Chapter 104: Are You Really Angry?

Xiao Han on the ground seemed to be struggling all over, his body strained to a limit, staring at Su Changyu, suddenly, his whole body limp, motionless, no sound!


Everyone around looked at Xiao Han in doubt. Su Changyu didn’t say anything when he came over. Why did the other party suddenly spew a few mouthfuls of blood, and then there was no sound?

“Isn’t it dead?”

“what’s up?”

“What’s wrong with Xiao Han?”

“Is he Xiao Han? Is he the overwhelming guy who fought against Young Master Su in the legend?”

“Yes, it’s him, I have seen him once!”

“Why is he here? We haven’t seen him before!”

“Hehe, this Xiao Han is really useless, it’s so sad that he was scared to death after seeing Master Su!”

“He must be afraid of Young Master Su in his heart!”

“But Young Master Su doesn’t look like this kind of person. On the contrary, I think Young Master Su is very nice and kind!”

“I think so too, and I also heard that Young Master Su has let Xiao Han go more than once, and it is this Xiao Han who has been against Young Master Su again and again! I don’t know what he is thinking!”

Xiao Han was scared to death!

This is a statement most agree with everyone!

“Master Su!”

Bu Tianci came to Su Changyu, seeking Su Changyu’s consent!

Su Changyu nodded, Bu Tianci immediately walked to the top of the eighty-one stairs, and reached out to try Xiao Han’s snort!

“Master Su, he has died!”

“Did you breathe?”

Su Changyu frowned.


He hasn’t been rewarded by the system yet, this Xiao Han is absolutely impossible to die!

Everyone also came to the top of the eighty-one stairs, and surrounded Xiao Han in the center!

“Really pissed off?”

“I was scared to death, I see!”

“Heh! This coward!”

Su Changyu’s eyes turned slightly, took out a Medicine Pill, and said: “Qingxue, this is the God of Returning Pill, you can take it for Xiao Han!”

“Return to God Pill?”

“Return to God Pill!”

“Huh? It’s actually a recovery pill!”

Huishen Pill is very precious. It is a kind of Medicine Pill that repairs both body and spirit. It can not only quickly heal physical wounds, but also allows the Practitioner to recover from mental wounds in the first time.

It can be said to be priceless!

With a recovery pill, at least 50,000 Spirit Stones!

However, even if you take one hundred thousand Spirit Stones and go to the black market or auction houses, you may not be able to buy a recovery pill!

You know, Huishen Pill is the fourth rank Medicine Pill!

Mo Qingxue was stunned, and asked in disbelief, “Changyu, this… are you sure you want to feed Xiao Han? This is… this is too…”

“Don’t say so much, let him eat it! He should be able to get it back!”

Mo Qingxue really had a new understanding of Su Changyu, and Su Changyu was far more magnanimous than she had imagined!

Mo Qingxue is also the only person here who knows the truth, Xiao Han is not the real Xiao Han!

He is just one of Su Changyu’s subordinates!

And also betrayed Su Changyu!

The cause of this incident is very vague. I don’t know why, the old demon Yuan Qing betrayed Xiao Han.

Is it because of Xiao Han’s insult to him at the entrance before?

But isn’t that because Xiao Han betrayed first?

Su Changyu just went to Yuzhou Bu’s house, and Xiao Han left the Promise Sect without authorization!

He once vowed to follow Su Changyu!

Just because Su Changyu left, can he leave the Promise Sect without saying a word?

And he left secretly, no one in the Promise Sect knew his whereabouts!

For this kind of traitor, Su Changyu was able to take out such a precious fourth rank Medicine Pill regardless of previous suspicions! Where can I find this kind of boy!

What’s the point of insulting him and scolding him?

If you are scolded, you can get the fourth rank Medicine Pill. I don’t know how many people would be willing to be a dog by Su Changyu’s side that day!

Although it is a bit unpleasant to say that, if it is true, then even Mo Qingxue is willing to pay the price! Become Su Changyu’s dog!

This deal can be figured out by anyone with a little bit of mind. It is simply a bargain!

After hesitating for two seconds, Mo Qingxue took the Shen Dan back and responded, then walked to Xiao Han’s side and stuffed Medicine Pill in the opponent’s mouth!

“Master Su is righteous!”

“I heard that Xiao Han has been antagonizing you to Young Master Su, but now, Young Master Su, you can actually waste a Huishen Pill for an enemy. Young Master Su, you really admire you, please be respected by me!”

“Master Su, be respected by me too! I have never seen a person as generous as Master Su. Compared to your mind, Master Su, it’s a Linghu island, and it’s too small!”

“Yes, Young Master Su, if I can, I would like to follow Young Master Su in my life, and I will do everything for him!”

Everyone around was overwhelmed by the behavior of Young Master Su. Xiao Han regarded Su Changyu as a deadly enemy, but at the moment of life and death, among so many people present, only Su Changyu took the rescue, and it was the first time to rescue him. This kind of mind, everyone sighs!

Xiao Binger and Xiao Mochen, who had been following the last of the crowd, also saw this scene in their eyes.

Xiao Mochen sighed and turned to look at Xiao Bing’er, “Miss, Young Master Su…It’s really not comparable to that of Xiao Han, you have also seen it, how can Xiao Han and He De? Then compare him to Young Master Su , It is basically an insult to Young Master Su!”

Xiao Bing’er muttered to himself: “It’s wrong, I’ve always been wrong… I really didn’t expect… Cousin, he…”

“You still call him cousin?”

“Xiao Han! It’s Xiao Han! Xiao Han is really… alas!” Xiao Bing’er stared at Su Changyu in a daze, and suddenly felt the light behind Su Changyu. At this moment, Su Changyu’s figure instantly became tall and burly. respect!

Yes, Xiao Han, is he worthy to compare with Su Changyu?


Congratulations to the host, successfully plundering son of luck luck, luck will increase by 800 points!

This prompt surprised Su Changyu very much. Where did the looted Qi Luck come from?

He looked behind him and met Xiao Bing’er. Xiao Bing’er was a little ashamed and embarrassed, but Su Changyu smiled and nodded. This made Xiao Bing’er a strange feeling immediately!

Su Changyu retracted his gaze!

I denied Xiao Binger in my heart!

This luck value did not come from the other party. Xiao Binger seemed a little sad to see Xiao Han die, but it was almost negligible. If it were him, that sad mood should not be added 800 points, at most one or two hundred points!

Since it is not him, it must be Xiao Han!

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