Chapter 606

The patriarch of Shenmu looked at each other angrily and clenched his fists.

Why doesn’t he hate those aliens in Zhongzhou?

But what can be done?

They are not Zhongzhou’s opponents at all!

If you are stronger than people, how can you be willing to be humiliated?

Who would rather be a cartilage?

But the most terrifying thing is that even if you fight for your life, you can’t do anything!

“I’m nonsense?!”

Qingchuanzi Daoist pointed to the disciples around him.

The faces of those disciples were all filled with anger and unwillingness to humiliation!

“Look at the faces of your people, and you ask them, they want to make a living and compromise. They are still willing to fight vigorously with Zhongzhou aliens! Even if you die, at least you have worked hard! Even if you die, you have a clear conscience! Even if you die! Death, it is also glorious! You ask them, do you dare to ask?”

The Mother of Flowers relay said: “Yes, we killed Liwanshan! The truth is, Qingchuanzi and I and the Ziyou fellow daoist, the three of them worked together to kill him! If you have any doubts, just ask! We dare to do it. Dare to be! Heavenly Sword Gate Sect Leader, the most sacred king realm, is it terrible? I don’t understand why you are so afraid of Heavenly Sword Gate! Haven’t tried it, how do you know you can’t beat it?”

“Look! Didn’t the three of us kill him? What’s the problem? Mu Tianhua, you are too cowardly! With all due respect, the Shenmu Elder is also too weak. What great things can be done? I don’t mean to be disrespectful to Elder, but I said it is true! Elder is dead, it’s useless for you to be immersed in grief! That Xiao Ziling was brought by a foreign race in Zhongzhou, what you are going to do now , It’s an important person with Zhongzhou!”

Qing Chuanzi said: “Yes! They want to fight, we still want to fight! Shenmu Elder’s death, the culprit is Zhongzhou! Either let Zhongzhou give an explanation, or fight!”

Let Zhongzhou give an explanation?

If Elder of Shenmu hadn’t died, he would jump up straight after hearing this!

But now, the sacred tree is gone, and no one can constrain the hundreds of people in Zhongzhou!

In the past, among the hundreds of clans, there was the patriarch of the main station, the Sect Leader!

It’s just frightened by the deterrence of Shenmu, I dare not stop it!

Now, as soon as Shenmu died, the leader of Baihua and Qing Chuanzi came out to provoke a few words. This war is already a certainty!

Mu Tianhua, the patriarch of the Shenmu clan, hesitated for a day, and his heart was extremely tangled!

Shenmu Erder felt that Qing Chuanzi had something to say to Mother Baihua. He turned his head to look at Mu Tianhua, “Patriarch, I think the two of them are right. The big Elder died in the hands of Xiao Ziling’s demon, and the other’s cultivation demon Gong, if you want to grasp the difficulties, we should count this account on Zhongzhou!”

Mu Tianhua didn’t speak, but his expression became even more tangled.

Seeing this scene, Mother Baihua and Qingchuanzi looked at each other.

The corner of Qing Chuanzi’s mouth turned up an arc, and then he stepped forward and said sternly: “Mu Tianhua! Are you so cowardly and cowardly? Are you still a man?! A real man, even if he died in battle, Never try to steal your lives! If you don’t fight, my Qingchuan Sect will be the first to fight! After the war, all my Qingchuan Sect disciples will rush to the forefront and use the blood of the Qingchuan Sect disciples to cure your disease!”

Mother Hundred Flowers said: “The mountains and rivers are broken, and the land is dead! Although you are alive, you are still dead! At this point, you are not as good as me! We are here, didn’t you want to capture us before? Come on! Give us to Zhongzhou in exchange for a short peace!”

The disciples were anxious when they heard it, and they were too late to see Mu Tianhua to make a decision!

Finally, a disciple couldn’t help it!

He knelt down on one knee, and said: “The patriarch! We are willing to fight to the end with the alien race in Zhongzhou!”

“Patriarch, we are willing to fight to the end with the alien race in Zhongzhou!”

“Yes! Bloody battle to the end!”

“Patriarch, don’t hesitate! Fight! I’d rather stand to die than kneel to live!”

Even Shenmuer Elder is also persuading.

“Patriarch, fight! Our Elder can’t die in vain!”

Mu Tianhua still couldn’t make a decision. He waved his hand and said, “Let me be quiet, let me think about it!”

“Mu Tianhua, what else do you have to think about? It’s already for this purpose, I don’t understand, what else can you hesitate? Do you think that if you kneel down to Zhongzhou, they won’t be against Hongzhou? Have you shot it yet?” Qing Chuanzi said!

Mu Tianhua said: “Or…or call the patriarch and Sect Leader of the hundred races over, let’s discuss and discuss! This matter is too big, even if you let me be the master, I can’t be the master! ”

Mother Hundred Flowers said: “Okay, I’ll call them!”

The biggest blocker is dead, and the hundreds of races have their own opinions!

In addition, the Shenmu Elder was killed by Xiao Ziling in Zhongzhou!

And Liwan Mountain in Zhongzhou was killed by Our Lady of Baihua, Qingchuanzi and Ziyou!

These three are Su Changyu’s soul slaves. When the time comes, the three of them will give a passionate speech and perform a scene of sacrificing the ego and protecting the ego, making everyone feel ashamed…

It is estimated that few will not agree!

Hongzhou is still a bit strong, although it is vulnerable to a hundred people in Zhongzhou, but the rabbit can bite people if it is anxious!

At that time, it will definitely be a magnificent scene of millions of dead bodies!

Su Changyu can be greedy and cry!

“Run! Why don’t you run away!”

After escaping millions of miles, Su Changyu came to the border of Hongzhou!

He was sitting in the void above a river at the moment, looking at Shenmu Patriarch with a smile!

I have to say, this kid runs very fast! The ancestor of Shenmu couldn’t help being surprised when he saw that the other party was just a young man.

At a young age, he can have such a speed, this… can’t be underestimated!

“There is no need to run, there are few people here, just kill you here! Say you, chase two sticks of incense for a time, just mean it, you have to chase me for a few hours, are you tired? I originally wanted to let you go, but if you insist on trying to die, you can’t blame me! You, success made me angry!”

Su Changyu was smiling, but his eyes became colder and colder. At the end of the talk, his eyes were already showing killing intent!

However, the corners of his mouth still kept rising. In the previous life, it is definitely an actor-level performance!

The ancestor of Shenmu grinned twice, “Only you? Want to kill me too? Huangkou Xiaoer, you are not ashamed!”

“You don’t know how many people said this to me! The person who said this to me before has become a part of my magic!”

“Magic? My Lord?”

The ancestor of Shenmu caught the key words in Su Changyu’s words just now, his expression instantly became solemn, and then he became a little confused and jealous!

“You… are you a descendant of magic power?”

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