Chapter 34: Entering the Ruins

This incident was too shocking, plus one month of fermentation, almost everyone in the Eastern Region knew it!

And now I saw Mo Qingxue, Holy Maiden of the Promise Sect, the identity of the young man in front of me…

It is not difficult to guess!

“Could it be that he is the adult from Zhongzhou?”

“It must be him! I can’t perceive his Cultivation Base! Young Practitioners like him, Realm are generally in a state of concentration! Only the adult in Zhongzhou can have such an unpredictable Cultivation Base!”

“Oh my god, did we actually meet an adult from Zhongzhou?”

“Wang Changkong, see your lord!”

“Fang Lingru, the master of Baihua Valley, led the disciples of Baihua Valley, see adults!”

“Chen Tianxuan led the ninety-eight disciples of the Royal Beast Sect, see adults!”

Su Changyu’s identity was quickly guessed. With Mo Qingxue here, plus news from Lingzhou this month, Su Changyu’s identity is no longer a secret.

This is a big man from Zhongzhou!

Even the No. 1 overlord of the Eastern Region, Wuji Sect, has to hug his thighs tightly. Then their little Royal Beast Sect, Hundred Flower Valley, and Royal Sword Sect, can they still play new tricks?

Su Changyu turned his head to look with interest, and saw hundreds of people kneeling in the air, some kneeling in the void, and some kneeling on the own mount, all bowed their heads, not daring to look at Su Changyu’s face. Look at each other.

“Oh? You know me?”

“Daren Su was superhuman and superhuman, and protected the Promise Sect with his own power, and shocked the four powers to cede their territories and seek peace. Such heroic deeds and majestic feats have been spread in the Eastern Region. How can I not know!” Wang The sky is respectful and authentic.

Su Changyu nodded and smiled; “I didn’t expect your Qingzhou news to be quite well-informed! I ask you, the next one is the relic of the Changhe? Is that thing before, or has it only appeared in the past few days?”

Wang Changkong just wanted to answer, but Chen Tianxuan took the limelight.

Chen Tianxuan rushed and replied: “It only appeared today. The lofty mountain below is called Baishou Mountain. Today Baishou Mountain shook suddenly, like an earthquake, and then this ruin appeared. It should be. Your lord, the relics of the Long River!”

“So. Does anyone go in then?”

“Back to the lord! (Back to the lord)…”

Wang Changkong and Chen Tianxuan were vying to answer, but they were taken a step ahead by the poison saint in front of Su Changyu!

“Yes! Yes! Someone goes in!”

Su Changyu calmly turned his head to look at Poison Sage.

Poison Saint immediately confided, and quickly knelt down, “Master Su, the villain didn’t know that you were Master Su. How offended you were just now, please let Master Su spare your life!”

After learning about Su Changyu’s identity, where Poison Sage would dare to claim to be an old man or a sage, he was really afraid that Su Changyu would be unhappy and kill him!

“Hehe, you become quite fast! Do you remember what I just said?”

“Remember! The villain remembers! The villain will smoke himself!”

Poison Saint nodded repeatedly, and hurriedly raised his hand to draw Own’s mouth!

Bang bang ……

The slap in the face continued to sound, and the corners of Poison Saint’s mouth began to spill blood. It could be seen that he made an extremely heavy move!

Does he dare to be heavy?

If Su Changyu is dissatisfied, then he will be completely finished!

Not to mention Su Changyu, even the Promise Sect, the True Martial Ancestor, the Ziwei Sect…Even a Sect in Lingzhou can easily pinch him to death, so he only dared to jump around in Qingzhou. Qingzhou is nothing!

Su Changyu is a god to him!

How dare he disrespect!

Su Changyu asked him to slap himself ten slaps, but Poison Saint had already slapped himself more than twenty slaps at the moment, and he didn’t mean to stop.

Su Changyu didn’t talk and listen, he didn’t dare to listen!

He has to draw Su Changyu to be happy!


Hearing Su Changyu’s voice, Poison Sage was like coming to amnesty. Then he stopped, raised his swollen and unhuman face, and asked: “My lord, can you forgive the little one?”

“Only this time, if there is another time, I will kill you directly!”

“Yes, yes! Absolutely dare not!”

The poisonous saint stood up and said flatly, “My lord, as far as I know, there are the relics of the Changhe below. The relics of the Changhe should be buried underground. For some reason, it actually rose up today. Your lord, do you want the Long River Sunset Sword?”

Back then, the Long River Sword Demon crossed the Eastern Regions. His natal Divine Armament, the Long River Sunset Sword, killed all the enemies. It was all frightening to hear. How many people in the East Region did not know the Long River Sunset Sword!

Su Changyu nodded and said, “Why, do you know how to get the Long River Sunset Sword?”


Poison Saint took out a map and said, “My lord, although I don’t know how to get the Long River Sunset Sword, I have a map of the ruins! I don’t know if you need it, my lord?”

“Oh? Do you have a map?” Su Changyu looked surprised.

Wang Changkong said: “Impossible! Poison Saint, how come you have a map of the Changhe ruins? You are not deceiving adults, are you?”

Poison Saint said: “Fart! How dare I deceive adults! Adults, it is true that my ancestor was a follower of the Long River Sword Demon back then. When the Long River Sword Demon built this ruin, my ancestor also participated in it, and I left this map!”

Su Changyu took that map, it was already very shabby, and it looked like it was a few years old.

However, he does not need a map!

Because he left a mark on Yuanqing Old Demon!

At the beginning, he gave Old Demon Yuan Qing a concentrating pill.

Is he really so generous?

It wasn’t because he had already moved his hands and feet on the Concentration Pill in advance.

For today!

That’s why he can follow all the way here.

An old demon Yuanqing showed him the way, what map does he need?

However, today is likely to be the day when he kills Xiao Han!

This map may still be useful.

Su Changyu put the map away and said, “You go down with me, and then you stay at the door, no one is allowed to let it go! Otherwise, I will ask you!”

“Yes! Don’t worry, Young Master Su, our people will be dispatched by you!”

Su Changyu came to the gate of the Changhe Ruins. The ruins had been opened, and the golden light inside was shining like a treasure entrance.

Wang Changkong, Fang Lingru, Chen Tianxuan and Poison Sage ordered the disciples of Sect to block the entrance of the cave, and then followed Su Changyu into the ruins.

Su Changyu could sense Xiao Han’s specific location, but he didn’t dare to go fast.

This is a relic after all!

Changhe Sword Demon was the one who almost broke the barrier back then. The Cultivation Base is unfathomable. In his ruins, there must be countless organs. If you don’t pay attention, you will die here!

But Su Changyu is more relaxed, Xiao Han is the most stressed! Xiao Han should have already cracked the mechanism!

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