Chapter 447

Mao Ruo is really in the Two-Year Realm, but before the Eight Desolation Wars, he couldn’t even give birth to the thought of resistance!

This gave her a clear and profound understanding of “Magic Soldiers”!

What does this show?

It means that in the future, Practitioners who are below Liangyijing will not be able to touch Su Changyu at all!

Because Mao Ruo is really only the Liangyi Realm, so she can only represent the Liangyi Realm.

She didn’t know what it was like to meet the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang in Guiyi Jing.

But you can imagine that it should be very uncomfortable too!

There is no doubt that Su Changyu’s current combat effectiveness has already approached the fairyland!

This time, the Ascension for Su Changyu is really too big!



Sitting cross-legged, Su Changyu spoke calmly.

The Bahuang Zhan madly danced up and down in excitement, and spoke to Su Changyu in an immature tone: “Yes, master, I finally made a breakthrough!”

“very good!”

Su Changyu said: “Don’t worry, this is just the beginning. I will definitely return to the peak, or even surpass the peak! It won’t be long before you can enter the heavenly rank! Become a heavenly demon soldier again!”

“Yeah! I believe the master can do it! I have only been with the master for a few months, and I have already made a breakthrough. This is something I haven’t encountered in the past hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of years! Thank you, master!”


Su Changyu slowly opened his eyes and said, “I seem to be all right too!”

The voice just fell!

Su Changyu suddenly made two “puff puffs” behind him!

I saw two wings suddenly grow from the butterfly bones of Su Changyu’s back, instantly setting off Su Changyu like an angel!

This pair of Qibao Divine Wings were successfully integrated into the body by Su Changyu!

“Try it!”

With a flap of Su Changyu’s wings behind his back, his whole body disappeared instantly, and in the next second, he had already flown to the horizon!

Not even Shenhong stayed!

Flying with wings is not flying with Spiritual Qi.

Flying with Spiritual Qi, the Spiritual Qi in the body is always burning, so after flying out, it will leave a “tail” behind!

Just like a meteor!

But flying with wings does not need to consume Spiritual Qi, so after flying out, nothing will be left!

Su Changyu can also use Spiritual Qi.

Spiritual Qi plus wings, so that the flight speed will be faster!

But if it is not necessary, he will not use it.

Based on the speed of the wings alone, Su Changyu speculated that it had already surpassed the Normalized One Realm, and even approached the Normalized Holy Realm.

If you fly at full strength, it should be comparable to the speed of the Six Paths Refining Holy Realm!

If the Spiritual Qi is added, Su Changyu’s speed can definitely match the Saint King Realm, or even exceed it!

You know, this is Su Changyu’s ability to fly at the same level as the full-flight of the Saint King Realm without using any means, relying on speed alone!

If Su Changyu adds special means such as devilish energy, it is definitely not difficult to pass the Saint King Realm!

If Su Changyu used Heavenly Demon directly, the speed would be even more incredible!

You know, Su Changyu is really Realm now, that is, the Human Emperor Realm!

His Heavenly Demon real body, the lowest flying speed in the Emperor Realm!

Heavenly Demon’s real body can also blend perfectly with the Seven Treasures Divine Wings, and wings will grow behind the Heavenly Demon’s real body!

if that’s the case……

Holy Emperor Realm?

Do not!

It should be the Heavenly Emperor!

Su Changyu used his magic power to fly with all his strength, and only the Heavenly Emperor realm could catch up!

“Little Eight!”

With a movement of divine thought, the Eight Desolation Zhan Kuang flew in quickly, and Su Changyu held it in his hand!

Behind, a pair of colorful wings circulates divinely, extremely holy!

In his hand, the blood red halberd was murderous and fierce!

Both right and evil!

Behind Su Changyu, a monster with four arms appeared, with double horns and a face like Shura!

That is the real body of Heavenly Demon!

And on the other side of Heavenly Demon’s true body, the Bone Emperor phantom slowly emerged, holding the Bone Emperor Sword, a body of righteousness and mighty power!

There is still one righteous and one evil!

Mao Ruo really watched from a distance below, and became more and more afraid of Su Changyu!

Today’s Su Changyu is invincible in Zhongzhou!

It is possible that it is already invincible in the Xianyuan Continent!

Su Changyu received all his magical powers, and looked a little surprised at the Eight Desolate Zhan Kuang in his hand.

“Where is the Five Sacred Beast Totem?”

These five sacred beast totems were engraved on it by the great power of Zhongzhou back then to suppress the fierceness of the demon soldier of the Eight Desolation Wars!

Because of the existence of holy beast totems, only people with good intentions can use the Eight Desolate Fighting Madness.

Before, Su Wangtian told Su Changyu that Su Changyu must not erase the totem on it!

Because the totem can prove that Su Changyu does not possess a magic heart!

At that time, once Su Changyu’s identity is revealed, he can also cover it with the Eight Desolation Fighting Crazed.

Unexpectedly, when the Eight Desolation Fighting Kuang broke through, the demon nature was too strong, and it directly broke through the suppression of the five sacred beast totems, and instead shattered the sacred beast totem!

After hearing Bahuang Zhan Kuang’s explanation, Su Changyu felt a little pity!

But it’s just a pity!

With his current combat power, he has no fear of anyone!

Even if it is really exposed, he is not afraid!

The population of the mainland of Central China is too much, billions of millions.

If they are really united, then Su Changyu may still be lost.

But Su Changyu couldn’t beat it, but he could run it!

Moreover, Su Changyu can definitely kill the Zhongzhou mainland at one time and hurt his vitality.

After Su Changyu rested for a while, and then rushed out, Zhongzhou’s vitality would be severely injured.

After resting for a while, kill again…

Such repeated, Zhongzhou can not withstand the toss of Su Changyu.

But now that I think about it, there should never be that day.

Now that Xiao Ziling is dead, he will never stand up and clarify himself!

This also means that he will always take the blame for Su Changyu!

Therefore, the things that Su Wangtian worries about will most likely not happen.

Putting away the Eight Desolate Fighting Madness, Su Changyu came to Mao Ruozhen’s side.

“How is it? Have you collected it all?”

“Back to the master, most of the treasures have been uncovered by me. Some of them have been broken, and some of them should have been shaken out. I need to look for them again.”

Su Changyu said, “No, just leave it like this. Those are worthless things. Just stay here.”

As he said, Su Changyu opened his palm, and a black Lotus flower slowly floated in his palm.

Nowadays, among all the treasures annihilated the Heavenly Emperor, only this Lotus flower stand is the most precious!

“As long as the Lotus flower platform is on. You can keep those things for yourself.”

Mao Ruo really suspected that Own’s ears had heard something wrong.

This is the treasure house of the annihilated Heavenly Emperor!

She found so many good things here!

The Heavenly Emperor has collected hundreds of thousands of years, and you can think of how rich he is with his feet!

Su Changyu gave these things to himself?

“Master… Do you want to listen to what I have found? I found the soul-returning pill, the colored glaze beads, and…”

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