Chapter 394

However, except for Su Changyu, it is difficult for anyone else to do this!

At the same time, let so many Tianjiao disappear, among all the Tianjiao in Zhongzhou, besides Su Changyu, who else can have this strength?

Su Changyu is indeed not afraid, but he just doesn’t want to be troublesome.

If it’s in Zhongzhou, it doesn’t matter if he admits it,

But here, it’s better to pretend.

After all, this is his hunting ground. If he admits it now, wouldn’t he stop the hunting plan?

He is not afraid of things, but he does not want to give up greater interests because of this matter.

If it weren’t for Su Changyu, it would be the other forces in the Xianyuan Continent!

It is very likely that the Saint King Realm shot!

Otherwise, Kong Ying could not die.

However, no stupid family or force is so stupid!

There may be ten or eight enemies, but there cannot be so many enemies, right?

In the Nanxiang Pavilion that day, there were more than fifty families of Tianjiao.

Who got flooded and offended fifty families all at once?

Among them, isn’t there a family that applauded the other party?

Whenever there is a relationship, the other party has to let go of a few people.

But none of the people in Nanxiang Pavilion survived!

What a hatred and cruel heart this must be!

Therefore, the forces of the Xianyuan mainland can be excluded, and it must be done by the people of the mainland of Zhongzhou.

And Su Changyu is the biggest suspect!

Do not!

It must be him!

But Su Changyu didn’t admit it, and there was no evidence yet, which made the families of the deceased have no choice but to do it in a hurry.

On the other side, the Icefield Frost Abandoned Dragon clan also found Su Changyu and asked him to hand over Long Aotian’s body.

In this regard, Su Changyu only replied three words.


The Frost Abandoned Dragon clan negotiated many times, but all they got were these three words.

This can’t help making the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan furious!

It’s deceiving too much!

Just want to return the corpse, not willing to do this?

They haven’t settled accounts with Su Changyu for the death of Long Aotian!

Although the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan did not tear their faces with Su Changyu, everyone could feel that the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan was already angry. In the past few days, the undercurrents in the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan seemed to have something to speak up.

Su Changyu originally wanted to solve the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan directly, but because of the appearance of Kong Ying, he was delayed for a few days. This gave the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan a chance to breathe. Otherwise, Su Changyu would kill the Frost Abandoned Dragon that day. The family can’t even stop it.

Now, the focus of the Xianyuan Continent is already on the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan, looking forward to their next actions.

After all, Su Changyu is now the suspect of dozens of family forces.

No one of these families is willing to be the first bird. They hope that a family can stand up as soon as possible and fight against Su Changyu. Then, they will help from it.

And this person who stood up is likely to be the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan!

Therefore, Su Changyu now slaughtered the Frost Abandoned Dragon clan again, it would be a bit dangerous.

There is likely to be exposure.

Fortunately, Kong Ying is dead. No one knows that Long Aotian’s body was handed over to Murong Yan by Su Changyu. The Frost Abandoned Dragon family seems to have no secret technique to detect the location of Long Aotian’s corpse, so they always feel that the corpse is there. Su Changyu.

Recently, Hongzhou in the northern part of the Xianyuan Continent has been surging, and there have been more and more conflicts between the people of the Central State Continent and the people of the Xianyuan Continent.

Those old things in the Xianyuan Continent already felt a little awkward, and seemed to be able to take action at any time.

Especially since Su Changyu killed so many Tianjiao families at once, this matter may become a flashpoint of contradiction.

But so far, it has not happened that the older generation intervenes in the younger generation.

Murong Yan, who was in the Tibetan Niu Mountains, also received the news.

Murong Yan sits crouched on top of a round stone on a mountain, the emperor’s robe dances, and the city is stunning.

She stared at the direction of Nanxiang City, muttering to herself authentically.

“The changes have started to get bigger and bigger. It’s completely different from the last life! Changyu killed the Peacocks and killed so many Tianjiao. What will happen next?”

“The Origin Spirit of the Xianyuan Continent should be born soon. Calculated by time, it should be these few days. Now that the variables are so big, if you haven’t been born, you can understand it.”

The origin of Xianyuan Continent was also something Su Changyu liked.

Su Changyu didn’t know when Yuanyuan was born, but he knew that Yuanyuan must exist.

He also wants to find the source!

There is not only one origin. There are Kyushu in Xianyuan Continent, and all Kyushu can have origin.

The origin is equivalent to the core of a continent!

If the origin is taken away, the mainland will lose its vitality, and it will be difficult to recover for ten thousand years.

In the previous life, Su Changyu came to the source.

But in this life, Murong Yan can’t see through Su Changyu anymore, and everything has changed.

Su Changyu directly killed Long Aotian in public, and now he has become a suspect again. He has been stared at by the big families. What will happen next, Murong Yan doesn’t know.

All she can do now is to stay with the source and wait for the birth of the source.

At that time, if Su Changyu can’t catch up, she can take away the origin first.

“Strange, why should I wait for him to come over, he just came just right, the origin is mine! There are no strong enemies around here, and there are not many people in Zhongzhou here, and there are few who can rob me. Yes. With the source, plus a drop of Blood Essence from the fairy dragon, I should…should be able to surpass him! And I have already laid the fairy roots, it is not difficult to advance to the semi-fairy realm…”

Thinking of this, Murong Yan was a little confused.

After becoming a half immortal, after surpassing Su Changyu, what will she do?

Did you kill Su Changyu?


She suddenly lost her goal and motivation.

Moreover, this situation is not the first time he has appeared.

Dai’s eyebrows frowned, and Murong Yan’s mood was even more indescribable when she thought of Long Aotian’s corpse.

“He was really willing to give me Ancestral Dragon blood… Why, why should he be so good to me! You can be cruel! You can be cruel, and I can be cruel! Su Changyu, Su Changyu, I really can’t see through. you.”

The original route was that the origin was born, the old monsters of the Immortal Fate Continent heard the news and took action, and Su Changyu quietly snatched the origin under the hands of those old monsters.

But now, it may not be possible to wait for the birth of the source, and it is estimated that it will not take a few days before the old monsters can figure it out.

at the same time.

In Dihuang City, there was a burst of excited laughter from the Xuan family mansion.

“Hahaha! Supernatural power, this is the real fairy supernatural power! Xuan Qing, Xuan Qing, where did you get this supernatural power?”

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