Chapter 490: Protecting Su Sect Leader

Unexpectedly, Su Changyu had a trick to get rid of the cicada, and turned himself into a oriole!

What a Su Changyu!

“Su Changyu, let me meet you! Can you dare to fight me one-on-one!?”

Xuan Qing looked at Su Changyu with cold eyes and called out.

Next, Tianjiao in the Zhongzhou mainland will be dissatisfied in the future!

“It’s ridiculous! We Su Sect Leader is seriously injured, and we don’t have one in ten strengths. Now you are going to fight our Su Sect Leader one-on-one? You are not afraid of being laughed at by the world!”

“That is, not wanting face, Xuan Qing! We Su Sect Leader have not been injured for three months. Why didn’t you say to challenge him at that time? Now that he is injured, you are going to target him one by one! Bullying! What a shamelessness!”

“Xuan Qing, do you want to fight? I’ll accompany you!”

Xiao Tianchu raised his hand and called out his own silver spear!

With a high fighting spirit, he raised his head to look at the woman in the sky, and smiled faintly, “You are only qualified to fight Su Sect Leader if you defeat me!”

“Ant, overwhelming!”

Xuan Qing has now obtained the Synergy Immortal Yin Jue, she sees everyone is an ant, and no one can fight her against Tianjiao in the world!

“Just rely on you? Kneel me down!”

Xuan Qing slapped his palm, and a black crack opened above his head. Two white dragons flew out from the black crack and went straight to Xiao Tianchu!

Xiao Tianchu laughed, “It’s good to come”, but he saw the silver spear dancing wildly in his hand, with a little bit of cold light running through the sky, like a meteor shower, indiscriminately attacking all the Tianjiao in the Xianyuan Continent, but the primary goal is the two whites. Dragon!

It’s just that the protective Spiritual Qi appeared on the two white dragons. The gunfire shot by Xiao Tianchu hit that layer of Spiritual Qi, and they bounced back and flew away from the Tianjiao who opposed the Zhongzhou mainland. !


The long spear in Xiao Tianchu’s hand was thrust into the ground, and the ground in front of him suddenly raised pieces of wooden boards.

Puff puff puff…

The gunfire hit the wooden board without causing any substantial damage. There were only circles of black marks on the wooden board!

However, when the two white dragons rushed on the wooden board, Xiao Tianchu’s expression suddenly changed!

The next moment, those wooden boards all shattered and turned into countless pieces of wood, flying in all directions!

And Bailong, unrelenting in its momentum, unmatched, after smashing the plank, continued to rush towards Xiao Tianchu!

“The tower of natural eternal life!”

Xiao Tianchu pinched his handprints, only to feel that a dark shadow in the sky flashed by, and then a wooden tower with a height of 100 meters fell from the sky, directly suppressing the two white dragons below!

I thought it was over. Who knows, after a breath of time, the tower of natural immortality in front of Xiao Tianchu exploded with a blast, turned into a cloud of dust, and fell down, and finally turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared. Exhausted!

And those two white dragons had already turned into evil dragons at this moment, tearing away madly towards Xiao Tianchu!

Xiao Tianchu was a little messy for a while, and he didn’t know how to resist it next!

He was still immersed in the blow of the natural tower of immortality being destroyed!

This tower of natural eternal life is almost the most powerful move in the inheritance of nature!

It’s almost the same as the profound meaning of annihilation in the inheritance of annihilation!

If even the tower of natural immortality cannot squeeze these two white dragons, then natural inheritance cannot squeeze them in all likelihood!

Just as Xiao Tianchu hesitated, a white dragon got directly into his stomach, and another white dragon. It was Su Changyu who was sitting on the Lotus Flower platform rushing over there!

“Protect Sect Leader!”

“Quick! Protect Sect Leader!”

“Sect Leader, be careful!”

Just a white dragon made everyone feel like a big enemy, hurriedly surrounded Su Changyu, and sacrificed their own life Magical Item!


The white dragon rushing towards Su Changyu exploded, and the wall of people lined up in an instant collapsed. Nearly 30 Zhongzhou Tianjiao died in this explosion!

On the other side, Xiao Tianchu was still in a state where he didn’t understand, and the first white dragon got into his body, which was bound to cause harm to him!

It is estimated that at this moment, Xiao Tianchu is using the energy in his body to try to suppress the white dragon in his body!

Whether it will work in the end, that kind of people don’t know!

People don’t know, but Su Changyu knows!

Xiao Tianchu must be seriously injured!

Because the other party used the own aggregation magic tactics!

That is magic!

It’s just that Xuan Qing didn’t cultivate the devilish energy!

Needless to say, the rank of magic power exceeds 99% of the world’s Cultivation Technique magical powers.

How can Xiao Tianchu stop it?

On the Zhongzhou side, only Su Changyu can block this strike!


Seeing his own hand, Xuan Qing took advantage of the victory and pursued it, using the second magical power in the Gathering Immortal Yin Jue, and the world turned around!

Suddenly, the world turned backwards, and the north was not the north, and the south was not the south!

Everyone is like a doll packed in a box, following the rotation of the box and swinging back and forth. After just a few strokes, everyone is turned around.

But there is still a small group of people who stay awake.

Because this is a Mental Energy attack, the picture of the world spinning just now is completely confusing to the opponent!

People who are not high enough in Mental Energy will definitely be recruited!

Once Zhongzhou, there will be a sluggish time for three breaths.

And these three breaths of time are enough for them to die a hundred times or a thousand times!

Taking advantage of these people’s sluggishness, Xuan Qing made another ultimate move, waved his arms, and summoned all the ghost soldiers!

All are condensed by Spiritual Qi!

“That…what is that!?”

“Look! What is that… too difficult! Ghost knight?”

“What trick is this? Is it a rare undead inheritance?”

“No! This is a magical power, not a heritage!”

“It’s over… I… my eyes are a bit dizzy now, I can’t see clearly at all!”

“Your dizziness…I’m still dizzy! Help…Help…”

Because of the influence of the reversal, everyone’s mental state is not very good at the moment!

And those undead cavalry are very small, an undead skeleton, only the head of a human Practitioner!

It looks like a watermelon flying in the sky.

“No… I don’t want to die…”

“Su Sect Leader! Help!”

“I can’t move anymore! My legs are a bit soft…what should I do!”

At this moment, Xiao Tianchu, who had been standing next to him, suddenly screamed, Dantian lit up, and he was lying on the ground!

It seems that the white dragon exploded in his body!

Xiao Tianchu resisted for so long, but after all he could not stop Bai Long!

This was what Su Changyu expected, and he didn’t think it was any surprise.

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