"Brother Ye, I will go back after your Infant Formation."

In the shop in Hongye City, Chen Muxin said to Ye Fan with a lonely tone.

When I said I wanted to visit the White Emperor Sword Pavilion, it was just an excuse.

Chen Muchin just wanted to go out and play for a while.

Her mother is still at home, and it is impossible for Chen Muxin to stay out without going back.


Of course, Ye Fan couldn't disagree with this. Although he was a little reluctant, the two of them were destined to separate one day. There was no way around it.

"In the end, everyone will become a passer-by in my life!"

Ye Fan himself is a Longevity Body. As long as he does not die, he can live for endless years, and the relatives and friends he has met and everyone he knows will eventually become a memory in his life. "One Nine Three"

"Well, this is life!"

There was a trace of vicissitudes of life in Ye Fan's eyes.

Shen Qin'er, who was standing behind the two of them, frowned, but said nothing in the end.

"Brother, when are you going to start condensing Nascent Soul?"

Shen Qin'er interrupted.

"It will take some time, I'm not ready yet."

Ye Fan smiled and said that there was no need to rush into the Infant Formation matter. He did not have a crisis like running out of life. The early and recent years did not matter much.


Shen Qin'er glanced at Chen Muxin and thought that it would be good if she could at least let Chen Muxin stay for a while longer.

"The madman was beaten! He was almost beaten to death!"

At this moment, a child's shout came faintly.

"The sword madman was beaten?"

The three of them were startled, Ye Fan's eyes narrowed, and he said to Shen Qin'er and Chen Muxin: "You stay here and don't run around, I'll come as soon as I go.

After saying that, he rushed towards the direction of the noise.

Outside Hongye City, not far from the city gate, Ye Fan saw a group of people gathered in a circle from a distance, pointing and talking.

"Well, what Madman Sword did back then was indeed a bit excessive. It's natural for people to come and take revenge."

"This is outside the city, and the city guards will not intervene. The sword madman is probably doomed today.

"Isn't that right? Speaking of which, this lunatic is quite honest. He hasn't done anything harmful to nature in Hongye City in these years. It's such a pity."

The crowd of people watching sighed from time to time, and many people were tempted to hide from the sword madman.

Ye Fan separated from the crowd and squeezed inside to see what was going on.

I saw a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, with an initial level of Core Formation cultivation, frantically beating up the sword madman.

The sword madman curled up and was beaten without saying a word. His body was already covered in scars.


Ye Fan grabbed the young man and pushed him away.

A few meters away, in addition to the young man, there were two men and a woman who glared at him.

"This is an internal matter within our Red Fire Sect. Your Excellency may be too lenient!"

Among the four, the oldest-looking man in his thirties frowned.

Red Fire Sect is a fourth-rate sect outside Hongye City. It is said that there is a Nascent Soul monk in the sect.

It seems that Sword Madman came out of the Red Fire Sect.

The man in his thirties frowned and asked with twinkling eyes.

Ye Fan sighed, helped the madman up with the sword, and threw it towards the gate of Hongye City.

The man in his thirties was greatly shocked, seeing that Ye Fan's cultivation was far below them, so he had no choice but to turn around and leave with his junior brothers and sisters.

"Today's young people are so impulsive that they can't tell right from wrong!" Ye Fan murmured, then turned to look at Sword Maniac, "Can you still get up?"

For such a young monk who has just entered the world, Ye Fan naturally does not need to expend much effort.

The young female cultivator and the young man who had just beaten the madman with the sword could not hold back any longer. They took action almost at the same time, and the sword was stabbed towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan said to several people with a smile.

"Hey, my price is already fair! In fact, you originally had to pay back at least 150,000 High Grade Spiritual Stones, but I have already given you the biggest discount.

"One hundred thousand High Grade spiritual stones? Are you planning to steal the spiritual stones?"

The young female nun said hatefully to the man in his thirties...

The young man suddenly ran up to Ye Fan and knelt down abruptly.

"This man owes me a lot of money for drinks, and I naturally have to take care of him. If you beat him to death like this, will you help pay back the money he owes me for drinks?"

"Okay, okay, whatever you think is swordsmanship is swordsmanship. I'm leaving."

He had saved his strength, otherwise, the two young men would not have survived.

"you wanna die!"

When the crowd of onlookers saw that there was no more excitement, they dispersed, and only one handsome young man remained.

"Let me do the math. Over the years, he has borrowed no less than 1,500 bottles of spiritual wine from me. These are all thousand-year-old spiritual wine, and they are of relatively good quality. Naturally, the price cannot be too low. This way , I’ll give you 100,000 High Grade spiritual stones!”

"Sword skills? I didn't use a sword just now!" Ye Fan smiled and pretended to be dumbfounded.

"Senior, what sword did you use in the 5.5th group just now?"

He didn't even use weapons, he beat the two men to the ground with just two hands.

"A gentleman talks but doesn't do anything. You guys are going too far!"

"let's go!"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

"How much does he owe you for drinks?"

Among the four, the youngest female cultivator shouted angrily.

Ye Fan laughed.

The young man shook his head and said.

Ye Fan shook his head and sighed slightly.

The young man who had been staring at Ye Fan suddenly asked.

"Senior Brother Seventh, I think this person is here to cause trouble. We might as well kill him first and then this scum.

"Do you really want to come to swim in this muddy water?"

"I'm not trying to clear up this muddy situation, but he owes me too many spiritual stones. I have to ensure that he lives so that he can get the spiritual stones in the future."

When the man in his thirties heard this, his eyes narrowed and he was already murderous.

"Senior, please accept me as your disciple. I want revenge! I hope senior can help this junior!"

"No, you just used a very profound swordsmanship. I have been practicing swordsmanship for twenty years. You can deceive others, but you cannot deceive me.

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