Chapter 48-Another Son of Luck

The man looks about his age, but beside this man, there is an old man standing!

“Bold, step by step, step by step, step by step Lingfeng, are you looking for death? You don’t have to quickly kneel down and kowtow to the ancestor!”

There was another shout from the crowd, and Bu Lingfeng was the first to react, pulling Bu Qingchen and Bu Tian to kneel down!

“Bu Lingfeng pays respects to the ancestors!”

Although he didn’t know what was going on, he didn’t know who was the ancestor, but he just followed and worshiped!

Xuan Ming didn’t deal with Bu’s affairs at the first time, but leaned against Su Changyu next to his cupped hands and said: “My son, this should be the offspring of my clan, and I can still feel the breath of my grandson.”

You know, Bu Xuan and Bu Wuqiu have been seen before, no matter if their appearance changes, their breath will not change.

Su Changyu nodded slightly, and said, “You go and handle your own housework first.”


Xuan Ming replied, and then looked towards Bu Wuqiu, “Are you Wuqiu? Lift your head and let me take a look.”

Everyone was listening to the conversation between these two people just now!

Bu Xuan actually wants to take orders from a young man?

Everyone couldn’t help but secretly raised their heads to look at Su Changyu, but they only took a peek and immediately bowed their heads, for fear of causing Bu Xuan’s discomfort!

Bu Wuqiu raised his head excitedly, this familiar breath, the vague face in his memory gradually became clear and familiar, yes, it was definitely Bu Xuan!

“Master…Grandpa! It’s really you! Grandpa! I have no enemies!”

“Wonderless, are you still alive? Where is your father?”

“Father…Father was sitting down eight hundred years ago. Not long after you went to Zhongzhou, Grandpa…he died tragically at the hands of the enemy. My brother also sitting down two hundred years ago…” Bu Wuqiumo With old tears, I said sadly about the events of these years.

“all these are?”

“These are your descendants.”

Bu Xuan thought that his own children and grandchildren had been killed long ago, but he didn’t expect that not only did he not die, but also became the largest family in Yuzhou, spreading branches and leaves, and passed on from generation to generation.

This is such a big surprise!

“Grandpa, it’s windy here, let’s go in and say!”

Bu Wuqiu got up happily and came to Bu Xuan’s side, trying to help him into the Great Hall.

This picture is full of a sense of violation!

Although Xuan Ming has lived for thousands of years, he looks only sixty years old, definitely not more than seventy!

But Bu Wuqiu, because of Realm, his appearance at the moment must be at least ninety years old. The skin of his whole body is like old tree bark. It feels that there is no flesh anymore, it is all skin and bones.

Standing together, the two of them look like grandfathers without enmity, and Xuan Ming like grandsons!

There are many people present who seem to be older than Xuan Ming, but in fact, they are at least several thousand years younger than Xuan Ming!

This is the power of Martial Dao!

“Need not!”

Xuan Ming refused Bu Wuqiu, and leaned back to Su Changyu and said, “My son, the old slave will help you in?”

Old slave?

Just now Xuan Ming’s treatment of Su Changyu’s courtesy was enough to give her family a shock. At this moment, Xuan Ming also called herself an old slave, and this group of Bu family members shocked their jaws!

This young man is actually the master of their ancestors?

This is incredible!

It seems that this person is only in his twenties!

How good is he, can he be Xuanming’s master?

“Grandpa, who is this?”

“This is Young Master Su, the Young Master of the Su family in Zhongzhou, and I am just a subordinate of the Su family!”


When Xuan Ming said this, everyone took a breath.

From Zhongzhou?

Su’s house in Zhongzhou?

No wonder!

It turned out to be a big man in Zhongzhou!

“What are you doing in a daze? Don’t hurry up to see Young Master Su!” Xuan Ming rushed into his family and said Bing Sheng.

“Meet Young Master Su!”

All the Bu family members knelt down and gave a big gift to Su Changyu.

“No need to do this, Xuan Ming, let them not be polite. You can talk to them, I can just walk around!”

“Master, this…” Xuan Ming was a little worried, for fear of neglecting Su Changyu.

Moreover, his task is to protect Su Changyu, the kind that never leaves. Sometimes it seems that there is no one around Su Changyu, but Xuan Ming has been hiding in the dark all the time!

If Su Changyu had two shortcomings, Xuan Ming could commit suicide directly! Even the Bu family has to suffer.

But Xuan Ming turned to think about it, this little Eastern Region, there are really not many people who can hurt Su Changyu, so he let go of his heart.

“Okay, son, the old slave will come when he finishes handling the matter!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll live here these few days, so get together with your family more.”

“Thank you son for perfection!” Xuan Ming said respectfully.

Bu Guangming was very foresighted, and immediately pushed Bu Qingchen out.

“Qing Chen, you take Master Su around Bu’s house and serve as a tour guide for Master Su. You must serve Master Su well. If Master Su has any dissatisfaction, I will ask you!”

Then, under the guidance of Bu Wuqiu and a group of Bu family members, Xuan Ming walked towards Bu’s Great Hall, leaving only Bu Qingchen and Butian in place!


When Su Changyu saw Bu Tian, ​​he suddenly frowned and noticed something wrong!

This guy… is also a son of luck!

But with this premonition, only Su Changyu could feel the other party, and the other party could not perceive what was wrong with Su Changyu.

“Master Su, what are you thinking about?” Bu Qingchen had bright eyes and white teeth, with a charming appearance. Compared with Mo Qingxue, he did not lose the slightest bit of wind.

“It’s nothing, you don’t need to call me as an adult, just call me Su Gongzi. Don’t be cautious, be casual. I am not as scary as you think, and I am not a cannibal tiger!”

Bu Qingchen covered his lips and smiled, “My lord, you are quite funny.”


Congratulations to the host: successfully plundering son of luck luck, luck value increases by 100.

Damn it, what’s the situation?

Su Changyu’s heart suddenly became astonished, he just said a word, why did he rob him of luck?

Although not much, it is indeed increased!

He turned his head and looked at Bu Tian, ​​and found that the latter was looking at him with hatred. After seeing Own’s gaze, Bu Tian immediately lowered his head.

In fact, even Hate Tianzun was very surprised at this moment!

Because this hatred does not come from him!

It comes from the instinct of this body!

There is no blood relationship between Heng Tianzun and Bu Qingchen, but this body has it!

I know from memory that Bu Tian is very dependent on own Big sis, and Bu Qingchen is also very good to him!

Seeing that Bu Qingchen had grown into a slim and big girl, Bu Tian gradually became worried.

If Qingchen was betrothed to someone else, or if he had a beloved man, would he just ignore his Little Brother?

Therefore, when he saw Bu Qingchen talking and laughing with other men, he would feel uncomfortable!

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