Chapter 605

The branches are tightly entwined, forming a big hand, containing the turbulent power of destruction, falling fiercely!

Su Changyu’s expression condensed, and his complexion immediately became serious!

“Holy Emperor Realm!?”

This old tree should be the old monster of the Shenmu clan!

Unexpectedly, it stands behind the Great Hall God Seat in the form of an ancient tree, and even Su Changyu regards it as the background picture of the Great Hall!

Because the Shenmu clan was originally respected by wood spirits, and had extremely high attainments on the Avenue of Woods.

Their clan is itself the formation of tree monsters!

The same is true for Shenmu Elder!

This is not a secret. There are hundreds of races, including human races, monster races, orc races, and spirit races.

Shenmu Great Hall is surrounded by vines, and there is no surprise that an old tree appears in it.

No one can think that this old tree is alive!

It is not difficult for Su Changyu to deal with this old tree!

Only Saint Emperor Realm, Su Changyu still has the confidence to deal with it!

However, such words might attract other masters of the Shenmu clan.

Wanting to kill the Saint Emperor Realm is definitely not possible for a while, thinking of this, Su Changyu laughed at the old tree, his body turned into a black smoke, and flew out of the Great Hall of God!

“Kill my tribe, still want to run!”

The old tree turned into an adult and flew out of the Great Hall with Su Changyu. He sounded like a bell. While chasing Su Changyu, the people of the Shenmu clan below shouted: “Quickly get the wood spirit liquid and heal the Shenmu!”

The sound reverberated over the entire Shenmu Clan, awakening all the Practitioners of the Shenmu Clan under the silent night sky.


“what is that?”

Everyone looked up to the sky, only to see a divine rainbow incarnation of the ancestor of Shenmu, heading away from the sky, and disappearing into the night sky in the blink of an eye!

Su Changyu turned into a devil and merged with the night sky. With Su Changyu’s Cultivation Base shielded, it is very difficult for these people to find Su Changyu. They can only see the figure of the Shenmu ancestor!

“Healing Shenmu? Who?”

“Is it Big Elder?”

“It’s possible! Go, go to Shenmu Great Hall and have a look!”

After the people of the Shenmu clan came to the Great Hall, the Shenmu Elder had already died in the Great Hall. There was no aura in his body, as if he had been sucked away by some kind of Cultivation Technique!

“Ah?! Who? Who did this?”

“Big Elder? Big Elder!!”

Everyone stepped forward, but some disciples just touched the Shenmu Elder, they were climbed on their arms by a black air, and the breath of life disappeared in an instant, turning into a corpse and lying on the ground!

“Don’t come close, everyone! This is magic work!”

The patriarch of the Shenmu clan hurriedly stopped the disciples and stepped back, his eyes filled with horror!

“Yes… is the descendant of magic power? Is… is Xiao Ziling, the descendant of magic power in Zhongzhou?”

“Damn it! This Xiao Ziling! Killed Elder!”

“He could actually kill Elder? Xiao Ziling…Isn’t Xiao Ziling in a state of ambiguity?”

“The descendants of magic power are so terrifying! Can the Liangyi Realm defeat the Human Emperor Realm?”

“Big…Big Elder! Woo…Big Elder!”

“Damn it! This Xiao Ziling, you must capture him and break his body into pieces!”

The crowd knelt beside Shenmu Elder. The Shenmu patriarch remembered what the strong man in the sky said, and immediately said: “Quick! Go get the wood spirit liquid!”

The wood spirit liquid is the fusion of the original Qi and the Spiritual Qi, transforming into a solid object! Has the effect of bringing the dead back to life!

But in fact, it is not so magical. It does not have this effect for everyone. It only has a miraculous effect for the Practitioner who understands the law of the road of wood!

As for the sacred woods, the cultivation is the avenue of wood, so this wood spirit liquid is extremely precious to them!

Second Elder knelt on the ground with a sad expression on his face, shook his head and said: “No…it’s useless, the big Elder was taken away by magic power, even if he brought the wood spirit liquid… it’s too… late!”

“Big Elder!”

The patriarch of Shenmu took Elder’s hand and fell into a mood of anger, wishing to pull Xiao Ziling out, slash him with thousands of swords, and execute Ling Chi to death!

Just heard an angry curse coming from outside the hall!

“Zhongzhou Xiaoxiao is not good to die! Offends my mountains and rivers, kills my race. If this hatred is not revenge, why do you think people! As long as there is a trace of blood, you should take up the weapons in your hands and drive this group of aliens in Zhongzhou from the fairy fate The prestige of my fairy fate is inviolable!”


The patriarch of Shenmu, the second Elder and everyone at the same time turned their heads and looked outside the hall!

I saw that a man and a woman were standing in front of the Great Hall for some unknown time, looking at everyone with an angry expression!

“Our Lady of Hundred Flowers?”


“It’s you?!”

“You just came out! Do you know that the entire Red State is looking for you!”

These two people are Su Changyu’s demon slave, the leader of the Baihua Sect, the Madonna of Baihua, and the Sect Leader of the Qingchuan Sect, the Daoist of Qingchuanzi!

Qingchuanzi and Madame Baihua stepped into the Great Hall, and they looked righteous and proud.

“No need to look for it! Here we are! What do you want to know? Was the death of Li Wanshan? Yes! We killed it!”

Hearing this, the patriarch of Shenmu and the Elders of the Shenmu clan stood up at the same time.

“Do you dare to admit it? Do you know! You killed Hongzhou! Why did you do that? Obviously the war is over! Obviously everything is fine! Why? Why bother with Zhongzhou!?”

As the biggest opponent of the Red State, and also the person with the highest seniority, once Shenmu Elder dies, no one can suppress the patriarch of the Hundred Clan!

It must be known that the determination of Shenmu Da Elder is very firm, as long as he is there for one day, there will never be a war!

Among the Shenmu clan, there are also radicals who advocate war with Zhongzhou.

In fact, not only the Shenmu clan, but among the hundred clans, there are simply too many such radicals, countless!

After all, everyone’s ideas are different. For 10,000 people, there are 10,000 reasons, 10,000 opinions, 10,000 reasons, and 10,000 decisions!


Qing Chuanzi sneered, “Mu Tianhua? Are you asking me why? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous to ask yourself?”

“I don’t think!”

“I think!”

Qingchuanzi’s face is full of righteousness, and his voice is thunderous!

He looked at the people with a bit of heartache, “You… don’t have a little blood in your bones? Are you willing to be trampled on our continent? Those Zhongzhou aliens, are they terrible? Are you weak enough for this kind of sake? Are you cheap? Others are peeing at your door. Not only did you bear it, but you also licked your smiling faces and asked if they were comfortable in peeing?! Really! Sad! Sad!”

“Qing Chuanzi, what are you talking nonsense?!”

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