Chapter 245 Peacock? Divine Phoenix?


Ye Fan didn’t answer Ling’er. The situation just now seemed to have improved. The cry of Ling’er was very sharp, but in a blink of an eye, he became painful again. The pair of colorful wings behind his body was attached to his body. One shivered, and they couldn’t speak coherently!

Ling’er hurriedly turned around, “What are you going to drive? Ye Dage! What can be going on? What can I do for you?”

The divine light from all directions stopped converging, and the beam of light in Ye Fan’s mouth began to shorten!

Originally, this beam of light rushed straight into the sky. According to normal logic, the beam of light disappeared in an instant, but this beam of light of Ye Fan was not like that.

It is like a solid pillar, shortening the distance a little bit.

“Open… Open…”

“Ye Dage!”

Ye Fan was still talking weird words, his eyes turned white.

“Kaitian… Supreme… Ancient… Ancient Emperor… Ah-”

“Open the Sky Flame Dance Spear!”

Ye Fan’s whole body seemed to suddenly gain strength, grabbing the beam of light in his mouth, and actually squeezing it out of his mouth alive.

When the beam of light was squeezed out, Ye Fan’s mouth was like a fountain of blood, spraying with blood.

The blood fell on the ground, and the colorful flowers bloomed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, but within a few breaths, a garden of flowers appeared at Ling’er’s feet, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, and there were small flowers of various colors.

Ling’er watched this scene in shock, and had forgotten to speak.


What kind of force is this?

The beam of light in Ye Fan’s hand was shortened to three meters in length, and the light flickered twice and disappeared!

After the beam of light disappeared, Ye Fan had a golden gun more than two meters long in his hand!

The gun is also painted with flame patterns, the flames are very realistic, and there is a sense of oppression from the soul, it seems that it can burn at a glance!


The mysterious power disappeared, Ye Fan fell to the ground, and the Tianyan Dance Spear was thrown aside. He supported the ground with both hands and knees, coughing up blood.

Linger rushed over, “Ye Dage, Ye Dage, are you okay…”

“Don’t… don’t… come here!”

Ye Fan raised his hand and hurriedly stopped Ling’er, and the pair of colorful wings behind him also slashed towards Ling’er at the same time!

“no no……”

Ye Fan used all his strength, moved his body back, and opened the distance between the wings and Ling’er!

The sharp edges of the colorful wings drew past Ling’er’s neck less than a foot. If Ye Fan hadn’t moved back in time, Ling’er’s head would be cut off!

Ling’er was frightened and stunned, with a heart plopping, her legs were soft, and she sat on the ground.

“Ye…Ye Dage…”

“I can’t control this pair of wings, please stay away from me…cough cough cough…”

At this moment, nearly a dozen strong Eastern Regions rushed here from all directions.

But they didn’t dare to get too close, hiding hundreds of meters away and observing Ye Fan.

“Huh? This…what is this Demonic Beasts?”

“Is this a monster? With wings on its back? Colorful wings? What…what monster? Is it Colorful Ling?”

“The Peacock family? The Caifeng family? Is he a human or a demon?”

“That…that golden gun…that…the heavenly rank? It’s the heavenly rank! That’s the heavenly rank treasure!”

“Heaven-rank artifact? Oh my god! The old man has lived for a thousand years, and he has never seen even the Earth-rank Lingbao. I didn’t expect to see the Heaven-rank Supreme Treasure today! This…this is really…”

“This breath…yes! It’s a heavenly rank! Unexpectedly, there will be a heavenly divine treasure in the Eastern Region! If you can get this gun, wouldn’t it be possible to sweep the Eastern Region? No! Sweeping Zhongzhou is not a bad idea! ”

Seeing the open Sky Flame Dance Spear next to Ye Fan, all the strong men were excited at this moment!

I’m so excited that I have gradually lost my mind!

“That kid looks very bad! It’s when he is weak! Well, so to speak… I have a chance!”

“How do I feel, that guy only has Realm in the realm of distraction? It’s just an ant! What if it’s not weak? What a godsend! The heavens take care of my Dayu Gate!”

“Today is the day when my Ten Thousand Dao Sect rises!”

“Damn it, Old Monster Liang has already shot! Old Monster Liang! Stop! That artifact is mine!”

Some people are still watching, but some people have already flown towards Ye Fan!

The speed is like an aurora, and he came to Ye Fan in the blink of an eye!

Ye Fan has no intention of killing!

However, he can’t control the wings behind him!

Within a radius of 800 meters, there are a total of 21 Eastern Region powerhouses!

Realm goes from the highest level to the third level of the secluded realm, and the lowest level to the fifth level of the god realm!

This force, for Zhongzhou… that’s really nothing to say, it just makes people laugh.

However, in the Eastern Region, these 21 people can definitely overthrow a Sect! He is already one of the strongest in the Eastern Region!

And ten miles away, there are still many powerful people watching this scene. The aura that erupted in the forest just now was too terrifying. This group of people were more cautious and didn’t dare to get too close.

As the saying goes, if you are bold, you can eat meat, but you can’t eat snacks.

They are so shy, even if something is really good, they won’t be in their turn.

But in the same way, if something bad happens, it won’t be their turn!


They thought too much this time!

Within a hundred miles, there are a total of 376 people!

At this moment, three hundred and seventy-six colorful light spots appeared above the forest at the same time!

The first spot of light is Ye Fan!

Everyone hasn’t reacted yet, starting from Ye Fan, the three hundred and seventy-six points of light began to connect one by one!

Ye Fan incarnates a colorful divine light, connecting the second light spot, the third light spot, and the fourth light spot…

It has been connected to three hundred and seventy-six light points, and finally returned to the first light point!

All of this happened between the flashes of lightning, and it was too fast for people to react!

In Ling’er’s eyes, it was as if countless more colorful divine lights appeared in the sky instantly, criss-crossing, forming a chaotic pattern of patterns!

After this moment, Ye Fan landed at the starting point again!

It’s just that the corners of his mouth, hands, and wings are all covered with blood!

“This…” A god-transforming realm powerhouse felt a chill in his chest, as if the wind blew out of his body, he looked down and found that he didn’t know when, an extra hole of blood had already appeared in his chest!

“What’s going on? Huh?” An expert in the secluded realm saw that the sky in front of him was full of colored rays, but he didn’t know what was happening. One of the colored rays was still connected to his own body.

He looked down at his chest, only to realize that there was an extra hole in his chest!

The bursts of pain came, becoming more intense, and then the whole body became weak. This powerful person in the secluded realm fell straight from the air like a bird with broken wings.

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