Chapter 448-The Heart of the World

“Needless to say.”

Su Changyu is not interested in those things, “It’s all yours! This time you have contributed a lot! Take it.”

Mao Ruo was really overjoyed, and hurriedly said, “No! Master, if you didn’t take the shot, it would be impossible for a thousand cat girls to succeed!”

While talking, Su Changyu suddenly slapped the cat girl on the shoulder!

Mao Ruo really flew out, landing a mouthful of blood. He wanted to get up, but he couldn’t do it.


Su Changyu said, “Who did it?”

Mao Ruo really didn’t understand.

Who fought?

Didn’t he fight it?

Why does Su Changyu ask that?

However, she was only puzzled for a few breaths, and then she reacted and quickly said, “It was the successor of the magic arts, Xiao Ziling!”

Su Changyu nodded, very satisfied, Mao Ruozhen was quite clever.

Thinking about it, he raised his hand, ready to give himself a palm.

The approximate story…Oh no, it’s what happened, he has already made up.

Xiao Ziling, the descendant of magic power, was so strong that he almost killed himself.

Fortunately, he fought desperately against Mao Ruozhen, and finally overwhelmed Xiao Ziling. Xiao Ziling was seriously injured and escaped, and he and Mao Ruozhen almost never returned!

With Su Changyu’s current prestige, no one would doubt his words!

However, at this moment, Su Changyu’s actions suddenly solidified.

He felt a strange breath coming from behind him!

And Mao Ruozhen also looked behind Su Changyu.

Could it be…

Can that old man survive?

Su Changyu, who wanted to give himself a palm, slowly put down his hand, and slowly turned around.

I saw it was dozens of miles away.

The ground collapsed little by little, and the purifying aura slowly rose from the hole after the collapse, and condensed into a ball in the air!

Mao Ruo really looked at Su Changyu with some doubts and asked for an explanation, but Su Changyu could see God at the moment and didn’t have the time to pay attention to him.

“Lord…Master, what is this?”

“Heart of the world?”

Su Changyu frowned, looking at the condensed cyan aura, secretly speculating.

“Does this world have nurtured the heart of the world? The battle between me and the old man was so fierce that it awakened the heart of the world and paid the surface?”

Mao Ruo asked suspiciously: “What is the heart of the world?”

“The heart of the world is the foundation of a continent and the world. It is bred by the rules of heaven and earth. Do you know the origin? And the origin is the heart of the world!”

“Once the heart of the world is taken away and destroyed, the entire world will collapse and become a dust in the chaotic space!”

“And the reason why the continent and the world are not invaded by the aura of chaos is also because of the existence of the heart of the world.”

Mao Ruozhen said: “So, can the heart of the world be able to stop the chaos?”

“Of course! The Heart of the World and the Qi of Chaos are two extremes, one is creation and the other is destruction!”

Mao Ruo really looked at the world around him in disbelief, and said, “In such a small world, there is still the heart of the world?”

“Then you are wrong! As long as it can exist in the Qi of Chaos, it must have the heart of the world! If it does not, then the world will not exist! Zhongzhou Continent, Xianyuan Continent, all have the heart of the world.”

“But I… how come I have never heard of it!”

“Oh, it’s the soul of the mainland!”

Since Su Changyu is used to calling it “the world”, and there is also the heart of the world in the system mall to buy, so Su Changyu habitually calls it the heart of the world.

On the side of Zhongzhou and Xianyuan Continent, people are more accustomed to calling it the Soul of the Continent! Or the spirit of the mainland!

Hearing these four words, Mao Ruozhen opened his mouth instantly!

“What? This is the spirit of the continent? That…then…Master! I heard that there are guardians of the continent near the spirit of the continent, let’s… let’s not pay attention to the spirit of the continent!”

Of course Su Changyu knows this!

The root of a continent is the soul of the continent.

Just like Su Changyu synthesized the earth world before, isn’t it the broken heart of the world?

Once the heart of the world is dug away, the earth world will immediately collapse, annihilate, and turn into dust!

Therefore, for a continent, the most important thing is the soul of the continent, the heart of the world!

Near the heart of the world, there must be very powerful guardians.

This guardian may be a human, a demon, or a certain kind of plant!

Even the earth world has a guardian, but this guardian doesn’t even know Su Changyu, it is the heart of the world itself.

This matter can’t fight with Su Changyu, Heavenly Dao, because as long as he doesn’t touch the heart of the world, the guardian won’t show up.

As the Heavenly Dao of the earth world, Su Changyu is so good, why does he touch the heart of the world?

He and the Heart of the World should be on one side, so he doesn’t care who the guardian of the Heart of the World is!

Su Changyu’s Heart of the World was bought.

However, in this world, the soul of the continent and the heart of the world are bred by the rules of heaven and earth!

It grew naturally in the chaos, and finally became a continent!

The heart of this world contains the most complete rules of heaven and earth, which is very precious!

The source of strength that Murong Yan has been waiting for was nurtured by the heart of the world.

Because there is only one heart of the world, if it is Minor World, it is okay, the heart of the world can withstand a certain range of chaos around it!

But if it’s a big world, similar to a world as big as the Xianyuan Continent, the heart of the world will certainly not be able to protect all the surrounding areas, so it has bred its origins, scattered all over the world, used to fix the continent, and Protect the mainland and resist the invasion of chaos!

However, this is the same principle with architecture. Some of them are load-bearing columns. Once the source becomes more, there will be some useless ones.

It doesn’t matter if the Practitioner grabs some of the original source and absorbs it.

As long as the most important source of that area is not destroyed, the continent will not collapse.

And the most important one will not show up either.

The same is true for buildings. As long as the load-bearing pillars are not demolished, the house will not collapse. Other pillars can be smashed at will.

Unexpectedly, the heart of the world can be seen here!

Su Changyu’s eyes kept staring at the cyan ball, and greed was born!

If you don’t take it, isn’t it a pity?

He Su Changyu is the kind of person who has the advantage and does not take it?

“Master? Master?”

Mao Ruo is really scared, he is afraid that Su Changyu will really hit the attention of the soul of the mainland, not to mention the existence of guardians around this thing, once this thing is destroyed, then this Minor World will immediately collapse and shatter into the chaos. .

At that time, all the creatures in it will have to die!

“Master? You…you can’t…”

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