Chapter 489

It’s another clone!

Still remember!

When Su Changyu played against Long Aotian, he also used a clone!

Moreover, the clones of Long Aotian and Su Changyu have been fighting fiercely for a long time, regardless of the outcome!

In the end, he was forced to use a strong god-tier pass by the clone, which defeated Su Changyu!

But afterwards, it was discovered that it was just a clone of Su Changyu!

Suddenly, the frustration was slow, and I felt that I was shameful and humiliated!

Face sweeping!

And today, Su Changyu repeated the old tricks, and only sent a clone!

The frightening thing is that this avatar actually defeated Ku Tianjiao of the Immortal Fate Continent with no power to fight back, and they were all frightened by the news!

Even Xuan Qing had to pay attention to it!

But now the question is, how did Su Changyu’s clone blew himself to know the sea?

How did Su Changyu’s clone burn Blood Essence?

These two points do not seem to be done by a clone at all!

In fact, the clone does not have this ability at all!

The clone is either condensed by a drop of Blood Essence of the body, or transformed by some secret magic magical power cultivated by the body cultivator, belonging to the spirit body!

Since it is a spirit body, since it is Blood Essence, why can it use the burning Blood Essence and the sea of ​​consciousness to explode?

Moreover, the clone is not the magical power of the middle and first realm!

Want to cultivate clones, the conditions are extremely harsh!

The lowest threshold for contact with the clone is the holy realm, the incarnation outside the body!

If you want to use other clones, you need Realm to be above the Holy Land!

Everything about Su Changyu is very unreasonable!

The Tianjiao of the Zhongzhou mainland asked the same thing!

The explanation given by Su Changyu is very simple!

This is not an ordinary clone, but an “annihilation clone”!

Moreover, before the clone, it is necessary to use the corpse as a medium!

When Su Changyu first fought, he secretly picked up a corpse from the battlefield and refined an obliterated clone!

When the clone has flesh and blood, it is no longer a spirit body, Blood Essence, but a real flesh and blood Practitioner!

Coupled with the catalysis of the power of annihilation, the two are combined into one, and this super “annihilation clone” has never been condensed!

“In other words, when Sect Leader you fought against Long Aotian, you used this kind of clone?”

“Yes, because at that time…cough cough… At that time, the identity of the descendant of my obliteration Heavenly Emperor was not announced to the public, so I dare not say that it was an obliteration clone. But in fact, that was also…ahem…that was also an obliteration clone! ”

While Su Changyu was speaking, he did not forget to cough a few times to make himself look weaker!

“Tsk tsk, it’s really too strong! Annihilation inheritance…the power of annihilation! Sure enough, it is worthy of being one of the three thousand avenues!”

“Let me just say it! Su Sect Leader is supernatural, it is absolutely impossible to die!”

“I was scared to death, I thought Su Sect Leader was really gone!”

“It turned out to be a false alarm, hahaha! This is a bad luck for the Xianyuan Continent!”

“But Su Sect Leader’s body… can it still hold it?”

“Su Sect Leader, you’d better go over there and take a good rest. Take the things inside and leave it to us! If the other party has no sacred artifacts, it means that the poisonous snake has no teeth, so it’s not enough to be afraid!”

Su Changyu shook his head and said, “No, I can hold it! I can’t go. I’m here, it’s a little deterrent to them! Ahem…”

“But Brother Su, your body!”

“I’m fine…cough cough… Don’t worry, Brother Xiao!”

Ouyang Le also walked to Su Changyu’s side and smiled: “Su Sect Leader, you have deceived us so hard! You didn’t see it, they were crying for you just now!”

Su Changyu showed a fatherly smile, “I make everyone worried, cough cough… But if I don’t act like a bit… cough cough… I won’t be able to fool the Xianyuan Continent! So, I’m really sorry everyone!”

Shangguanxue carefully looked at Su Changyu in front of him, “Su Sect Leader, aren’t you also a clone?”

Su Changyu smiled miserably, “The goddess said and laughed, where do I still have that ability now! Cough cough…”


Su Changyu turned his head and looked at Su Jiu’er, who was standing behind him in the crowd.

“make you worry!”


Su Jiu’er was really worried!

She thought Su Changyu was really dead, and she was so scared that he even sacrificed Hu Luosheng!

Unexpectedly, after a long time of trouble, it turned out to be a clone!

“Enough! Stop talking about those disgusting words! Su Changyu, I know you are cunning and scheming! I am so stupid that I have been fooled by you again! Next time, I will never trust you again!”

After all, Su Jiu’er looked back at Su Changyu.

This glance contains too many complicated emotions!

I want to hate it, like being close, but still resisting in my heart!

After taking a look, Su Jiu’er no longer nostalgic, turned into a divine rainbow and rose into the sky, disappearing above the ancient forest!

“Want to go!?”

Over there, Tianjiao of the Xianyuan Continent saw someone trying to leave, so he immediately slapped a few palm prints, and wanted to catch Su Jiu’er on the way and intercept the opponent!

But at this moment, on top of their heads, a bigger one was born! More powerful! A stronger black hand!

It is the palm print of the annihilating hand condensed by the aura of annihilation!

“Dare to move me Little Sister! Die!”

Su Changyu sat sickly on the Lotus Flower platform, and he seemed to be unable to lift one hand, but he still slapped such an amazing palm!

Seeing this, Xuan Qing hurried forward to rescue!

“Su Changyu! Do you dare!”

But when Xuan Qing flew in front of those people, it was already a step too late!

Those people were all crushed into flesh by the black palm prints and exploded in the air!

And when the palm print disappeared, it also exuded a thick aura of annihilation, spreading to the surroundings!

If you accidentally bump into a strand, it will definitely be corroded and exposed!

Because Xuan Qing flew too fast, he was caught off guard.

She looked terrified, and hurriedly used the Aggregation Xian Yin Jue to get rid of the aura of annihilation!

Fortunately, you succeeded.

Gathering Immortal Yin Jue was not afraid of the aura of annihilation at all, and it was very easy to remove the aura of annihilation from his body!

This also allowed Xuan Qing to see the power of Gathering Immortal Yin Jue again!

“Master Xuanqing, this dog has killed dozens of our compatriots! It is an unforgivable sin!”

“Su Changyu simply doesn’t put us in one’s eyes! Master Xuanqing, please also ask you to ask for justice for us, and revenge for those who have died!”

“Yeah! Master Xuanqing! Please kill this dog!”

Xuan Qing had no choice but to do what the people wanted!

The trick that Su Changyu used just now is very powerful!

She could clearly feel that Su Changyu was obviously different from the clone before!

Realm is different!

Although they are both in the two states, there is a considerable gap in the magical powers they play!

I thought I was a praying mantis and Su Changyu was a cicada!

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