Chapter 103

“And… Sixteen floors! Cough cough cough…”

Old Demon Yuan Qing’s teeth were stained red with blood, like tears, the blood in his eyes rushed out!

“I… can’t die… die here! I definitely won’t… won’t die here… I am… I am son of luck! I can’t die!”

The old demon Yuan Qing had spied on the mystery of Heavenly Dao during his lifetime, and said that he knew the person who had good luck, son of luck!

Otherwise, after he met Xiao Han, he wouldn’t be able to assert that Xiao Han is the son of luck!

Otherwise, when he kills Xiao Han, he will definitely not succeed!

Because he is also a son of luck, and so is Xiao Han. When two sons of luck collide, it is basically a situation where both lose out!

At that time, the old demon Yuan Qing was just a ray of remnant soul, and the possibility of defeat was even greater!

With the blood soaring, the old demon Yuanqing rushed up the fifteen flights of stairs again!

There is the last layer!

However, he was standing on the eighth staircase, but he felt that he had lost control of his body!

No matter how hard he struggled, Xiao Han’s body was standing upright on the stairs of the eighth generation, motionless, like a wooden stake!

This is anxious Yuan Qing old demon!

At this moment, every minute is life for him!

He has no time to waste!

It feels almost dying, the old demon Yuan Qing has nothing to do. If this goes on, he will die!

So he forcibly separated his soul from Xiao Han’s body! Rush upwards in a state of soul!

This is a lot easier in an instant!

In the soul state, the suppression of the stairs is not as great as in the physical state, and the Yuanqing old demon can still fly a distance upwards!

But the soul state cannot last too long, otherwise it will not be able to return to the body!

This is different from the primordial spirit coming out of the body. The primordial spirit coming out of the body is active and a kind of magical power. Although the old Yuanqing demon is also active at this moment, the nature is different.

Xiao Han’s body is not a great holy realm!

Yuan Shen’s Aperture is a supernatural power that only the Great Sacred Realm can use. Xiao Han’s physical body is only the Concentrating Spirit Realm. How can this be compared?

It can’t be compared at all!

Therefore, he can only leave Xiao Han’s body for a short time. This is because he himself is the soul of a strong man in the Great Sacred Realm. Otherwise, if you want the primordial spirit to get out of your body in the Concentrated Soul Realm, don’t even think about it!

Just one foot short!

The old demon Yuan Qing’s hand was only one foot away from the black pillar, but the speed of the old demon Yuan Qing also slowed down, and it became more and more strenuous!

“I…I definitely… won’t… die here…”

The old demon Yuan Qing had no retreat. He exhausted all the soul power of his body, fought desperately, risking the danger of being wiped out, suddenly rushed forward and grabbed the stick!

In an instant, all the pressure subsided like a tide, and the old demon Yuan Qing relaxed at the same time.

Without the pressure, Xiao Han’s body also fell straight down the stairs!

The old demon Yuan Qing hurriedly got into Xiao Han’s body and opened his eyes again.

His body rolled to the fiftieth staircase and stopped, hahaha laughed madly in his mouth!

he made it!

He really did it!

“My son of luck! I knew I would never die, hahaha…cough cough cough…”

The old demon Yuan Qing had no strength at this moment. He was embarrassed like a dog, using all fours at the same time, climbed up the stairs, came under the iron gate to the sky, and put his hand on the door weakly!

At this moment, the entire gate suddenly lit up, from the ground to the sky, the light was dazzling and shining, very strong, and it made Xiao Han unable to open his eyes!

And the injuries to Xiao Han’s body were all recovered at this moment!



As if there was an earthquake, a huge rubbing sound rang in his ears, Xiao Han immediately got up and looked around vigilantly!

But the source of the sound is not elsewhere, but the huge iron gate in front of you!

A gap was exposed in the middle of the iron door, from one to two!

With excitement gleaming in Xiao Han’s eyes, he raised his head and laughed loudly, “Hahaha, hahahaha…cough cough… I know, I know! I am son of luck! I know I can do it. Yes! Hahaha…”

“What a son of luck!”

Suddenly, behind him came a voice that shocked Xiao Han!

His body bounced up suddenly and looked behind!

I don’t know when, Xiao Han was actually full of people standing behind him!

And the leader is Su Changyu!

“You…you…impossible! Impossible! How did you come here? How did you find here?”

Xiao Han looked disbelief. He himself had been fascinated in the maze for a long time before. After all, he had been in this prehistoric secret realm for at least ten days!

He only came here ten days ago, Su Changyu either came earlier than himself, or came later than himself!

How could he just come over when he opened the door to ancient times?

This is a bit too coincidental!

“You… did you tamper with me?”

The old demon Yuan Qing finally woke up!

There is only this kind of explanation now!

Otherwise it doesn’t make sense at all!

The same was true when I was at the entrance of the Secret Realm before!

As soon as Xiao Binger came out, Su Changyu followed!

How could it be so coincidental?

“Oh, what are you talking about!”

The old demon Yuan Qing showed a thoughtful look, and suddenly said: “That Medicine Pill? The Medicine Pill you gave Xiao Han before must have a problem!”

“I don’t understand what you are talking about! If you can find here, I can’t? Why can’t I break the maze and only you can?”

The old demon Yuan Qing turned a deaf ear to Xiao Han’s words, he nodded blankly and said: “It must be, it must be…cough cough…I…I’m so stupid! It turns out that you started counting on me at that time. Su Changyu…you…you are really a good planner! Ahem…”


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value adds 2000 points!

Suddenly, Xiao Han raised his head and sprayed a blood red!

He was furious, but his body at the moment did not allow him to get angry!


Congratulations to the host for successfully plundering son of luck, and the luck value adds 3000 points!

“Su Changyu… Su Changyu, you have such a vicious heart… I… everything I do…have made you a wedding dress for you? Hahaha…haha…haha…haha…”

After thinking about everything, the old demon Yuan Qing could not bear this grievance. He sprayed three mouthfuls of blood on the spot, and fell to the ground weakly!

“Su Changyu…hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Congratulations to the host, successfully plundering son of luck luck, luck will add 5000 points!

Good guy, it’s another 5,000. Now, how much luck does the old demon Yuan Qing still have?

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