Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 116: Do not destroy the heart, the **** of the European emperor

Tang Haoyue stood on the Taoist platform, she had won two games in a row. The defeat of Yao Haitang was also expected by everyone.

Yao Haitang's weak cultivation base could not stop Tang Haoyue at all.

Tang Haoyue did not step down, and she would continue to fight, preparing to take on the Ancient Demon Academy by herself.

If she can get the first place this time, she will raise three conditions to Yan Chengfeng.

As for the conditions, she had already thought about it.

There are many young talents in the ancient demon academy, and the creatures who came this time have invincible means.

Hu Yumingluan's eyes sank slightly, she knew that Tang Haoyue's strength was very strong, and among Tianjiao of the same age, very few could rival him.

"Yuwentuo, go up and fight Tang Haoyue, you must defeat her."

Hu Yumingluan sent Yuwentuo out. Yuwentuo was wearing a silver armor, and he was very imposing. When he stood there, he had an aura that was as immobile as a mountain, like an impenetrable mountain.


Yuwen Tuo jumped and came to the Taoist platform. The force of his fall was very strong, and the Taoist platform hummed for a while.

"Yan Chengfeng, this Yuwen Tuo is not a creature of the demon clan!"

Guan Aoxue frowned slightly and said, "Since he is not a demon creature, how could he study at the Ancient Demon Academy."

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly: "Those who study in the ancient monster academy are not necessarily all monsters. There are also some people with special physiques who will enter the ancient monster academy."

Guan Aoxue suddenly understood and said worriedly, "This Yuwen Tuo seems to be very powerful. Do you think Tang Haoyue can win?"

Yuwen Tuo's background is terrifying, giving people a kind of extreme coercion, which is definitely not an ordinary person.

Yan Chengfeng shook his head and said, "Winning or losing is not important. What she needs is an epiphany. If she can achieve an unimaginable improvement in this battle, then she will be the real winner."

"Winning or losing a test doesn't mean anything. In this world, the one who has the last laugh is the strongest."

He has seen too many talented young people who are successful, middle-aged and decadent, and old-fashioned.

Tang Haoyue's talent is very good, as long as there is a big opportunity, he will definitely be able to soar into the sky.

"It seems that your expectations for Tang Haoyue are quite high."

Guan Aoxue was a little jealous, after all, Yan Chengfeng seemed to treat anyone better than her.

She couldn't understand whether Yan Chengfeng was her fiance or someone else's.

Yan Chengfeng didn't speak, and set his eyes on the Taoist platform.

Yu Wentuo looked indifferent and said, "I don't hit women, you can admit defeat."


Tang Haoyue sneered and said indifferently, "You don't hit a woman, but you can be hit by a woman."

"Huang Quan sings."

Tang Haoyue didn't show mercy, and the shot was Xeon's ultimate move.

The surrounding stars are all ups and downs, and the black river is surging.

In the face of Tang Haoyue's ultimate move, Yuwen Tuo did not flinch. His Dao Heart was like a golden bell, and there was no gap.


Yuwentuo's whole body was full of flaming golden light, like a Buddha, his breath was very strong, and wisps gushed out, shocking the sky.

"This Yuwen Tuo's Dao Heart is very firm, like a rock."

The charming Liu Mei frowned slightly and said, "Why is it so smooth for others to cultivate Taoism, but you haven't made any progress at all."

It is not clear to Gan Mei how strong Yan Chengfeng's Taoism is, but she knows that this Yuwen Tuo is not weak.

Yan Chengfeng looked calm and said calmly, "The cultivation of Dao Xin is not easy. The reason why you think Yuwen Tuo's Dao Xin is as solid as a rock is because Haoyue's strength is not strong enough."

"whispering sound!"

Gan Mei snorted and said, "Is it so difficult to admit that others are excellent?"

"The Huangquan Chanting performed by Haoyue is a secret treasure technique with a high star rating. The power of this level of treasure technique is already terrifying."

"You still think that Haoyue's strength is not strong enough. Do you have to use a treasure technique that surpasses the star level, can this be regarded as an invincible method?"

"Chengfeng, don't be sour!"

Yan Chengfeng was too lazy to take care of Gan Mei, what else could this woman do other than fight him.

"Your Huangquan chanting is mainly aimed at the cultivator's inner demon. I have an invincible Taoism, and you can't hurt me in the slightest."

Yu Wentuo looked indifferent and said, "I advise you to surrender immediately! Otherwise, you will die miserably."

Tang Haoyue calmly and sneered, "Who wouldn't say such a villain's exclusive words, it's just that you want me to surrender, I'm afraid it's not qualified."

It's just an ignorant flea, and it has no ability to fight against it.

"Huangquan body."

Tang Haoyue's breath soared, and her Huangquan body exploded, increasing the power of Huangquan's singing dozens of times.

This is the domineering of Huang Quan's body, as long as it is a treasure that is highly compatible with the physique, it can burst out with super power.


The surrounding black mist was hazy, and the chanting voices transformed into a phantom of the dragon and the phoenix, and rammed towards Yuwen Tuo frantically.

Yuwen Tuo's heart of the golden bell was also worn away, and there were ferocious cracks appearing.


Gan Mei's eyes were deep, and she said, "It seems that the cultivation of Dao Xin is really not an easy task. It turns out that you weren't sour just now! It was I who blamed you."

Yan Chengfeng reached out and took Gan Mei into his arms, and said with a smile, "Just serve him well at night."


Gan Mei spat and said, "You are so shameless."

Her pretty face was blushing, and after Yan Chengfeng had eaten the marrow and knew the taste, she had been pestering her all day long. She was really uncomfortable!

Droughts die from droughts, and floods die from floods.


Yuwen Tuo was violently knocked back several dozen feet by Tang Haoyue, his Dao Heart Golden Bell was broken open, and he spewed out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

Yu Wentuo's face was gloomy, and he said, "It seems that I underestimate you, you are still a little capable."

"However, that's all. Next, I won't let you hurt me again."

"The Emperor's Divine Body."

Yuwen Tuo's breath soared in an instant, and the light of luck circulated all over his body. That power was terrifying, as if gathering the luck of the world.


In an instant, everyone felt the difference in Yuwen Tuo.

"The legendary Ouhuang Divine Body that can gather the world's luck, I didn't expect it to exist."

"It is said that Ouhuang's divine body has been cultivated to the point where it can steal the creation of heaven and earth, and it is the real body of luck."

"Yuwentuo has such a wonderful physique, it seems that this time, Tang Haoyue will suffer a big loss..."

The surrounding monks whispered that this strange physique opened a new door to their world.

Finally, I can peep into some of the mysteries of this world.

They all thought that Tang Haoyue might be damaged in Yuwentuo's hands.

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