Chapter 246 Supreme Ancient Emperor




In the sky, hundreds of screams sounded almost at the same time. Anyone who was within a hundred miles of Ye Fan, no matter what the sky or the earth, regardless of Realm, was killed at this moment, and the death method was all the same, and the chest was penetrated!

Ye Fan’s face was indifferent, and these three hundred lives were like grass and mustards to him, as if he had done a trivial, commonplace thing!

“Kaitian Supreme Ancient Emperor!”

Ye Fan didn’t even look at those people. He raised one of his palms and looked at the looming colorful ancient prose——天!

And in his other palm, the word “open” appeared!

“Kaitian! Ancient Emperor! Supreme!”

There was a fragmentary memory in Ye Fan’s mind, but it was incomplete.

However, he remembered a lot about the “other person”!

“He Xiaoyao! How dare you betray the old man–”

“Hehe, God, what I did today was driven by your old man! Your old man taught me since I was a child that people must know how to be grateful when living in the world! No, everything I do is Repaying the kindness of your old man!”

It is a palace floating above the top of the clouds.

The scale of the palace is bigger than the six heavenly cities in Zhongzhou!

Moreover, there is no heaven! This is the highest heaven!

In the entire sky, clouds and mists are lingering, and the sun is shining, but after searching thousands of miles, only this ancient city of Tiangong can be seen!

In the palace, a man stood in the center, looking contemptuously at the old man sitting at the top!

“Master, the lord of the heavenly palace, your old man has been sitting for so long. After I have been saddling for hundreds of thousands of years, your old man doesn’t remember my goodness on weekdays, so why bother to target me like that? Well, I am not such a stingy person! After all, Master, you have been teaching us! I don’t want anything else, as long as you give up the position of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, then…I can forget the past things! Master, I Send you to the Nether? How about?”

The old man’s beards were flying, and he was all righteous. Suddenly, a pair of nine-colored wings appeared behind his back. The nine colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black, and white. The celestial palace map is colored!

“Nine Treasure Wings!? Master, forget it, it’s up to now, are you still going to struggle? Even the Nine Treasure Wings will not help! If your old man does not agree to me today, then you can’t get out of this heavenly palace. !”

“He Xiaoyao! You disappointed me too much!”

“Hahaha! Master, when have I satisfied you? Since your old man is still obsessed and stubborn, then…the disciples will send you on the road!”

With that, He Xiaoyao’s face became cold, and a pair of wings also grew behind him!

However, this pair of wings is in ten colors!

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black, white…grey!

The extra gray is not completely gray, nor ordinary gray, but a little transparent, like a state of nothingness!

“Ten…Ten Treasure Divine Wings? He… He Xiaoyao…” The old man opened his eyes wide and looked shocked.

He Xiaoyao smiled coldly, “Master! I am more talented than your old man imagined! This, I’m afraid you didn’t expect it!”

“He Xiaoyao, your Ten Treasure Wings are impure! No color has a color difference! You… won’t be the one who will become the Supreme Wing! Sooner or later you will Qi Deviation, fall into the Devil Dao, and become The scourge of the world!”

“Heh! I have practiced even Supreme Feather now, but your old man still doesn’t believe it? I didn’t practice it before, and your old man criticized me all kinds of criticisms and looked down upon me. Now that I have practiced it, your old man still doesn’t look down upon me. Come on? Haha, if you fail to complete the training, then you won’t bother your old man! Now, the disciple will send you on the road!”

He Xiaoyao’s face changed, his voice and expression were violent, and the Ten Treasures Divine Wings behind him emitted a strong light, covering the old man’s nine-color divine light!

The highest heaven, the divine light will last for a long time!

Memories are shattered!

Ye Fan suddenly clutched his head and rolled on the ground in pain!

“Ye Dage! Ye Dage… Ye Dage, don’t you mind…”

Ling’er hurriedly stepped forward. When she had suffered a loss just now, she didn’t dare to get too close, she could only be anxious outside the attack range of Ye Fan’s wings!

“Don’t… don’t come…”

The sweat on Ye Fan’s face blended with the Society, his face was hideous and terrifying, and a few words were squeezed out between his teeth.

“He…He Xiaoyao! My…good apprentice…”

“Ye Dage, what are you talking about?”

“No…nothing! Linger…I think I can already do it!”

Ling’er looked puzzled, keeping a distance from Ye Fan at all times!

“What can I do? Ye Dage?”

“Here, I have got what I want! Let’s leave the Eastern Region! I heard that in the west of the Eastern Region, there is a wider continent called Zhongzhou, isn’t it? Do you know?”


Linger’s heart moved.

At the beginning, Su Changyu used the condition of “Take her to Zhongzhou” to let her deliberately approach Ye Fan!

After such a long time, Su Changyu never came to him again!

I never came to Ye Fan!

There is no Jiazi in the mountains, only sunrise and sunset, and Ling’er doesn’t know how long he has spent with Ye Fan in the mountains.

It is estimated that Su Changyu has already left the Eastern Region!

“I know.”

“Go! I’ll take you to Zhongzhou! Zhongzhou has what I’m looking for!”

Ling’er shook his head slightly and said, “Ye Dage, Zhongzhou is not so easy to go to. There is an extremely long distance between Eastern Region and Zhongzhou, like the abyss of chaos. If the Practitioner falls, it will definitely die. I heard that, Anyone who fell has never come up.”

“Moreover, in the middle of this chaotic abyss, there is a more mysterious place called the domain barrier! The only way to go to Zhongzhou is to break the domain barrier, but… if you want to break the domain barrier, only Only a strong person above the first level can do it. Ye Dage, you only have the gods, you can never break the barriers!”

A painful color appeared on Ye Fan’s face, and with a long whistle, the wings behind him instantly retracted into his body.

His face gradually improved a bit, and he dressed roughly and said, “Is it only in Guiyi Realm to break open? I don’t know if I can do it with my current ability! He Xiaoyao! Are you in Zhongzhou? How can I find you? ?”

Thinking of that memory before, Ye Fan’s face sank.

The picture in the memory is definitely not in the Eastern Region!

There is no such ethereal place in the Eastern Region, let alone such a powerful force!

He only knew that the person was He Xiaoyao, but he didn’t know where He Xiaoyao was.

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