Chapter 49


It’s jealous!

But it is not the jealousy between men and women because of love, but Little Brother’s dependence!

Once Bu Qingchen married someone, there would be no one to turn to Bu Tian!

Especially in recent years, Bu Qingchen has grown up, and Bu Tian has grown up. He also has a better understanding of men and women. The more so, the more worried he is!

“Damn it!”

Hen Tianzun cursed inwardly, he had just been reborn, but he didn’t want to offend a disciple like Su Changyu from the Zhongzhou family, he just wanted to find an old forest deep in the mountains to cultivate for hundreds of years.

Su Changyu also secretly guessed in his heart.

“Could it be that the person this guy cares most about is his Big sis? Isn’t it…”

Thinking further down this is a bit evil.

But you can’t think of it like that, maybe people’s sisters and brothers have deep feelings!

But he went deep, he just said a word to his Big sis, why did he hate himself?

Can’t you even say a word?

It seems that Butian’s dependence on his Big sis has become “morbid”!

However, this is a good thing!

If that’s the case, then go for more!

But would you be a little sorry for Xuan Ming?

A son of luck finally appeared in Xuan Ming’s Bu’s family. He turned around so that he didn’t have any hair left. Xuan Ming didn’t know about this. If he knew, he would be furious!

“This kid…”

Su Changyu stared at Bu Tian, ​​calling the system in his heart, “System, can you tell me what kind of son of luck he is?”

After waiting for a long time, the system did not respond at all.

And Su Changyu had never spoken to the system before.

It seems that the system can no longer communicate.

Suddenly, Su Changyu thought that there seemed to be something called “testing props” in the mall.

If he remembers correctly, the detailed introduction below the props says that it can be detected which kind of son of luck the other party belongs to!

After opening the system store, Su Changyu bought a testing tool.

f*ck, an item needs 1500 luck! Isn’t this cheating!

It’s just a test item, it’s a one-time thing, and it’s not very useful for Su Changyu. It just knows what kind of son of luck the other party is. One or two hundred luck is enough, and it can be sold for 1500!

It’s so dark!

But Su Changyu also has “money” now, and he still has nearly 40,000 luck points to spend!

Not bad money, bought it!

Immediately, Su Changyu’s eyes flickered, and the other party’s information immediately appeared in Su Changyu’s mind.

Name: Bu Tian.

Nickname: None.

Name: Ouyang Fei

Nickname: Hate Tianzun, Great Demon.

Identity: The 11th generation direct descendant of the Bu family.

Identity: Great Protector of Mingjiao.

Relationship: Rebirth, soul seizes home.

There is also a large list of detailed information.

After reading it, Su Changyu immediately felt that the money was very worthwhile. It can be described in such detail.

In the following introduction, even Butian’s habits, home address, and life history appear. And the identity of Hate Tianzun is no exception!

It turned out to be the rebirth of the strong!

It’s the old way of net writing again.

Su Changyu, who has been familiar with the Internet in his previous life, knows that since the other person can be reborn, he must rely on it, either with the magical item of the previous life on his body, or with the memory of the previous life in his mind, including the cultivation technique, experience, and experience of the previous life. Wait a minute, and then rise up strongly and stunning the Quartet with the body of waste wood.

And this Butian’s identity is just a waste of wood!

That’s right!

Since the other party is no longer Butian, then Su Changyu has nothing to worry about. He rushed to illuminate the other party. I believe that even if Xuan Ming knew what he wanted, he would approve of Su Changyu’s doing this.

“Su… Your lord, son? What are you looking at?”

Seeing Su Changyu staring at Bu Tian, ​​Bu Qingchen thought a little bit, fearing that Su Changyu would make it difficult to own Little Brother, so he tentatively asked.

Su Changyu smiled and said: “Oh, nothing. Where did we talk just now?”

Bu Qingchen pointed to the garden next to him, and said: “Why don’t I accompany the son to stroll around, take him to see the scenery of the Bu family, and please don’t laugh at the son. The Bu family is definitely not as good as Zhongzhou, the wronged son NS.”

“It’s okay, then you can take me around.”

“My son, please!”

Su Changyu thought about it for a while, then gave a smirk, and said, “My feet are a bit inconvenient recently. You have to help me.”

Bu Qingchen didn’t doubt that he had him, and he would definitely not have thought that Su Changyu had said this deliberately.

People from Zhongzhou, what kind of beauty haven’t you seen? And we only met today for the first time, can they still be cheap?

“The son is more careful.”

Bu Qingchen stretched out his hands, holding Su Changyu’s arms, his body and Su Changyu were almost stuck together.


Congratulations to the host: successfully plundering son of luck luck, luck will add 200 points!

The corner of Su Changyu’s mouth turned up slightly, and said to Bu Qingchen: “It’s still a bit inconvenient, or else.”

She pulled Bu Qingchen under her armpit, put her arms on Bu Qingchen’s shoulders, deliberately sloping her feet.


Congratulations to the host: successfully plundering son of luck luck, the luck value will be increased by 300 points.


Congratulations to the host: successfully plundering son of luck luck, luck will add 200 points!

“Damn it! What does it have to do with me!”

Bu Tian watched the two slowly walk into the garden, this body was uncontrollably jealous, and there were faint worries and flustered emotions in his heart!

He mumbled: “Could you not be so boring! A man who is so attached to Big sis, are you embarrassed!? No wonder you are boring!”

Hate Tianzun controlled Bu Tian’s body and stopped looking at Su Changyu, which made the body gradually calm down.

He has just been reborn on Bu Tian, ​​and he still can’t control this body well. This is not about movement.

When he was in Tianlong Academy before, Hate Tianzun was able to perfectly control all the movements of this body. What he couldn’t control was the “Butian Thought” left over by this body. Some emotions are born out of this body spontaneously, and have nothing to do with Hentianzun.

Then Heng Tianzun came to the backyard. It was quiet and no one. The Bu family rarely came here, mainly because there was a medicine garden.

If Bu Tian wants to temper this body, he must plant a few herbs that are not in the Eastern Region.

When this body becomes stronger, then Hate Tianzun can cultivate Hate Tian Secret Art, and then it will be when he rises strongly!

Heng Tianzun picked a few existing medicinal materials in the medicine garden, and then took out a Human Cauldron, preparing to refine Medicine Pill.

In the previous life, Hate Tianzun was not only a powerful Cultivation Base, but also a Medicine Pill teacher with extremely high attainments in Alchemy!

However, because of limited conditions and poor health, he can only refine some of the most basic Medicine Pills.

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