Chapter 393

And Su Changyu’s hands were also stained with blood.

Su Changyu teased, “Don’t bother, let’s do it all together!”

“Don’t be afraid of him, everyone, let him be killed!”



“Su Changyu, take fate!”

For a time, hundreds of disciples all sacrificed Magic Treasures and threw colorful magical powers at Su Changyu.

Outside the Great Hall.

Di Huang stood on the roof and slammed his foot under his feet.

Spit a word “forbidden”!

With Dihuang as the center, a layer of transparent energy covers the entire Great Hall strictly.

This is a phantom array that can shield everything that happens in the Great Hall.

The voice of Rehmannia glutinosa came from Su Changyu’s mind.

“Master, it has been blocked!”


Su Changyu sneered, black gas gushing behind him, and suddenly a Devil with a height of more than ten meters appeared!

Then Devil had four arms with double horns on the head, and when he came out, he grabbed all four hands at the same time.



“No! No!”

“what is this?”

All the attacks were blocked by Devil, Devil’s four hands, each grabbed seven or eight people, just like eating jelly beans, with a palm of his mouth, he threw all those people into his mouth.


“This…this is magic power! This is magic power!”

“Run! Run!”

Su Changyu grinned, “I want to run now, isn’t it a bit late?”

After seeing this scene, Kong Ying, who was seriously injured, looked stunned, “I knew… I knew he was weird!”

She suddenly rushed up and flew towards Su Changyu, and at the same time transformed into a huge peacock, blocking everyone behind her body.

“I’ll help you block him, you run! Hurry…ah-”

Kong Ying thought she could resist for a moment, but when she had just turned into a peacock, the Heavenly Demon body behind Su Changyu grabbed her neck, then kneaded it into a ball and stuffed it into her mouth.

“Kong… Master Kong was eaten?”

“Run! Run–”

“Even Master Kong… even Master Kong is not his opponent!”

“It’s terrible! It’s terrible!”

“No, we have been sealed, we can’t get out!”

At this time, You Tianjiao had already ran to the door, but he found that there was a layer of invisible energy outside the hall, which had sealed off the entire Great Hall and couldn’t get out at all!

Su Changyu, came prepared!

“We got it!”

“Then don’t run, fight with this Devil!”


“Please… please let me go! Lord Su, I am willing to surrender! I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you!”

After seeing the true despair, some Tianjiao chose to fight to the death, while others knelt on the ground, begging Su Changyu to raise his hand!

But no matter what they do, there is no escape today.

Su Changyu never thought of letting them go!

The four hands of Heavenly Demon’s real body grabbed one from the left and another. Those hundreds of Tianjiao, who didn’t even last for half of the incense, they were all swallowed by Heavenly Demon’s real body!

Including Kong Ying!

There were hundreds of people in the crowd, but at this moment it became empty, let alone people, and could not even see a drop of blood.

Su Changyu glanced at the fruit wine on the table next to him, and took a sip with the jug.

“It’s really boring.”

Today’s Nanxiang City seems a bit extraordinarily peaceful.

Someone walked into the empty Nanxiang Pavilion, but couldn’t see a Tianjiao. There was a faint smell of blood in the air, but they couldn’t find a drop of blood.

“Where are the people? How about Doji and them? Haven’t they been here all the time?”


“I just saw someone flying away from here!”

“Dao Ji’s soul is gone! Dao Ji is dead!”

“Is Wu Guangchou here? Young Master Wu Guangchou’s soul is also gone. The Wu family is now looking for the whereabouts of Young Master Wu!”

“Ma Jifeng is too.”

“Ah? Why are so many people missing suddenly?”

“These people have one thing in common, that is, they all participated in this banquet!”

Soon, the news of these people’s deaths spread.

It is not difficult to investigate, the Xianyuan Continent also has something similar to the soul cup, as long as the person is alive, the soul cup will not die.

When the soul is gone, the representative is also gone.

These people are all dead!

Someone saw a man flying away from Nanxiang Pavilion that day, but no one could see the appearance of the man.

It is impossible to tell who the other party is based on the figure alone.

The figure is not the appearance, there are too many people of the same figure.

Among these hundreds of millions of people, it is not easy to investigate.

However, in Xianyuan Continent, no one has a reason to kill all these people!

Therefore, it is very likely that people from the mainland of Central China did it!

“If I know who it is! I will definitely cut him into pieces!”

“This account is recorded! Zhongzhou Mainland, I want you to pay the debt!”

“Damn it, dare to come here to kill, it’s really deceiving!”

After these people’s clansmen learned of this, they gritted their teeth and were about to avenge their children and grandchildren!

Especially the peacock family!

All the other people who died were the younger generation, but Kong Ying was different.

She is an important figure in the peacock family.

The Great Sacred Realm of Kowloon, this is the mainstay of Sect!

“How can this be true! Check! At all costs, find out who killed Kong Ying! I must crush the other person’s body!”


These people also have some suspects.

By narrowing down the scope a little bit, there are only a few people who can do this kind of thing.

First of all, the people of Xianyuan Continent are unlikely!

After all, no one will be stupid to the bottom and offend so many families at once!

In the Zhongzhou mainland, only a few top families in Zhongzhou can have this strength.

The Su dynasty, the Heavenly Sword Gate, the Wuwang Goddess Sect, the Taoxuan dynasty, and so on.

This time, they had the most disciples coming in, and only these forces could kill these people.

Although Kong Ying is the Great Sacred Realm of Kowloon, the young masters of these forces, Holy Maiden, have powerful life-saving cards. Once used, the power that erupts will not be weaker than the Great Sacred Realm of Kowloon!

Among them, Su Changyu’s suspicion is the biggest!

Su Changyu defeated Long Aotian, and his strength was evident. On the same day, someone saw a person flying away from Nanxiang Pavilion. The figure of that person was similar to Su Changyu!

But this is just suspicion, there is not enough evidence.

Before there was any evidence, even the Peacocks did not dare to offend Su Changyu.

Do not!

It should be said that even if they have evidence, they have to weigh it.

If it is really Su Changyu, do they want revenge?

The others in Zhongzhou are fine, but Su Changyu is too critical. Once he moves him, the trouble will be big.

Some people from the Xianyuan Continent have searched for Su Changyu, but Su Changyu said clearly that he did not do it!

Everyone knows that Su Changyu dared to act and behave, he said no, that eight achievements are not!

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