Chapter 35 Master, Help Me

“Brother Xiao! Be careful!”

At this moment, Xiao Han and He Feng have come to the middle of the Changhe Ruins.

The peripheral organs must have no thirty or fifteen. When they came here, the two of them were more or less bruised, and their clothes were as dirty as a beggar.

At this moment, in front of Xiao Han and He Feng is a huge square dungeon.

This dungeon is about ten meters deep.

High is not high, but there are at least tens of thousands of green bamboo snakes entangled in a ball, still squirming, shocking, people with intensive phobias will look at it, and it is estimated that they will pass out on the spot.

This dungeon is about 100 meters long, and strange runes light up on the surrounding walls from time to time.

Obviously, no-fly Restrictions have been set here.

Even without these Restrictions, Xiao Han and He Feng’s current Cultivation Base cannot travel from the sky, they can only go around or jump over.

It is probably impossible to go around. Since Changhe Sword Demon dares to design this way, he must think very well, but at this point, don’t even think about entering the Changhe Ruins!

The two stood on the edge of the dungeon, which was next to the edge of the previous mechanism, and the safe range for standing was very narrow.

He Feng was afraid that Xiao Han would fall, so he kept reminding him.

“It’s okay, Brother He, how do you think it’s proper for us to go there?”

He Feng looked upwards, and saw about ten ropes hanging from above, one every twenty meters.

“I think the only way is to swing from here, you see.”

He Feng pointed to the rope hanging from above and analyzed: “The rope closest to us is seven meters away. Brother Xiao, as long as we can catch that rope, we can swing to the vicinity of the second rope. It must be feasible. !”

Xiao Han looked at the snake’s nest below, thought for a while, and said, “Why don’t we go from below?”

He Feng was taken aback, and said, “But there are all snakes underneath!”

“It’s just a green bamboo snake. With our current Cultivation Base, it is enough to deal with it. Even if a few bites are bitten, it is not fatal! I feel that this rope cannot be touched. This intention is too obvious. This is a relic, but It’s not a checkpoint, why does he leave a few ropes on it?”

He Feng thought for a while and said, “I don’t think it is right. All we see are green bamboo snakes. But for such a large group of snakes, who can ensure that there are no Demonic Beasts below?”

Xiao Han looked at He Feng and didn’t speak. The latter guessed what Xiao Han was thinking at a glance.

If they weren’t so speculative, how could they get here!

“Do you want to take a gamble?”



He Feng was also happy to agree, and immediately took off his coat and gown, rolled up his cuffs, and said, “Then I will accompany you for a while! Even if there are Demonic Beasts, what can you do! Fuck him!”

“Good brother! I’ll get off first!”

Xiao Han was very moved in his heart and jumped into the snake pile first.

Those green bamboo snakes are small, only over a meter long, but they are also quite aggressive.

Seeing a living thing falling, they swarmed up, opened their mouths and bit them.

But these snakes are not Demonic Beasts. Although they are aggressive, they have no attack power.

Xiao Han’s Spiritual Qi body protector blasted the surrounding group of snakes into dregs with a single palm. Even if there are tens of thousands of poisonous snakes, it is impossible to get close to Xiao Han’s body.

He Feng also jumped down. The two cleared a vacuum channel in the snake pile. Sure enough, it was very safe underneath. The two walked forward more than fifty meters without encountering any danger.

“Brother Xiao is really smart. I saw that the rope above is the trap, and walking from below is the correct way!”

He Feng didn’t know that he was next to a son of luck. With this protective body, he would be able to avoid bad luck and follow Xiao Han. There is absolutely nothing wrong with him.

Even if Xiao Han chose to pass from above today, it would not be too dangerous.

However, just when the two of them were about to reach the end, the floor below suddenly vibrated, and then a dozen floors were lifted off at the same time, and a huge python got out of the ground.

This python head is bigger than Xiao Han and He Feng combined, and its body is even more immeasurable. With only half of its body exposed, its head can hit the ceiling.

The overall length is at least fifty meters away!

“Brother Xiao, be careful! It’s Xuan-level Demonic Beasts! Run!”

Demonic Beasts and Lingbao can be divided into four Realms!

Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang, the highest level of heaven, and the lowest level of yellow, each Realm includes four small Realms, the early stage, middle stage, late stage and Dzogchen!

Judging from the size of this Demonic Beasts, it is already close to the ground level, but the aura emanating from his body is not the ground level, at most the mysterious level!

“In the early stage of the Xuan Tier… okay! okay!”

After investigating the Realm of this giant python, Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief. If the Profound Stage Dzogchen is complete, it is estimated that even if he joins forces with the Old Demon Yuan Qing, he may not be the opponent’s opponent!

But this Demonic Beasts is only the early stage, it may not be without the power of a battle!

“Brother He, don’t panic, I’ll attract his attention, you take the opportunity to hit him hard!”

After speaking, Xiao Han rushed towards the python.

He Feng was taken aback. This Xiao Han was too ferocious. The Profound Stage Demonic Beasts had to retreat even from the Divine Realm. Even in the early stage of the Profound Stage, they couldn’t be dealt with by the two small Concentration Beasts. of!

But Xiao Han is already on, and He Feng can’t do it if he doesn’t!

Xiao Han flipped his palm, drew out a long sword, and pierced directly at the python’s head with his amazing jumping ability!

At the same time, He Feng took the opportunity to rush towards the giant python’s seven-inch abdomen!

This giant python is not a vegetarian either. With a mouth open, it shoots a poisonous spring!

Every place that was touched by the poisonous spring turned white pulp. Even the group of green bamboo snakes could not withstand the toxicity of the giant python. In less than ten breaths, it corroded into a stream. Pus’ corpse!

Xiao Han’s momentum was pressing, and he jumped onto the python’s head and stabbed it with a sword. The python let out a loud roar, and his huge body began to twist.

At this time, He Feng had also come under the python, with a long spear in his hand, launching a series of intensive attacks against the python’s abdomen!

With a big mouth, the python bit towards Xiao Han, and at the same time twisted his body, crushing He Feng, who was as small as an ant!

While the giant python opened his mouth, Xiao Han could clearly see the giant python’s throat and eyes. At this time, if he gave the opponent a sword, it should be able to solve the battle!

However, the screams of He Feng below made him withdraw his thoughts, and when he looked down, He Feng had been completely crushed under his body by the giant python.

The body of the python was enough to crush He Feng. Immediately, Xiao Han did not hesitate and jumped off the top of the python’s head!

“Master, help me!”


Xiao Han’s body was full of inspiration, and his aura instantly rose to a terrifying point! Knocked the giant python flying out with one palm!

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