Fantasy: Invincible From the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 115: Winning two games in a row, molesting Begonia

Gan Mei glanced at Yan Chengfeng, her heart was full of surprise, she felt like it was the first time she knew Yan Chengfeng.

Although she had done a lot of shameful things with Yan Chengfeng, she always knew that all she knew was Yan Chengfeng's body.

She didn't understand Yan Chengfeng's mind at all.

"Who do you care about the most in your life?"

Gan Mei asked, she really wanted to know about Yan Chengfeng. After all, both have done a lot of shameful things.

When two people are together, it is impossible to maintain their relationship only by the throbbing of the body.

If one day, the two of them are tired, they will definitely part ways.

Yan Chengfeng didn't talk to him, he never thought about these things.

Gan Mei's eyebrows frowned slightly, and she did not continue to ask, Yan Chengfeng was reluctant to talk to her, so she had a way to clean up Yan Chengfeng.

However, now the most important thing is to watch the test.

on the platform.

The half-demon Junmo has been forced to the brink of life and death. His inner demon is very terrifying. No one can avoid it when he listens to Huang Quan's singing.

Heart demon.

This is something that every cultivator is afraid of. Even if you cultivate into steel and iron, there are some soft, unknown secrets that cannot be eliminated.

Regret, remorse, jealousy, envy, etc. every emotion can make people feel dusty.

Especially those living beings who were born in the world, their cultivation is the most assiduous, because many times, the more you want to be purified, the less easy it is to obtain it.

"You win."

On the Taoist platform, the half-demon Jun Mo could no longer hold on, so he directly admitted defeat.

In this case, if he doesn't admit defeat, he will die miserably.

He lives desperately, just to avenge the snow, and he can't be damaged here.


Tang Haoyue didn't give the half-demon Junmo any chance, she directly shot and killed Junmo.

"Tang Haoyue, you dare to kill someone."

Seeing that Jun Mo was beheaded, Yao Haitang was the first to be unhappy.

She rushed forward and wanted to teach Tang Haoyue a lesson.

Tang Haoyue looked indifferent and said, "I think you are about the same age as me, but you are so ignorant."

"You like Jun Mo, but the other party can't wait to eat your flesh and drink your blood."

"Do you know why he hates you? Because your father stole his woman. To be honest, there are quite a lot of **** plots in your family."

"My father robs someone else's Taoist companion, my mother likes her brother, and you like this half-demon, it's a big show!"

"It's a pity that this scene was ended by me. Don't think that I killed him because of you."

"I was just disgusted by him. In the world he constructed, he probably suppressed your father and took back his Taoist companion."

"And then in front of your father, I took possession of your mother and you, and then forced your father to give you..."

"Anyway, you understand, I don't need to say more!"

The half-demon's mind was already twisted, Tang Haoyue couldn't take it anymore, and after being disgusted, he directly killed the other party.


Yao Haitang didn't believe it at all, she thought these were all lies fabricated by Tang Haoyue.

Tang Haoyue didn't bother to pay attention to Yao Haitang, and said indifferently, "People from the Ancient Demon Academy, if you still want to compete with me, you can come up."


Yao Haitang snorted coldly and said angrily, "I want to challenge you and suppress you."

Tang Haoyue glanced at Yao Haitang and said with a sneer, "You want to challenge me with your trivial conduct, are you joking?"

She didn't put Yao Haitang in her eyes at all, Yao Haitang was too weak.


Yao Haitang's face was gloomy, and she said angrily, "I'm going to kill you."

Yao Haitang made a ferocious attack, her cultivation was not high, and she used some low-star treasures.

Tang Haoyue didn't care either, just in time to tease Yao Haitang.


Tang Haoyue easily avoided Yao Haitang's attack and kicked Yao Haitang's butt.

Yao Haitang threw a dog and ate shit, looking very embarrassed.


The cultivators onlookers burst out laughing, mocking Yao Haitang.

Yao Haitang's face flushed, she was very angry, and wanted to kill everyone.

"Come down quickly! Don't be embarrassed on it."

"Tang Haoyue, **** her."

"Beauty Haoyue, hurry up and take this evildoer away! Her **** is so upturned, it will definitely satisfy you..."

Everyone burst into laughter and began to joke about it.

Yan Chengfeng's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he asked in confusion, "What's the situation, how could these people know Tang Haoyue?"

It's enough to know Tang Haoyue, but also know that Tang Haoyue has that hobby.

He was really puzzled, Tang Haoyue was not normal at all.

Guan Aoxue stood beside Yan Chengfeng and whispered, "Tang Haoyue went crazy outside during the three days you and Gan Mei were messing around. These people probably knew her at that time."

"I heard that she was in Baihualou, ordered ten women in one go, and didn't go out for three days and three nights. No one knew what she was doing in the room."

"However, these people seem to know it all."

She was really speechless. Tang Haoyue, a woman with a protruding front and back, with an enchanting figure, how could she have gone the wrong way.

Yan Chengfeng raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows lightly, "It's all Cui Mian's good deeds that brought Tang Haoyue down."

"When I see Cui Mian one day, I have to teach her a lesson, so that she doesn't do her job all day, and goes around hooking up with women."

He hadn't seen Cui Mian for a long time, but he also knew exactly where Cui Mian was going.

That girl likes to hang around in the Fengyue place the most, she is probably crazy.

Guan Aoxue didn't say anything. Anyway, these things had nothing to do with her.

on the platform.

Tang Haoyue's methods can be described as extremely cruel, constantly taking advantage of the demon Begonia.

She touched almost all of Yao Haitang's body.



"Dead woman, you pervert."

Yao Haitang's face flushed with anger, she wanted to tear Tang Haoyue into ten thousand pieces.

This woman is really hateful, she has been taken advantage of.

Tang Haoyue stuck to Yao Haitang's side and whispered, "It's better to be with my sister than to cheap those stinky men."

"Little woman, you are all wet there."


Yao Haitang's eyes were full of sullenness, and she could still see a hint of spring, and she was emotional.

"I'm not going to fight, you dead woman."

Yao Haitang left the Taoist platform angrily, her heart was full of anger, she really accepted it.

Although Tang Haoyue was also a woman, it was actually harmless to be touched by her many times.

It's just that this dead woman likes to mess around, and Yao Haitang feels dirty.

She wanted to teach Tang Haoyue a lesson, but she never thought that she would be taken advantage of in the end.

Seeing Yao Haitang cursing and walking off the stage, Tang Haoyue pursed her lips and smiled, she seemed very proud.

Everyone thought she liked women, but she wasn't.

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