfeng was sleeping with someone else, she wouldn't care at all.

But Cui Mian is different.

The relationship between Cui Mian and Yan Chengfeng is not bad.

But that guy would do such a beastly thing.

Tang Haoyue did not doubt Cui Mian's words, because she knew very well the virtue of Yan Chengfeng.

That guy is an old man, definitely not a serious person.

Moreover, when she left Guanghan Wonderland this time, Fairy Guanghan told her more than once to be careful about Yan Chengfeng.

Yan Chengfeng was not a good person, and approached them with a purpose.

Tang Haoyue didn't know Yan Chengfeng's purpose, and Fairy Guanghan didn't name her either, apparently wanting her to experience it herself.

She took out the microphone and contacted Yan Chengfeng directly.

However, the other party did not answer.

In desperation, she could only pass the sound. She knew that Yan Chengfeng would definitely receive her voice transmission.

"Yan Chengfeng, do you have a sense of accomplishment if you have the seeds to hide for the rest of your life, scheming against your own woman?"

Tang Haoyue's face was gloomy, and she roared, "Don't let me catch you, otherwise, I will definitely castrate you."

"You pervert, die for me!"

Her heart was full of anger, and she wished that Yan Chengfeng's corpse would be smashed into thousands of pieces.

This guy is so shameless, he has no style at all, he even counts his own woman.

"Haoyue, Yan Chengfeng is a good person. There must be a reason for him to do this."

Tang Qingyu came out to persuade her, and she could see that Tang Haoyue and Yan Chengfeng were probably cooked from raw rice.

Although she was a little depressed, she would also bless Yan Chengfeng and Tang Haoyue.

Tang Haoyue said angrily, "Ancestor, don't say good things to him. What that guy is best at is brainwashing."

"Besides, you and him only practiced together in the Qingyun Sect, and you don't know the life behind him."

"Everyone can change. Maybe he was really good before, but you can guarantee that he will not become bad?"

"This beast, he'd better hide for the rest of his life, otherwise, I'll tear him to pieces."


Tang Qingyu sighed helplessly, saying more and more tears!

Guan Aoxue spoke out to comfort Cui Mian, and after Cui Mian's mood calmed down, she let her go down to cleanse.

The Tianya Tang family is on full alert to deal with the intruders from the Ten Thousand Fire Grottoes.

After knowing that the person behind the shot was the flaming red carp, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, at least they all knew who the enemy was.

The unknown is the most frightening.

In the vast expanse of heaven and earth, the entrance to the ghost.

Four elephant flags guard this place.

Yan Chengfeng was sitting on the golden throne, and he had already received Tang Haoyue's message. However, he didn't take it seriously.

Women are just stepping stones.

"Sir, we have already investigated the background of the flaming red carp."

At this time, the Four Elephants Sect Master came over and said, "She is the princess of the Ghost Immortal Clan. Everything she does now is just to understand the Sealing Ghost Immortal Clan."

"If she wants to unblock the Ghost Immortal family, she will definitely enter the Primal Chaos Land and compete with you for that thing. Or we will take action directly and destroy the Cave of Ten Thousand Fires."

"The ghost fairy family."

Yan Chengfeng's pupils shrank slightly and said, "She can really hide, but no one has discovered it for so many years. However, since she also wants to get that thing, let her explore the way ahead!"

"I don't have any reason to stop a stepping stone that can help me out."


The Sect Master of Four Elephants was a little worried and said, "But if she really destroys the Tang family in Tianya, will the mistress hate you?"

"After all, it's cool to abuse your wife for a while, chasing the wife's crematorium! My lord, I think you still have to think about it before making a decision."

He really didn't want Yan Chengfeng to regret it. After all, once this move fell, there would be no room for regret.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "First, you don't have a mistress, only I am the commander-in-chief."

"Secondly, she is just a chess piece. If you want to get that thing, you still need her sacrifice."

"In order to save some unnecessary trouble, I can only cut the mess with a knife."

He was also worried that he would regret it when he hit the door, so he could only block all the escape routes first.


The Sect Master of the Four Elephants was a little helpless, and in the end had no choice but to back down. They did not dare to go against Yan Chengfeng's decision.

Yan Chengfeng sat cross-legged in the hall and threw away the sound transmitter. Everything that followed was within his expectations.

The flaming red carp set off to destroy the Tang family in Tianya, and got enough chips to open the chaotic forbidden land.

Everything will go smoothly, he doesn't need to worry anymore.

Tianya Tang family can't stop the flaming red carp, and everyone will be buried with them.

Tianya Tang family.

It's brightly lit here.

In the Tang family hall, everyone was helpless.

Facing the attack of the flaming red carp, they could only wait to die.

In the face of absolute strength, all resistance is meaningless.


At this moment, Tang Haoyue's microphone rang.

There was a message on it. Seeing the content of the message, Tang Haoyue's eyes sank slightly.

"Mistress, the lord asked me to send you a letter. If you want to resist the flame red carp, you only need to unlock the wordless book of the Tang family, and you can turn the tide."

Tang Haoyue saw this paragraph of text, her eyes were full of anger, and she was in a bad mood.

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