Xu Yao and Granny Yu were sitting carelessly outside the hospital.

"Lin Tianyou" frowned and said nothing, but continued to treat the long queue of nearby people outside.

The Tong family's medical clinic has been passed down for several generations, and "Lin Tianyou" actually runs the clinic alone.

Of course, he changed his appearance several times during this period. The current "Lin Tianyou" is nominally his disciple, and his pseudonym is Zhang Xiaofeng.

After more than a hundred years of development, Tongjia Medical Center has become the most famous medical center in the surrounding area.

Over the years, "Lin Tianyou" has collected many elixirs used by cultivators, and has learned some basic Alchemy Technique. For ordinary people, the medicine can naturally cure illnesses.

Many difficult and complicated diseases that cannot be solved by other medical clinics can often be cured by Tongjia Medical Clinic, which makes the medical clinic more and more famous. Many dignitaries and ordinary people even come from a thousand miles away. see a doctor.

"Lin Tianyou" has also won a lot of fame in these years.

"Hey, it's a pity that I have to leave. But how did these two people find them? Is it really weird?"

"Lin Tianyou" sighed slightly, feeling really distressed.

Xu Yao and Mrs. Yu did not take action immediately, but waited patiently for him to see all the patients and the hospital was empty before they stood up.

At this time, the night was extremely dark, and it was almost Haishi.

"How you two found me is really surprising!"

"Lin Tianyou" smiled slightly, swayed, and left Tongjia Medical Center.

As for the things in the medical center, it is naturally impossible to pack them away, even though there are not many things in the first place.

"Mr. Tong, I'm sorry! The Tong Family Medical Center is in my hands after all."

On the way to escape, "Lin Tianyou" couldn't help but sigh.

Over the years, it is not that he has never thought about recruiting a few disciples, but if they are mortals, it will not be of much use. After all, mortals cannot make elixirs.

But if you are a cultivator, who is willing to go to Tongjia Medical Center to learn ordinary medical skills and treat ordinary people in the future?

Therefore, "Lin Tianyou" had to change his identity several times, so that Tongjia Medical Clinic could continue for more than a hundred years.

"Run, why don't you run!"

In an instant, people had arrived in a wilderness outside the city.

After all, "Lin Tianyou" was only at the peak of Core Formation cultivation, so he was naturally overtaken by the two women who were already Nascent Soul monks.

Xu Yao's eyes were full of hatred and she looked at "Lin Tianyou" angrily.

The strange look on her face has disappeared, and it seems that the poison of the past has been cured.

It has to be said that this woman is also a great beauty. Among the women Ye Fan has seen, only Nangong Xuefu can compare with her.

"Trouble! What a big trouble!"

"Lin Tianyou" frowned, feeling very irritated.

He could defeat or even kill these two people at a higher level, but he really couldn't be cruel.

After all, they are just here to avenge their lover.

But he couldn't tell the truth directly about this matter.

You can't tell Xu Yao that I am no longer me, I am someone else now, right?

So after a fight and barely suppressing the two of them, "Lin Tianyou" could only find an opportunity to continue his crazy escape.

This pursuit was thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye.

"Lin Tianyou" can't escape the pursuit of the two women, and the two women can't do anything to him.

So, one could only continue to run away, and the two continued to chase.

"It seems that we have no choice but to head to Zhongzhou!"

The clone did not have a void tower and could easily escape the pursuit of the two women, so he had to find another way to go to another domain through the teleportation array.

As for the teleportation array, the ancient teleportation array that Wang Wei used back then should still be there.

Ye Fan shook his head and stopped paying attention to the clone's situation.

He is currently preparing for Infant Formation and can't take care of the clone for the time being.

"Lin Tianyou" doesn't know the exact location of the ancient teleportation array, but he generally knows that this teleportation array is not far from Fanjin City, at the junction of Sunset Mountain Range and Liuying Forest.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you! 100 million).

Ye Fan thought about where he would put his Nascent Soul.

Fortunately, the two finally arrived near Tejin City at this time.

This is the best solution Ye Fan can think of.

"This place should be in the southern waters of Zhongzhou!"

Finally, three hundred miles east of Fanjin City, "Lin Tianyou" found the extremely secret ancient teleportation array at the bottom of a canyon.

It was precisely in order to avoid the two men's pursuit that "Lin Tianyou" accidentally hid in this canyon.

"I'm 217 years old this year. It's pretty good to have condensed Nascent Soul at this age!"

As a result, "Lin Tianyou" fled in the direction of Fanjin City.

Therefore, "Lin Tianyou" activated the ancient teleportation array without hesitation, and soon, his figure disappeared on the teleportation array platform.

Xu Yao and Yu Po's pursuit lasted for half a year, and they were persistent.

"That's fine. The clone has come to Zhongzhou. From now on, we can find a private place to grow up in a vulgar way."

Ye Fan's clone "Lin Tianyou" looked at the simple teleportation array in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

"Lin Tianyou" turned over and stood up from the ground.

"It seems that there is God's will in the dark!"

"What is this place?"

In Hongye City, Ye Fan's eyes flickered, and he sensed that his clone had escaped Xu Yao's pursuit.

"Just find a secret place outside the city!"

This search lasted another half a year.

"Let's meet with me first!"

The discovery of the ancient teleportation array was purely accidental.

The teleportation array was intact. He tried to take out the Supreme Grade spirit stone and tried it. Sure enough, it could still be used.

"Lin Tianyou" pondered for a moment and quickly made a decision.

He quickly made up his mind.

Soon, he speculated based on the information he knew.

"The clone finally escaped?"

Speaking of which, he was able to discover the teleportation array thanks to Xu Yao and Yun Po.

So, he began a careful search in this area.

The other end of the ancient teleportation array is on a secret island, surrounded by lush vegetation and several low-level monsters roaring nearby.


…Please give me flowers…

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